
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

ウイルスが冬に強いのは主に湿度が低い事が原因。理由は3つ。遠くまで浮遊する、粘膜の状態が悪くなりウイルス排除難しくなる、免疫応答が抑制される。人は室内に90%の時間いるので室内環境が重要。ただししぶき飛ばす近距離や接触感染は別に予防必要。米イェール大教授指摘 news.yale.edu/2020/03/30/hop…

2020-04-09 06:50:03
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

ウイルス性呼吸器感染症防止のためには湿度は40-60%が最も適切。先月ウイルス学の国際雑誌にウイルスと温度湿度の関係性のレビュー論文発表した米イェール大Iwasaki教授@VirusesImmunity がインタビューに答えてます。室内環境が重要で、比較的シンプルな対処なので目安に湿度管理すべきでしょう。

2020-04-26 12:00:21
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji


2020-06-03 22:25:06


Low ambient humidity impairs barrier function and innate resistance against influenza infection | PNAS https://www.pnas.org/content/116/22/10905


Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

As we approach the cold winter months in the Northern Hemisphere, I want to share these movies of mucociliary clearance (MCC) in the trachea of mice housed at 10% vs. 50% relative humidity (RH). Captured by @ericsongg (1/n) This is MCC at 50% RH 👇🏽 pic.twitter.com/te5UKxIz4h

2020-10-26 03:22:55
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

And here is MCC of mice kept at 10% RH 👇🏽 For more, please read our original paper. pnas.org/content/116/22… (2/n) pic.twitter.com/e9Pyu7J6Sq

2020-10-26 03:22:57
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

MCC is a key mechanism of removal of inhaled particles, including viruses and bacteria. It is a primary defense mechanism of the respiratory tract. The dry air dehydrates the mucus and periciliary layer, impairing MCC. (3/n) annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.114… pic.twitter.com/fTNjgIlC1O

2020-10-26 03:22:59
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

The impact of humidity on MCC is quite striking 👆🏽 Indoor RH during winter can drop dangerously low. Let’s humidify our homes. As for public buildings, please sign our petition to the WHO to set guidance on humidity to combat respiratory infection. (End) 40to60rh.com

2020-10-26 03:23:00


Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

@VirusesImmunity Prof. Iwasaki, another strategy is to filter the air (w/ HEPA filters or cheap fan+filter) to remove the virus from the air. Given limited funds, & also lower maintenance (need to constantly refill water reservoirs, easy to forget), we have been recommending that over humidifying

2020-10-26 04:19:01
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

@VirusesImmunity For example in tinyurl.com/faqs-aerosol (where we do also mention the effect of humidity on ease of infection as in your data) Do you have a comment on that?

2020-10-26 04:19:22


Erin C. Sanders, MSN, WHNP-BC (She/Her) @ErinSandersNP

@VirusesImmunity I feel like there will be a significant struggle to balance the risks of the general public not cleaning the humidifiers adequately or often enough leading to decreased air quality/mold exposure vs viral susceptibility d/t dehydrated mucosa. Are air purifiers a better investment?

2020-10-26 04:21:31
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

@ErinSandersNP Since they’re important for different reasons I would recommend both.

2020-10-26 04:27:29
Erin C. Sanders, MSN, WHNP-BC (She/Her) @ErinSandersNP

@VirusesImmunity @VirusesImmunity I just keep thinking of the people who can’t afford either. How they likely live in environments that are less healthy at baseline. Humidifiers are cheaper than HEPA but if mold is already growing in the home it could worsen the problem & strain the immune system

2020-10-26 04:39:57
Bob Kurbel @BobKurbel

@ErinSandersNP @VirusesImmunity In climates where it can reach (-10 ) — (-20 F ) at night the ideal indoor humidity is 35% to 40% Higher values than that are not only very difficult to reach but will cause heavy condensation on windows and outside walls leading to mold issues

2020-10-26 06:55:32


Shawna Reed @profpathogen1

@VirusesImmunity Question; do masks increase the effective RH in airways of mask wearers? certainly they have moisturized my facial skin while wearing >20h per week for the past few months.

2020-10-26 04:31:32
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

@profpathogen1 I think so! This could be yet another benefit of wearing masks. Masks can 1) reduce viral transmission 2) humidify respiratory tract 3) warm your nose to enhance innate immunity to viruses 🦠

2020-10-26 04:35:43

これは、マスクを着用することのさらに別の利点である可能性があります。 マスクは以下の効果がある可能性。

mannie akizuki @mannie_ub

気道粘膜のウィルス除去機能(MCC)と相対湿度(岩崎教授): RH50%、10%の比較、マウスを使った動画。冬は換気に加え、加湿と暖気も重要。 twitter.com/VirusesImmunit…

2020-10-26 07:50:25
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

冬に向けて湿度管理が重要。米イェール大Iwasaki教授がマウスの気管粘液線毛クリアランスが相対湿度50→10%で低下する動画up。同氏は5月論文で、相対湿度が低いと粘液線毛クリアランス以外にも生来の抗ウイルス防御、および組織修復が損なわれる事を発表。 冬に向け40-60%へ湿度管理を勧めています。 twitter.com/virusesimmunit…

2020-10-26 08:01:41
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

湿度を40-60%を勧める理由は免疫応答以外にもある。ウイルスの膜の崩壊が早い。膜を持つウイルスの殆どがこの湿度に弱い。60%超は勧めないカビが生えるから。また、90%超えると逆にウイルスは生存し易くなる。40-60%はスイートスポットであるとバージニア工科大Linsey Marr教授。 twitter.com/linseymarr/sta…

2020-10-27 06:11:13
Linsey Marr @linseymarr

Signed. Not only because of a stronger immune response at mid-range relative humidity (40-60% RH) but also because of faster decay of SARS-CoV-2 and other enveloped viruses. twitter.com/VirusesImmunit…

2020-10-26 06:16:28
Linsey Marr https://www.threads.net/@linseycmarr @linseymarr

Signed. Not only because of a stronger immune response at mid-range relative humidity (40-60% RH) but also because of faster decay of SARS-CoV-2 and other enveloped viruses. twitter.com/VirusesImmunit…

2020-10-26 06:16:28