
忘れてはいけない事 若年層であれ無症状感染者はウイルス排出する事。 重症化する事例もある事。
Kevin Ng @KevinWNg

Our paper on cross-reactive coronavirus antibodies - rare in adults, but more common in children - is now published in @ScienceMagazine! science.sciencemag.org/content/early/…

2020-11-07 00:00:46

Preexisting and de novo humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in humans | Science https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/11/05/science.abe1107.full

Kevin Ng @KevinWNg

Important to say that we still don't have the slightest clue what these cross-reactive antibodies do. These antibodies certainly don’t seem to protect children from infection or transmission – they may have some effect on symptoms, but this is purely hypothetical at this point.

2020-11-07 00:01:08
Kevin Ng @KevinWNg

We also don't know why children are more likely to have cross-reactive antibodies, and why these drop off so steeply around age 17. Epitope focusing? Polyreactivity? Any suggestions or feedback gratefully received!

2020-11-07 00:01:21
Kevin Ng @KevinWNg

A huge thank you to everyone without whom this study would not have been possible - @eleni_nastouli, @RealMcCoyLab, @bealelab, @CharlesSwanton, @LabGandhi, @SmallRedOne, @wrobel_antoni, @CrickPepChem, @CrickFlow and many, many others!

2020-11-07 00:01:35
Eric Topol @EricTopol

Pre-existing, cross-reactive antibodies to #SARSCoV2 in people without prior infection. Mostly in children, age < 17. Mapped to S2 epitopes. Not shown to provide immunity or reduce transmission. science.sciencemag.org/content/early/… New @ScienceMagazine @KevinWNg @TheCrick @eleni_nastouli

2020-11-07 01:24:12
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Do some people have cross-reactive antibodies to #SARSCoV2? If so, who are they? And are these cross-reactive Abs protective against #COVID19? A fascinating study by @KevinWNg et al provides answers. Thread. (1/n) science.sciencemag.org/content/early/…

2020-11-07 23:38:23
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Do some people have cross-reactive antibodies? The answer is yes. SARS-CoV-2 Spike-reactive IgG was detected in 5 of 34 SARS-CoV-2-uninfected individuals with RT-qPCR-confirmed HCoV infection, as well as in 1 of 31 individuals without recent HCoV infection. (2/n) pic.twitter.com/J9gKlXKlAE

2020-11-07 23:38:25
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Who has cross-reactive anti-spike antibodies? Mostly children and adolescents. The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 S-reactive IgG antibodies peaked at 62% between 6 and 16 years of age. This age group is also the one in which antibodies to seasonal coronaviruses peak.(3/n) pic.twitter.com/e0qFNgWhIa

2020-11-07 23:38:26
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Do these cross-reactive antibodies protect against #COVID19? Likely. The majority of sera from donors with cross-reactive antibodies neutralized authentic SARS-CoV-2 infection of Vero E6 cells, albeit on average less potently than COVID-19 patient sera. (4/n) pic.twitter.com/72qPd8Lobt

2020-11-07 23:38:29
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

A large portion of SARS-CoV-2-uninfected children and adolescents had cross-reactive IgG to the #SARSCoV2. These antibodies bound to the conserved region of the spike called S2, which is shared between SARS-CoV-2 and seasonal coronaviruses. (5/n) pic.twitter.com/25rN9yK4pB

2020-11-07 23:38:32
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

What does this study mean? Some people carry antibodies to #SARSCoV2 prior to exposure. These are mainly children and adolescents. These antibodies are likely induced by the seasonal coronavirus infection, and may provide protection against #COVID19. (6/n)

2020-11-07 23:38:32
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

More research is needed to understand how such cross-reactive antibodies shape the #COVID disease & transmission. Are they always protective? Can some of these Abs make disease worse? Can cross-reactive antibodies also explain why some countries have such low #COVID cases? (7/n)

2020-11-07 23:38:33
Prof. Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

Finally, kudos to @KevinWNg and team for this fantastic work! This study provides answers to many long standing questions and further shapes the way we think about #COVID19 susceptibility. (End)

2020-11-07 23:38:33
Kevin Ng @KevinWNg

@VirusesImmunity Thanks so much Akiko - a much clearer summary than I would have been able to do 😅

2020-11-07 23:40:32
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

子供と青年中心に一部の人は新型コロナへの交差反応性抗体を元々持っているとの論文Science誌に。 以下、イェール大Iwasaki教授のTW要約から。新型コロナスパイク反応性IgGは、PCRで季節性コロナ感染が確認された新型コロナ非感染者34人中5人、および最近季節性コロナ感染がなかった31人中1人で検出。 twitter.com/virusesimmunit…

2020-11-08 08:47:18
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji

主に子供と青年。 新型コロナS反応性IgG抗体の保有率は6歳-16歳の間に62%でピークに。この年齢層は、季節性コロナに対する抗体がピークに達する年齢層でもある。これらの交差反応性抗体は新型コロナ感染から保護する可能性が高い。

2020-11-08 08:48:11
Hiroshi Tsuji, MD, PhD, MPH🌏産業医 @Hiroshi_Tsuji


2020-11-08 08:57:15
ニューロドクター乱夢 @hichachu

人獣共通感染症による新規コロナウイルスの導入はヒトの既存の免疫に遭遇する可能性がある。SARS-CoV-2蛋白質を認識する抗体の多様なアッセイを使用し、既存の体液性免疫を検出する。SARS-CoV-2スパイク糖蛋白質(S)反応性抗体は、SARS-CoV-2に感染していない個人で science.sciencemag.org/content/early/…

2020-11-09 14:40:30
ニューロドクター乱夢 @hichachu

フローサイトメトリーベースの方法で検出可能であり、特に子供と青年に流行していた。それらは主にIgGクラスであり、S2サブユニットを標的としていた。対照的に、SARS-CoV-2感染は、S1およびS2サブユニットの両方を標的とする、より高い力価のSARS-CoV-2 S反応性IgG抗体、および付随するIgMおよびIgA

2020-11-09 14:42:27
ニューロドクター乱夢 @hichachu


2020-11-09 14:43:34
ニューロドクター乱夢 @hichachu


2020-11-09 14:50:50
ニューロドクター乱夢 @hichachu


2020-11-09 14:51:59
ニューロドクター乱夢 @hichachu


2020-11-09 14:53:02