

James Gunn @JamesGunn

Great news. Mantis & Gef the Ravager themselves - @PomKlementieff & @steveagee - will be joining us tonight for the #GotGVol2 #QuarantineWatchParty. Please bombard them with questions. Also maybe @seangunn will join if his lazy ass texts me back. pic.twitter.com/zOCd3Izkcq

2020-04-24 02:44:02
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo


2020-04-24 02:50:52
James Gunn @JamesGunn

And @prattprattpratt will be joining us as well! To join simply start the movie at exactly 6 pm PST/ 9 pm EST and use hashtags #QuarantineWatchParty & #GotGVol2 to join the conversation. Use our handles if you have a question for us. twitter.com/prattprattprat…

2020-04-24 07:53:42
Chris Pratt @prattprattpratt

Katherine has never seen it!!! Can I join as well? It will be the perfect excuse to make her watch it for the first time!! #QuarantineWatchParty #GotGVol2 twitter.com/JamesGunn/stat…

2020-04-24 06:27:27
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo

どぉおおおお??!!!>RT 今日のGotG2同時上映に、マンティス役のポム・クレメンティフは参加決定してたけど、急遽、クリス・プラットも参加することにー!!! 豪華過ぎる同時上映やな!!!今日は参加できるぞー!!!

2020-04-24 07:57:33
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo

準備は良いぞ!!!GotG2同時上映!!! まぁ、私は感想というよりはガン監督のツイートを追いかけるに過ぎないのですが。 pic.twitter.com/as0Nz2YZua

2020-04-24 09:14:13
James Gunn @JamesGunn

Going live in under 10 minutes with the Guardians Vol 2 watch party with me, @prattprattpratt, @PomKlementieff, @seangunn & @steveagee. Start the movie at exactly 6 pm PST/9 pm EST and join in with hashtags #QuarantineWatchParty & #GotGVol2.

2020-04-24 09:54:46
James Gunn @JamesGunn

If you’re not watching along you might want to mute me for the next hour and twenty minutes because it might get a little overwhelming. 😳 #QuarantineWatchParty #GotGVol2

2020-04-24 09:54:47
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo

GotG2同時上映まで10分きった!ポムとかクリプラも参加するよ~!あと、今から1時間20分ほどは私のことをミュートしたくなるかも😳 ってツイートしている>RT

2020-04-24 09:57:58
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo


2020-04-24 09:59:51
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo


2020-04-24 10:01:07
James Gunn @JamesGunn

Set in Missouri my hometown but shot in Atlanta Georgia. Brandy by Looking Glass is one of my all time favorite songs. This was actually behind a Dairy Queen. #QuarantineWatchParty #GotGVol2

2020-04-24 10:02:08
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo


2020-04-24 10:05:06
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo


2020-04-24 10:16:01
James Gunn @JamesGunn

As everyone knows by now that’s me dancing as Baby Groot. We planned and put together this single shot sequence for over two years. #QuarantineWatchParty #GotGVol2

2020-04-24 10:05:24
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo


2020-04-24 10:10:04
James Gunn @JamesGunn

The small creature is an orloni which you see Rocket and Drax betting on in the first movie. They are the cockroaches/rats of the Galaxy ans have proliferated everywhere. #QuarantineWatchParty #GotGVol2

2020-04-24 10:07:48
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo


2020-04-24 10:11:51
James Gunn @JamesGunn

The comedy chemistry between @prattprattpratt & @bautista is some of my favorite in the world. #QuarantineWatchParty #GotGVol2

2020-04-24 10:14:49
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo

クリプラ(ピーター)とバウティスタ(ドラックス)の掛け合い(コメディの化学反応)はこの世界で好きなものの一つですって。>RT わかるーーーーかわいいし面白い。私も好き。

2020-04-24 10:19:22
James Gunn @JamesGunn

The movie is also about Ego with a big E - the character - and a small e - the true obstacle for each of our characters. Here you see Rocket and Quill’s egos clashing. #QuarantineWatchParty #GotGVol2

2020-04-24 10:18:38
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo

GotG2では自我のぶつかり合いを描いてるけど、それは主にエゴのでかい自我についてだけど、ここ(ソヴリンの部隊に追いかけられて追いつめられるシーン)ではロケットとスタロの自我の衝突をしてるのが分かるねって。>RT ここのコンビめちゃめちゃ好きだからもっとぶつかってくれーーーーー

2020-04-24 10:24:39
くず(🐘) @kienaikamo


2020-04-24 10:26:11
James Gunn @JamesGunn

Kurt Russell kept calling @prattprattpratt “Star Wars” instead of Star Lord in this scene. He couldn’t get it out of his head! 🤣#QuarantineWatchParty #GotGVol2

2020-04-24 10:29:35
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