
Kazumi Chin🪁 @kazumiochin

Racists have three strategies: telling u ur dumb, playing dumb when ur smarter than them, and actually just be stupid af and not knowing wtf is going on

2020-04-26 18:26:20
Kazumi Chin🪁 @kazumiochin

The responses in Quinn’s thread really show us how important it is to critique fantasy, because if the alt right is willing to go to bat to defend bioessentialism in games, you know damn well it’s important for us to abolish it

2020-04-26 18:29:31
Kazumi Chin🪁 @kazumiochin

This should serve as a wake up call to everyone who is on the fence about it. Do you want to defend the very thing that alt right pigs will bully and attack ppl over? Can you finally give up your allegiance to fantasy races now?

2020-04-26 18:30:48
Kazumi Chin🪁 @kazumiochin

Let us imagine fantasy without the core of essentially differentiated races. Let us imagine worlds built on something other than essential racial difference. If we must engage in it, let us do so from a place of critique. Stop playing alt right fantasy

2020-04-26 18:33:29







Jon East (away, streaming, check 📌) @yes_jon

@kazumiochin For anyone trying to twist the message here: By all means, put elves, dwarves and orcs in your games. But ask yourselves 2 questions: 1) What does it mean that high elves are by default more intelligent than others, or that orcs are by default barbaric and ugly?

2020-04-27 05:39:06
Jon East (away, streaming, check 📌) @yes_jon

@kazumiochin 2) Can you consolidate that with the fact that the person who paved the way for these tropes (JRR) literally wrote letters about how he based orcs on "Mongols"? Actually, let me add a 3rd question: Why is it so important for you to have (non-cosmetic) racial differences?

2020-04-27 05:40:43





Jon East (away, streaming, check 📌) @yes_jon

@kazumiochin Hey Kazumi, just wanted to let you know that I wholeheartedly agree with and endorse this message. Lot of blocking to do in these replies, but stay strong! 💜

2020-04-27 05:31:40


Kazumi Chin🪁 @kazumiochin

@QforQuijote Thanks! all of their harassment really just continues to reinforce my point: if they're SO DESPERATE to defend having bioessentialism in their games, we really need to think about whether we want to play in the same space, and what work we can do to move towards new imaginings

2020-04-27 05:35:18


CONVICT-ION #ZineQuest is now live! @Aryl_Ether

@kazumiochin I agree with this so much! I try to avoid any RPGs with races in them.

2020-04-26 18:42:38


Suitably Bored @SuitablyB0r3d

@kazumiochin When something says "barbaric, uncivilized, and violent", the first thing you think about is a certain race of people? And you have the moral audacity to claim people are racist? Maybe it is time to have a good look in the mirror to see who the real racist is. pic.twitter.com/QA5kkkZGMj

2020-04-27 03:06:54


Dattoffer @dattoffer

@kazumiochin That's right, let YOU imagine fantasy like YOU wish. And let other people imagine fantasy like THEY wish. If you want to pour your political engagement in your fantasy setting, it's your choice, and I think it's great if you make that setting entitling, it can bring progress...

2020-04-27 02:50:30
Dattoffer @dattoffer

@kazumiochin ...to the world. But people who chose not to be politically engaged in their creations should not see the opinions of their fiction be associated with their own. You can imagine a society that is intolerant and bigoted, that doesn't automatically make you a bigot. That kind of...

2020-04-27 02:53:43
Dattoffer @dattoffer

@kazumiochin ...assumption really is toxic and people who chose not to pour their activism in their creations are not criminals. Their only fault is chosing not to be activists.

2020-04-27 02:55:09


That Grey Silhouette @Thegrayflatone

@kazumiochin I'm not going to stop putting non-humans in my work. Whether they be aliens, orcs, mole people. Alien biology is fun to write. Sociology not so much.

2020-04-27 07:47:53


Noti Saganaki @Salamomoutro

@kazumiochin "If you ahve fantasy races in your fantasy world, that is Nazi" This is some of the most deranged disingenuous and illiterate shit I have read. Congratulations

2020-04-27 05:44:40
