
これはハリポタファンにとってたまらない企画…! 今年の夏までに17章の朗読が順次公開されていくそうなので、続きも楽しみですね!
静山社 @sayzansha


2020-05-11 17:01:29
静山社 @sayzansha

ハリーのように愛される良質な翻訳本づくりに、わくわくするような児童書を発刊しています。 「ハリー・ポッター」シリーズ、『十年屋』などの作品情報や作者のちょっとした裏話なども発信中♪


リンク www.sayzansha.com 〈おうちでハリー・ポッター〉プロジェクト のお知らせ - 株式会社 静山社 静山社はハリー・ポッターなどの外国文学を中心とした書籍を出版している会社です。


J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling

Some very lovely people have done a wonderful thing. #HarryPotterAtHome twitter.com/wizardingworld…

2020-05-05 22:13:16
Wizarding World @wizardingworld

Surprise! We've got a treat for you…From today, amazing friends of the Wizarding World are going to take turns reading Harry Potter book one. And to start us off with Chapter 1, we think you’ll agree we have the perfect narrator...⚡️ #HarryPotterAtHome wizarding.world/6006178ae pic.twitter.com/Q03PmjeD5d

2020-05-05 22:10:22
Wizarding World @wizardingworld

Surprise! We've got a treat for you…From today, amazing friends of the Wizarding World are going to take turns reading Harry Potter book one. And to start us off with Chapter 1, we think you’ll agree we have the perfect narrator...⚡️ #HarryPotterAtHome wizarding.world/6006178ae pic.twitter.com/Q03PmjeD5d

2020-05-05 22:10:22
Wizarding World @wizardingworld

And that's not all! Over the coming weeks, we’re going to be joined by other familiar faces reading all 17 chapters of Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone. wizarding.world/600217DRE

2020-05-05 22:19:45


各章を読んだ後、一緒に考えてみたいクイズ形式のコンテンツもThe Wizarding World Teamが作成。クイズに取り組むと"1 house point"がもらえる。

Wizarding World @wizardingworld

Finished your chapter read with Daniel Radcliffe? Take part in our Chapter Challenges. Aimed at parents with young readers (or those young at heart!) who want to get crafty and earn themselves house points during Harry Potter At Home. #HarryPotterAtHome wizarding.world/600317ygc

2020-05-06 00:48:43



Wizarding World @wizardingworld

It's here! Get cosy because we're joined by Cursed Child's very first Hermione Granger @MissDumezweni as we venture into Chapter Two: 'The Vanishing Glass' 🐍 #HarryPotterAtHome wizarding.world/60091C1E5 pic.twitter.com/FdrWhLssM2

2020-05-09 00:03:32
Wizarding World @wizardingworld

Chapter Two is significant in book one as it's the first time we see Harry talk to a snake hinting at things to come... Watch 'The Vanishing Glass' with @MissDumezweni wizarding.world/60091C1E5 #HarryPotterAtHome pic.twitter.com/HekDFerR38

2020-05-12 02:30:11
Wizarding World @wizardingworld

Try all 7 challenges and collect more house points here! wizarding.world/60051Cng9

2020-05-12 18:55:20


Wizarding World @wizardingworld

*Drumroll* We have Chapter Three! The narrator delivering it is... Mr E Redmayne, from the sitting room at home, not the cupboard under the stairs. Open 'The Letters From No One' now. ✉️ #HarryPotterAtHome wizarding.world/60041h1h2 pic.twitter.com/rI4QOVjcCr

2020-05-12 22:05:25
Wizarding World @wizardingworld

Have you and your family been taking part in our Chapter Challenges? If not you can jump right in and show off your house pride by earning house points for each challenge. #HarryPotterAtHome wizarding.world/60071h3Xz

2020-05-13 02:19:13


Wizarding World @wizardingworld

The next chapter we'll be visiting is 'The Letters From No One'. Want to be first to know who's reading next? Sign up to the Harry Potter Fan Club: wizarding.world/60081C1GG

2020-05-12 02:35:52


魔法ワールド公式 @wizardingw_jp

\📚#おうちで魔法✨/ #ハリーポッター を演じたダニエル・ラドクリフなど豪華な面々が朗読する『ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石』の無料配信がスタート💫 今すぐチェックする👇 wizarding.world/60061fPDO ※音声は英語です #ハリポタ #魔法ワールド pic.twitter.com/ftTi6wcxjO

2020-05-08 15:53:47
魔法ワールド公式 @wizardingw_jp

/ 『ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石』 📚朗読配信✨ \ 記念すべき第1章の朗読は 💫ダニエル・ラドクリフ💫 動画の視聴はこちらから👇 wizardingworld.com/chapters/readi… ※音声は英語 Spotifyでもお楽しみいただけます🦉 open.spotify.com/episode/5Zc9gi… ※音声のみ #おうちで魔法 pic.twitter.com/1TQIwFPBEv

2020-05-08 16:18:37
魔法ワールド公式 @wizardingw_jp

/ 「ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石」 📚朗読配信✨ \ 第2章の朗読は舞台「ハリー・ポッターと呪いの子」でハーマイオニーを演じるノーマ・ドゥメズウェニ💫 動画🔻 wizarding.world/60091C1E5 ※音声は英語 Spotify🔻 open.spotify.com/episode/0UZWyF… ※音声のみ #おうちで魔法 pic.twitter.com/JXC863TeYU

2020-05-09 08:06:45