
小宮貫太郎 @KantaroKomiyaJP

なぜアメリカでは黒人が圧倒的に新型肺炎で死んでいるのか、NYTのWells記者の連続ツイートがすごく分かりやすいです。280字で解説かつ全て出典を示しているのも記者としてすごい。 twitter.com/nhannahjones/s…

2020-04-08 12:28:43
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

When Covid-19 first hit America hard last month, the narrative was that it was the great equalizer, that in such a divided nation, our shared humanity meant we would be equal in our suffering. But those of us who understand racial caste in America knew this could never be true.

2020-04-06 23:57:05
小宮貫太郎 @KantaroKomiyaJP

抄訳 1) ・新型コロナがアメリカでも感染拡大し始めた時、これは分断の進んだアメリカという国において「ウイルスの下の平等」という共通の概念をもたらすgreat equalizerだという見方もあった。が、アメリカの人種カースト社会の根深さを知っている我々はそれはあり得ないと分かっていた。

2020-04-08 12:45:02
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

While the face of coronavirus in the media has been disproportionately white, race data trickling out shows that the victims, particularly those dying from it, are disproportionately black. So much so that sources in some hospitals say every patient on a vent is black. Here's y.

2020-04-07 00:00:11
小宮貫太郎 @KantaroKomiyaJP

2) ・メディアで多く報道されている白人患者の姿に反して、新型コロナの犠牲者、特に死者は圧倒的に黒人が多い。 ・シカゴでは、黒人は市人口の3割なのに対して、新型肺炎の死者の7割を占めている。 ・黒人が人口のわずか14%のミシガン州では、新型コロナ陽性患者の35%、肺炎死者の40%が黒人だった。

2020-04-08 12:51:43
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

In Chicago, a city where black people account for less than 30 percent of the population, 70 percent of the people who have died from Covid-19 are black. wbez.org/shows/wbez-new…

2020-04-07 00:02:36
リンク WBEZ Chicago In Chicago, 70% of COVID-19 Deaths Are Black Black residents make up only 23% of the population in Cook County, yet they account for more than half of the COVID-19 deaths. 1 user 7081
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

In Michigan, black people account for about 14 percent of the population, but are 35 percent of confirmed Covid-19 cases and 40 percent of the deaths. freep.com/story/news/loc…

2020-04-07 00:04:13
リンク Detroit Free Press African Americans lead in coronavirus cases, deaths in Michigan African Americans account for 35% of confirmed cases in Michigan and 40% of deaths from COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. 11948
小宮貫太郎 @KantaroKomiyaJP

3) ・ウィスコンシン州ミルウォーキー郡では、陽性患者のほぼ半分・死者の実に81%が黒人だった。黒人の郡人口比率はわずか26%なのに。 ・パンデミックの中心地、NY市の人種ごとのデータはまだ明らかではないが、所得データを見る限り低所得者層の黒人や他の有色人種の集住地域が最も影響を受けている。

2020-04-08 12:56:11
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

In Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, black people account for 26 percent of the population, nearly half of its coronavirus cases and 81 percent of its deaths. propublica.org/article/early-…

2020-04-07 00:06:05
小宮貫太郎 @KantaroKomiyaJP

4) ・新型コロナはアメリカで最も弱い立場にある人々を危機に晒していて、そして貧困層の黒人(とネイティブアメリカン)がまさにそうした人々に該当する。なぜ彼らが新型肺炎を発症する可能性が高いのか、住居・労働環境・健康状態など様々な要因がある。

2020-04-08 13:00:21
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

We don't have race data available yet for NYC, the epicenter of the American branch of the pandemic, but based on income data, we can see that it is hitting low-income black and brown neighborhoods the hardest. www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/dow…

2020-04-07 00:08:00
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Covid-19 attacks groups who are most vulnerable and in America, no one is more vulnerable than poor black people (and poor Native people.) A host of issues ensured black people would contract and die from coronavirus at the highest rates, including housing, employment and heath.

2020-04-07 00:09:49
小宮貫太郎 @KantaroKomiyaJP

5) ・まず、黒人は白人に比べてサービス業種に就いている場合がとても多い。つまり不特定多数の人と接触し、テレワーク不可の職場で仕事をしている可能性が高い。 ・最も自家用車所持率が低く、最も長距離を通勤し、最も多く公共交通機関を使っているのも黒人であり、さらに感染可能性を高めている。

2020-04-08 13:06:02
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Black Americans are far more likely to work in service sector jobs than white Americans, meaning they were far more likely to work jobs where they come in contact with a lot of strangers and where they could not social distance and work from home. prb.org/racialinequali… pic.twitter.com/XV2pLyL9JC

2020-04-07 00:12:21
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Black Americans are the least likely to own a car, the travel the furthest distance to get to work, and are the most likely to take public transit, again, meaning they were mostly likely to be exposed to large numbers of strangers in cramped quarters. brookings.edu/wp-content/upl… pic.twitter.com/X2iDd8Vsan

2020-04-07 00:14:39
小宮貫太郎 @KantaroKomiyaJP

6) ・持ち家所有率が最も低いのも黒人であり、一戸建て住宅に住めず、集合住宅での生活の中でより多くの人と接触する機会が多い。 ・そしてもし新型肺炎を発症した場合、致死率の高い合併症を患っている可能性が高いのも黒人だ。白人に比べて高血圧は40%、糖尿病は2倍、気管支炎は3倍可能性が高い。

2020-04-08 13:12:42
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Black Americans have the lowest homeownership rates, meaning that even in the places they are sheltering in place, they are coming in contact with far more people than those who live in single-family homes. pic.twitter.com/2L8RbHmnDC

2020-04-07 00:17:28
小宮貫太郎 @KantaroKomiyaJP

6) ・「これは人種問題ではなく階級の問題だ」と主張する人々が来る前に言っておきたいが、この問題は両方が関わっている。またアメリカでは黒人の貧困率は他人種に比べて最も高いが、ほとんどの黒人は貧困層ではない。そこで、次になぜこのような医療の問題が階級を跨いで存在するのかを示したい。

2020-04-08 13:21:30
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Now, even as black Americans risked higher exposure, they already disproportionately suffer the comorbidities that make Covid-19 so deadly. Black Americans are 40 % more likely to have hypertension than white, twice as likely to have diabetes, up to 3x asthma hospitilization. pic.twitter.com/F49AKNOqru

2020-04-07 00:26:43
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Now, consider that we all thought the virus did not really kill younger people *until* it arrived in the U.S. Well, this makes sense. Black Americans health outcomes are so abysmal that younger black people are suffering from the diseases WE TYPICALLY SEE ONLY IN OLDER PEOPLE. pic.twitter.com/AVvLABJ0MP

2020-04-07 00:30:08
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Now, before all the its class-not-race people jump in here, let me assure you it's both/and. Black Americans have the highest poverty rate in the nation, but most black people are not poor and now I am going to show you how these health effects transcend class.

2020-04-07 00:34:00
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

US Census data shows the affluent black people live in neighborhoods with higher concentrations of poverty than poor white Americans. s4.ad.brown.edu/Projects/Diver… pic.twitter.com/W6cC1hzgeq

2020-04-07 00:43:08
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

These neighborhoods are the most likely to be near toxic sites that cause some of the the underlying conditions that make Covid-19 so deadly. motherjones.com/environment/20…

2020-04-07 00:44:38