韓国スタバでCOVID-19集団感染。二次感染三次感染含めて56人(報道は2020.8.19 まとめ作成2020.9.21)

内田 @uchida_kawasaki

2020.8.19 韓国スタバ、ソウル近郊店の50人コロナ感染で席数減やマスク推奨 - ロイター jp.reuters.com/article/health…

2020-08-24 18:00:16
リンク JP 韓国スタバ、ソウル近郊店の50人コロナ感染で席数減やマスク推奨 米スターバックスの韓国現地法人は、ソウル近郊の坡州市の1店舗絡みで新型コロナウイルスの50人の集団感染が発生したことを受けて、ソウルと近郊の全店舗で席数を30%以上減らす措置を取ったと発表した。当局が16日、社会的距離の再強化を導入していた。 1 user 14
内田 @uchida_kawasaki


2020-08-24 18:00:38



Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

📍IMPORTANT Starbucks outbreak in South Korea 🇰🇷 reveals a lot: A #COVID19 infected 30 year old visited Starbucks for 2 hours➡️ then infected 56 others who visited. Likely related to 6 recirculating air conditioners. 2nd Floor hotspot. Suggests aerosols🧵 insight.co.kr/news/299857 pic.twitter.com/ekVDLGhdD9

2020-08-23 18:20:25
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

2) another article states 5 AC units and 2.5 hours: “was sitting right in front of one of the five air conditioners installed on the ceiling of the second floor of the store, and had a conversation with an acquaintance for about 2 hours and 30 minutes.” cm.asiae.co.kr/article/202008…

2020-08-23 18:24:28
リンク www.asiae.co.kr 파주 스타벅스 접촉 없었는데 '에어컨' 바람타고 전파…감염 우려 확산 경기 파주시 야당동 스타벅스에서 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 집단 감염이 확산하고 있는 가운데, 에어컨 바람을 타고 이동한 바이러스가 감염 원인으로 지목... 1 user 9
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

3) The other report states 27 people who visited the Starbucks branch visited were first confirmed. The 54 includes secondary and tertiary infections. “As of August 18th, at least 54 people have been confirmed to have been associated with secondary and tertiary infections.”

2020-08-23 18:25:29
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

4) “The quarantine authorities believe that the aerosol (air containing fine saliva) discharged while A was talking at a seat near the stairs in the corner of the store on the second floor was spread throughout the store by the air conditioner wind.”

2020-08-23 18:26:45
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

5) “It has been confirmed that all of the primary infections identified so far have stayed at the second floor store at this time. Among the confirmed cases, there were also elementary school students who were in a store on the first floor and used the toilet on the second floor”

2020-08-23 18:27:43
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

6) “so the quarantine authorities believe that a very strong virus was spread quickly through the wind of an air conditioner. there are voices of concern that the use of air conditioners has increased due to the end of the long rainy season and the heat wave has come in earnest”

2020-08-23 18:29:16
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

7) “and that ventilation is difficult in some facilities, making it difficult to comply with these guidelines. In addition, it is pointed out that even if there is a guideline, a strong recommendation from govt should be accompanied as it is a matter for companies to cooperate.”

2020-08-23 18:29:46
Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing

9) “Even if it is not, it is possible to propagate droplets of 2m or more in a closed space, and it is possible to propagate through hand contact and other public facilities. ***Taking off a mask in an indoor space is all dangerous behavior***, and please minimize those parts."

2020-08-23 18:32:06
mm @tyonarock

韓国スタバのコロナアウトブレイク (韓国語をGoogleで翻訳) 30代のコロナ陽性の女性が約2時間スタバの2階に滞在。その後56人が陽性確認された。6つのエアコンが動作しておりエアコンによる感染では?と。4人のスタッフはKF94マスクと手袋をしており誰も感染しなかった。 m.insight.co.kr/amp/news/29985…

2020-08-23 21:47:33
リンク 인사이트 파주 스타벅스 확진자 56명 나왔는데 ‘직원 4명’은 멀쩡할 수 있었던 이유 파주 스타벅스발 코로나19 확진자가 속출하고 있는데 정작 상주했던 직원들은 멀쩡한 이유가 공개됐다. 191
mm @tyonarock

ほとんどの陽性者がスタバの2階にいたのだけれど、1階にいた小学生達が2階のトイレを使用し感染したとのこと。 感染力強すぎ😨

2020-08-23 22:03:03

South Korea's responses to stop the COVID-19 pandemic - American Journal of Infection Control https://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553(20)30360-6/fulltext

Open AccessPublished:June 06, 2020DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2020.06.003

呼吸器内科医@ @neznezxmail

室内循環エアコン、換気不良空間+多人数のAirborne Transmissionと推測しますが、KF94 はフィッティングは悪そうですが、防御に寄与していますね。記事は読めませんが参考になりました。ありがとうございます😊 twitter.com/tyonarock/stat… pic.twitter.com/WAOnSS69Vj

2020-08-24 01:29:33
呼吸器内科医@ @neznezxmail

全く仰る通りです。ありがとうございます。リツイートさせていただきます☺️ 三密は大切な概念ですが、いかに空間内の人数を少なくしても、「換気不良空間」ならば意味がありません。 twitter.com/adultspotdiffe…

2020-08-24 12:36:53