Mathematica Tips

@MathematicaTip のツイートをまとめました。数式処理プログラム Mathematica を使う人にとって便利な Tips が満載! 新しいツイートはこちら 続きを読む
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Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Set up a form function: form = FormFunction[{"first" -> "String", "second" -> "Number"}, f]

2014-10-31 00:10:45
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Build a URL with a query: URLBuild[{"", "search"}, {"q" -> "Mathematica"}]

2014-10-30 00:12:07
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Test if a matrix is orthogonal: OrthogonalMatrixQ[1/Sqrt[2] {{1, -1}, {1, 1}}]

2014-10-29 00:06:01
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Read a single frame from the default camera: DeviceRead["Camera"]

2014-10-28 00:12:26
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Color the countries of the world by their net migration: GeoRegionValuePlot[CountryData[] -> "NetMigration", PlotLegends -> Histogram]

2014-10-23 03:02:13
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find the effective temperature of a star: StarData["Rigel", "EffectiveTemperature"]

2014-10-22 00:45:13
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Highlight mesh edges: \[ScriptCapitalR] = BoundaryMeshRegion[{{0, 0},{1, 0},{0, 1}},Line[{1, 2, 3, 1}]]; HighlightMesh[\[ScriptCapitalR],1]

2014-10-21 00:14:49
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find a canonical graph of the Pappus graph: GraphData["PappusGraph"]

2014-10-18 00:22:46
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find formula names with FormulaLookup: FormulaLookup["kinetic energy"]

2014-10-17 00:28:55
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Sort the elements in an association by their keys: KeySort[<|b -> y, c -> z, a -> x|>]

2014-10-16 00:09:12
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Deploy a graphic to the cloud as a GIF image: CloudDeploy[ExportForm[Graphics[Disk[]], "GIF"]]

2014-10-14 23:42:58
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Compute the first several alternating factorial numbers: Table[AlternatingFactorial[k], {k, 12}]

2014-10-14 02:52:17
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Execute a command with a specified parameter: command = "DayName"; param = Today; DeviceExecute["FunctionDemo", command, param]

2014-10-11 00:53:12
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find the mass of a moon: PlanetaryMoonData["Phobos", "Mass"]

2014-10-10 01:31:30
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Get a list of sample entities for universities: UniversityData["SampleEntities"]

2014-10-09 02:09:15
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Convert a DateObject from one time zone to another: TimeZoneConvert[ DateObject[{2001, 1, 1, 20, 8, 3}, TimeZone -> 4], $TimeZone]

2014-10-08 01:47:28
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Random ball collections: Graphics3D[ Table[{Hue[RandomReal[]], Ball[RandomReal[1, {3}], RandomReal[0.1]]}, {200}]]

2014-10-07 00:05:48
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Graph layouts on curves: Table[PathGraph[Range[20], GraphLayout -> l, PlotLabel -> l], {l, {"CircularEmbedding", "SpiralEmbedding"}}]

2014-10-04 02:12:53
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Render a template: TemplateApply[ StringTemplate["Hello, my name is ``. I'm feeling ``."], {"Bob", "good"}]

2014-10-03 04:53:39
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find the nearest point in the unit disk: RegionNearest[Disk[], {2, 2}]

2014-10-02 00:06:23
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Mandelbrot complement as checkerboard: MandelbrotSetPlot[EscapeRadius->10,ColorFunction->(If[#3 ==1,Blue,If[Sign@Im[#5]>=0,Red,Green]]&)]

2014-09-30 23:51:36
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

3D space-filling molecular plot for caffeine: ChemicalData["Caffeine", "SpaceFillingMoleculePlot"]

2014-09-30 00:37:47
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Get the common names of properties: CommonName[Take[EntityProperties["Aircraft"], 5]]

2014-09-27 00:04:00
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find the first element in a list matching an integer: FirstCase[{a, b, c, 5, 6, 7}, _Integer]

2014-09-26 01:26:10
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

An API function with an optional parameter having a default value: APIFunction[{"y" -> "Number" -> 4}, #y + 3 &][<||>]

2014-09-25 01:09:52
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