【#おしどりマコさん 部分文字起こし】2020.3.19(日本時間) WHO #新型コロナウイルス #COVID-19 に関するメディアブリーフィング 「感染拡大防止には、検査と隔離」

おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 「WHOはCOVID19が疑われる全てのケースの隔離、検査、治療をすること、そして全ての接触者の追跡を引き続き推奨します、そしてそれは全ての国の対策のバックボーンでなければいけない。 これは、コミュニティへの感染拡大を防ぐための希望です」 twitter.com/who/status/124…

2020-03-19 02:19:08
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"WHO continues to recommend that isolating, testing and treating every suspected #COVID19 case, and tracing every contact, must be the backbone of the response in every country. This is the best hope of preventing widespread community transmission"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:21:41
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 1ヶ月前、韓国はCOVID 19の感染拡大に直面したけど降伏しなかった。 コミュニティを教育し、権限を与え、関与させた。 革新的な検査ストラテジーを開発し(ドライブスルー?) ラボ容量を拡大し、マスクの使用を調整した。 twitter.com/who/status/124…

2020-03-19 02:25:02
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"A month ago, 🇰🇷 was faced with accelerating #COVID19 community transmission. But it didn’t surrender. It educated, empowered & engaged communities It developed an innovative testing strategy & expanded lab capacity It rationed the use of masks ..."-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:23:02
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO [韓国]当該の地域では徹底的に接触者の追跡と検査を実施した。 そして、病院や自宅ではなく、指定された施設に疑わしい症例を隔離した。 結果として、COVID19は数週間減少している。 twitter.com/who/status/124…

2020-03-19 02:29:24
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"... [🇰🇷] It did exhaustive contact tracing and testing in selected areas And it isolated suspected cases in designated facilities rather than hospitals or at home. As a result, #COVID19 cases have been declining for weeks"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:23:03
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO WHOは、可能な限り、見つけた軽度のCOVID 19の症例を医療施設で隔離し、訓練を受けた専門家が医療を提供し、病状の進行と感染拡大を防ぐことを推奨し続ける twitter.com/who/status/124…

2020-03-19 02:36:37
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Likewise, WHO continues to recommend that, wherever possible, confirmed mild #COVID19 cases should be isolated in health facilities, where trained professionals can provide good medical care, and prevent clinical progression and onward transmission"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:24:23
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO それが不可能な場合、各国はコミュニティ施設を使用し、 軽度のCOVID19症例を隔離&ケアし、必要に応じて専門的なケアを迅速に与えるということもできる twitter.com/who/status/124…

2020-03-19 02:39:47
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"If that’s not possible, countries can use community facilities to isolate & care for mild #COVID19 cases & refer them for specialized care quickly if needed"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:24:33
おしどりマコ@脱被ばく。知りたがりの怒りんぼで半径5mを変えていく。 @makomelo

WHO 医療崩壊するからリスクがある場合、軽度のCOVID19は自宅でケアできる。 これは理想的な状況では無い、 が、WHOは、ホームケアを可能な限り安全にする方法について、WHOのWebサイトでアドバイスしている twitter.com/who/status/124…

2020-03-19 02:42:36
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"If health facilities are at risk of being overwhelmed, people with mild #COVID19 disease can be cared for at home. Although this is not the ideal situation, WHO has advice on our website for how home-care can be provided as safely as possible"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:24:46
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"It’s now more than a month since the last case of #Ebola in #DRC. If it stays that way, the outbreak will be declared over in less than a month’s time. We’d like to thank all our partners for their solidarity in staying the course in the service of the people of 🇨🇩"-@DrTedros

2020-03-19 01:18:45
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"That same spirit of solidarity must be at the centre of our efforts to defeat #COVID19. More than 200,000 cases have been reported to WHO & more than 8000 people have lost their lives. More than 80% of all cases are from two regions – the @WHOWPRO & @WHO_Europe"-@DrTedros

2020-03-19 01:19:20
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"We know that many countries now face escalating epidemics & are feeling overwhelmed. We hear you. We know the tremendous difficulties you face & the enormous burden you’re under. We understand the heart-wrenching choices you are having to make"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:19:42
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"We understand that different countries and communities are in different situations, with different levels of #COVID19 transmission"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:19:53
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Every day, WHO is talking to ministers of health, heads of state, #healthworkers, hospital managers, industry leaders, CEOs and more – to help them prepare and prioritize, according to their specific situation"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:20:41
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Don’t assume your community won’t be affected. Prepare as if it will be. Don’t assume you won’t be infected. Prepare as if you will be. But there is hope. There are many things all countries can do"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:21:00
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Physical distancing measures like cancelling sporting events, concerts & other large gatherings can: -help to slow the #coronavirus transmission -reduce the burden on the health system -help to make epidemics manageable, allowing targeted and focused measures"-@DrTedros #COVID19

2020-03-19 01:21:17
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"But to suppress and control epidemics, countries must isolate, test, treat and trace. If they don’t, transmission chains can continue at a low level, then resurge once physical distancing measures are lifted"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:21:30
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"WHO continues to recommend that isolating, testing and treating every suspected #COVID19 case, and tracing every contact, must be the backbone of the response in every country. This is the best hope of preventing widespread community transmission"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:21:41
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Many countries are listening to our call & finding solutions to increase their ability to implement the full package of measures that have turned the tide in several countries"-@DrTedros #COVID19 #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:22:01
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"But we know that some countries are experiencing intense epidemics with extensive #COVID19 community transmission. We understand the effort required to suppress transmission in these situations. But it can be done"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:22:18
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"A month ago, 🇰🇷 was faced with accelerating #COVID19 community transmission. But it didn’t surrender. It educated, empowered & engaged communities It developed an innovative testing strategy & expanded lab capacity It rationed the use of masks ..."-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:23:02
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"... [🇰🇷] It did exhaustive contact tracing and testing in selected areas And it isolated suspected cases in designated facilities rather than hospitals or at home. As a result, #COVID19 cases have been declining for weeks"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:23:03
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"At the peak in 🇰🇷 there were more than 800 #COVID19 cases and yesterday there were only 90 cases"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:24:01
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"WHO is working in solidarity with other countries with #COVID19 community transmission to apply the lessons learned in 🇰🇷 and elsewhere, and adapt them to the local context"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:24:12
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"Likewise, WHO continues to recommend that, wherever possible, confirmed mild #COVID19 cases should be isolated in health facilities, where trained professionals can provide good medical care, and prevent clinical progression and onward transmission"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:24:23
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"If that’s not possible, countries can use community facilities to isolate & care for mild #COVID19 cases & refer them for specialized care quickly if needed"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:24:33
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"If health facilities are at risk of being overwhelmed, people with mild #COVID19 disease can be cared for at home. Although this is not the ideal situation, WHO has advice on our website for how home-care can be provided as safely as possible"-@DrTedros #coronavirus

2020-03-19 01:24:46