Steven Wilson "Hand. Cannot. Erase." 本人による解説の試訳

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

Hello folks, welcome to this Twitter listening party for my 2015 album Hand. Cannot. Erase. with @Tim_Burgess! Start playing the album from the start at 9pm on the dot and follow along with the hashtag #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 04:55:00

やあみんな、僕の2015年のアルバム『Hand. Cannot. Erase.』を聴く Twitter リスニングパーティーへようこそ!
主催は @Tim_Burgess だ。9時ぴったりに再生を始めて、ハッシュタグ #TimsTwitterListeningParty で語り合おう。

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

Hand. Cannot. Erase. is definitely one of the most popular albums I’ve made. It seems to resonate with a lot of different people with various musical tastes. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:00:00

『Hand. Cannot. Erase.』は明確に、僕が作ったアルバムのうち最も人気があるものの一つだ。色々な音楽的趣向を持つ、様々な人々に響く作品になっていると思うよ。

First Regret

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

The album started off as something called ‘My Book Of Regrets’, based on a different concept, and some of the music and titles were carried over to the final album. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:01:00

このアルバムの制作は当初『My Book Of Regrets』という名前の、今とは異なる主題に沿って始まったんだ。いくつかの音楽的要素や曲名は最終的にアルバムにそのまま残ったよ。

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

In true concept album style, this piano melody is a sort of pre-echo of a theme that will re-occur at the climax of the album. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:01:01


Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

The piano was made to sound broken and wobbly, like the music was a memory of something gone, rusted and decayed. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:01:37


Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

The album is inspired by the story of Joyce Carol Vincent, whose skeletal remains were found in her flat in North London in January 2006, undiscovered for over 2 years. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:03:00

このアルバムは Joyce Carol Vincent という実在人物の物語から着想を得ている。彼女はロンドン北部のアパートの部屋で死後2年以上誰にも気づかれず、白骨化して発見されたんだ。

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

Her body was surrounded by wrapped Christmas gifts and the TV was still on. How is this possible?! There is a great film called Dreams of a Life about Joyce, and it was this which first made me aware of her story. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:03:32


同じく彼女をテーマにした『Dreams of a Life』という素晴らしい映画があって、それを観て彼女のことを初めて知ったんだ。

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

Joyce wasn’t old or unpopular, quite the reverse, so her fate tells us a lot about the modern world and how disconnected we have become from each other. In these days of enforced social distancing and self-isolation I guess it’s even more poignant. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:04:27



Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

It’s important to say that the album is not the story of Joyce, it only takes the circumstances of her death as a starting point to create a narrative about a completely fictional character. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:05:48

ひとつ明確にしておきたいのは、このアルバムは Joyce 本人の物語ではない。あくまで彼女が亡くなった状況を創作の出発点として、完全に架空の人物について綴ったものであるというところだ。

Three Years Older

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

This first song ‘Three Years Older’ sets up this character, with scenes from her childhood. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:06:39

最初の曲「Three Years Older」では、その幼少期の情景を通して主人公を紹介している。

Steven Wilson @StevenWilsonHQ

The music for this developed during sessions for my previous album The Raven That Refused to Sing. It has the more traditional prog rock aspect of that album. Maybe it's a bit old-fashioned in that respect, but it does open things up in epic style. #TimsTwitterListeningParty

2020-04-22 05:09:01
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