マスクを付けることで、新型コロナウイルスに感染したとしても、重症化回避出来る可能性(2020.7.25作成) #換気 #エアロゾル #airborne

金王坂兵衛 @KNZ48

マスクによる被曝量の減少が発症した場合の深刻度の低下にもつながる模様と。 twitter.com/DrEricDing/sta…

2020-07-24 21:30:39
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

⚠️Huge: Masks LOWER SEVERITY of COVID too! Masks definitely reduce transmission, but scientist now think that MASKS CAN ALSO MAKE ILLNESS MILDER. How? masks may limit the dose of virus people get, & result in less severe symptoms of illness. 🧵on evidence. latimes.com/california/sto…

2020-07-24 03:06:07
リンク Los Angeles Times Wearing masks could help you avoid major illness even if you get coronavirus, experts say Skeptics say: Why wear masks if they don't filter out all coronavirus? Scientists say: Because it could mean less severe illness. 4868

Masks can protect you from more severe COVID-19, experts say - Los Angeles Times https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-07-21/masks-help-avoid-major-illness-coronavirus


Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

⚠️Huge: Masks LOWER SEVERITY of COVID too! Masks definitely reduce transmission, but scientist now think that MASKS CAN ALSO MAKE ILLNESS MILDER. How? masks may limit the dose of virus people get, & result in less severe symptoms of illness. 🧵on evidence. latimes.com/california/sto…

2020-07-24 03:06:07
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

2) Emerging evidence that masks can be protective — even when wearers do become infected: outbreak at a seafood plant in Oregon where employees were given masks, and as result an astonishing 95% of those who were infected were asymptomatic.

2020-07-24 03:07:36
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

3) A cruise ship that was traveling from Argentina to Antartica in March when the coronavirus infected people on board. Passengers got surgical masks; the crew got N95 masks. But instead of typical 40% infected asymptomatic — 81% of those testing positive were asymptomatic.

2020-07-24 03:08:39
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

4) Contrast that with the Diamond Princess first cruise ship outbreak. On Diamond Princess people didn't wear masks & only 18% of infected were asymptomatic (bit.ly/2CEoTOX). Quite lower than the 81% on the Antarctic masked cruise ship.

2020-07-24 03:10:57
リンク PubMed Central (PMC) Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship, Y On 5 February 2020, in Yokohama, Japan, a cruise ship hosting 3,711 people underwent a 2-week quarantine after a former passenger was found with COVID-19 post-disembarking. As at 20 February, 634 persons on board tested positive for the causative virus. . 320
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

5) Also there was an outbreak in a Tyson chicken plant a few weeks back in Missouri where workers had been given masks and the rate of asymptomatic infection was also 95%.

2020-07-24 03:11:37
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

6) Similarly, Oregon plant where everyone was masked and of 120 infections, 95% developed asymptomatic disease. ➡️ Bottomline: By reducing viral exposure/load, masks could help reduce disease severity. kval.com/news/local/ove…

2020-07-24 03:12:42
リンク KVAL Over 120 workers at Newport seafood plant test positive for COVID-19 SALEM, Ore. (AP) - Newport, a small coastal city, has been a blip on the radar when it comes to confirmed coronavirus cases in Oregon. Until Sunday. "Up until this point the pandemic has been distant. We have watched it unfold in other communities around 743
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

7) Another key study among Swiss soldiers. Two cohorts of soldiers (red&blue in figure) was infected prior to social distancing when there was lots of mingling—27-31% showed symptoms. Another (green) cohort got infected after going into social distancing—0% developed symptoms. pic.twitter.com/p5XVfyMNrV

2020-07-24 03:24:48
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

8) Notably the authors conclude that “difference in the clinical presentation of infected persons might be due to lower viral inoculum during infection” ➡️ Translation: lower dose of viruses exposed yielded more asymptomatic cases. academic.oup.com/cid/article/do…

2020-07-24 03:26:18
リンク OUP Academic Social distancing alters the clinical course of COVID-19 in young adults: A comparative cohort study AbstractBackground. Social distancing and stringent hygiene seem effective in reducing the number of transmitted virus particles, and therefore the infectivity 2983
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

9) Altogether, distancing and masks — which both reduce virus exposure- can potentially not only cut infection risk, but also can perhaps dampen severity of illness (more asymptomatic cases). Still a working theory, but which many scientists @AliNouriPhD @MonicaGandhi9 support.

2020-07-24 03:31:55
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

10) p.s. There are certainly many types of masks - and even then many kinds of N95, diff cloth, surgical, and critically depends on particle size of a droplet or dust. Here is a comparison (note figure from study of aerosol dust, not virus). pic.twitter.com/H9yCdiv0Kg

2020-07-24 03:34:59
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

11) In this comparison (same figure), surgical masks comparable to N95 for particles of >1 micrometer. But under 1 um, N95 clearly better, but surgically still 60%—decent. Though cloth minimally good, but recall cloth masks is intended for catching outbound droplets. pic.twitter.com/QnsX7UoicD

2020-07-24 03:44:50
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

12) I do want to caution people to NOT buy masks with valves. because of valve design masks only filters air breathed in, but not breathed out (droplets escape). CDC's universal masking guidelines is to prevent transmission from infected to other people. google.com/amp/s/abcnews.…

2020-07-24 03:47:21
リンク ABC News You may want to ditch that valve face mask: The pros and cons Mostly used in construction settings and not by health care workers, valve masks are a type of N95 mask that with a one-way valve. 7371
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

13) Others have of course discussed this before months ago where masking reduces viral load, though it wasn’t until recently had the clinical outcome of asymptomatic been lining up too. twitter.com/jessematchey/s… twitter.com/jessematchey/s…

2020-07-24 03:53:46
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

14) In one previous influenza virus study of viral load (a measure of how much virus dose), “Surgical masks produced a 3.4 (95% CI 1.8 to 6.3) fold reduction in viral copies in exhaled breath” compared to no face masks. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… pic.twitter.com/0TTsnYuHZ0

2020-07-24 04:03:30
リンク PubMed Central (PMC) Influenza Virus Aerosols in Human Exhaled Breath: Particle Size, Culturability, and Effect of Surgical Masks The CDC recommends that healthcare settings provide influenza patients with facemasks as a means of reducing transmission to staff and other patients, and a recent report suggested that surgical masks can capture influenza virus in large droplet spray. .. 1797
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

15) Furthermore, here is a study of viral load on severity of #covid19 clinical symptoms. (Lower delta-CT means higher viral load in figure). It concludes “patients with severe COVID-19 tend to have a high viral load and a long virus- shedding period.“ thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/… pic.twitter.com/c031qD3PJI

2020-07-24 04:46:41
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

16) So now, let’s connect the dots: ✅masks ➡️ lower viral load ✅lower viral load ➡️ milder #COVID19 illness 💡Masks ➡️ milder illness? ... Likely*. Many suggestive studies and examples. *Can’t always jump from A=>B & B=>C to A=>C, but data support it. 📌So let’s #WearAMask

2020-07-24 04:53:09
内田 @uchida_kawasaki

『可能性』に言及している方に、自分の考え方と違うと噛み付いてる方がスレッドの後半に。 マスクに対する拒絶反応? twitter.com/JesseMatchey/s…

2020-07-25 02:24:52