「ディープ」適応とその論争 Deep Adaptation Dialogue

二次まとめ この半年分の関連すると思われるツイートを集めています。

目 次
 「ディープ」適応論争 Deep Adaptation

 「ディープ」適応論争 Deep Adaptation

Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

Deep Adaptation Q&A with Rupert Read hosted by Jem Bendell youtu.be/y5t4slvjfQs >This opens with me being open about the debilitating climate anxiety I started experiencing this summer... Do have a watch...

2020-11-27 18:42:19
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ルパート・リード教授 ”#気候の現実 に直面する。ジム・ベンダルと私がディープアダプテーションフォーラムのQ&Aセッションで話し合ったことをご覧ください。#気候の緊急事態 #崩壊 #深い適応策 ”Youtube番組。 twitter.com/RupertRead/sta…

2020-11-20 06:41:09
Prof. Rupert Read @RupertRead

📺Facing up to #climatereality. See what @jembendell and I had to say in this Q&A for the Deep Adaptation Forum. #ClimateEmergency #collapse #deepadaptation youtube.com/watch?v=y5t4sl…

2020-11-20 04:00:00
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

What role do philosophers have in a civilisation that is failing? Join me online at 7:30pm tomorrow to discuss this and more at a talk hosted by Oxford University Philosophy Society. facebook.com/events/1326316…

2020-11-19 03:00:21
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

Rupert Read gives the 2021 Devon Greens annual lecture - YouTube ルパート・リードはXRを離れて、英国緑の党自身が2021年の政治を動かすために、XRにならって非暴力直接行動に舵を切るよう提案しています。そしてディープアダプテーションがその中心的な課題である、と。 youtube.com/watch?v=Q_17i9…

2020-11-16 06:23:50
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

I've just put up my new talk on the future of civil disobedience, Extinction Rebellion, the Green Party, and transformative adaptation. You can watch in the link below 👇 youtube.com/watch?v=Q_17i9…

2020-11-12 06:50:56
Prof Jem Bendell 🌍☸️ @jembendell

Former XR spokesperson and Professor of Philosophy, author of books on the collapse and/or transformation of societies, @GreenRupertRead was my guest for another @DeepAdaptation Q&A. #ClimateEmergency #ExtinctionRebellion youtu.be/y5t4slvjfQs

2020-11-15 01:33:54
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

My new call for Transformative Adaptation in response to climate breakdown. It is no longer credible to simply talk about ending the climate crisis. We must also prepare our society for a much more hostile ecology. RT if you agree! youtube.com/watch?v=rfI42v…

2020-11-04 03:59:52
Paul Maidowski @_ppmv

Climate scale complexity is not easily reducible to sets of ethical, technical, etc. questions. But at least the general structure of debates could be so much clearer for a cumulative problem as carbon emissions & concentrations at least? —>*more confusing the longer one thinks*

2020-10-31 06:11:13
Paul Maidowski @_ppmv

I can’t tell what precisely keeps us from thinking straight, it’s maybe *too* obvious? @collapsology @jembendell @CliveCHamilton et al. are asking such questions systematically. But mainstream & experts in societies worldwide? If they do at scale, it’s not very visible in public.

2020-10-31 05:59:21
Paul Maidowski @_ppmv

It’s stunning, on a daily basis. Every first semester law student learns to ask questions more systematically than we do in climate discourse, which after all discussed the future of humanity (as our values) & civilization (as the sum of infrastructure & social relations). twitter.com/jembendell/sta…

2020-10-31 05:55:23
Prof Jem Bendell 🌍☸️ @jembendell

This from Paul is quite a challenge to the environmental movement. If we don't cut and drawdown emissions ASAP, disruption will increase, and yet if we did do that? Anyone got any recent good analyses on implications of decarbonizing GLOBALLY as quickly as these graphs IMAGINE? twitter.com/_ppmv/status/1…

2020-10-31 00:06:42
Paul Maidowski @_ppmv

@jembendell To broaden the question because it's a great one & I can't think of answers: If not global (which arguably is implausible), at least regional, national or subnational decarbonization at such rates must have been researched? What have we been up to for decades in climate research?

2020-10-31 01:54:56
Paul Maidowski @_ppmv

@jembendell surely there are many analyses? @nephologue 2014 esd.copernicus.org/articles/6/673… for one, a simple mathematical model of modes of growth. No pretty picture, we left the economists doing their thing in dream worlds a little long. This whole system isn't built for highly nonlinear change. pic.twitter.com/fkY5XUnKpU

2020-10-31 00:31:31
Prof Jem Bendell 🌍☸️ @jembendell

This from Paul is quite a challenge to the environmental movement. If we don't cut and drawdown emissions ASAP, disruption will increase, and yet if we did do that? Anyone got any recent good analyses on implications of decarbonizing GLOBALLY as quickly as these graphs IMAGINE? twitter.com/_ppmv/status/1…

2020-10-31 00:06:42
Paul Maidowski @_ppmv

Hi all 💁‍♂️Energy isn’t just made-up numbers like money, it powers human activities. If you model & share such graphs, at least say what this would mean for human lives worldwide. At this speed: full breakdown of civilization. That can’t be a goal, so let’s stop pretending it were? twitter.com/pauleastwd/sta… pic.twitter.com/bJhdxvpiKe

2020-10-30 23:11:31
Prof Jem Bendell 🌍☸️ @jembendell

An XR co-founder hosts discussion on the possibility of #societalcollapse & how to react to that in our lives & activism. A mature chat, which contrasts with the dismissive noises we often hear on this matter. @Carolinehickma @ClareTotty @deepadaptation youtu.be/Kg96Rxwbvb0

2020-10-19 16:42:57
Nature Canada @NatureCanada

While solastalgia can apply to anyone experiencing climate-related grief, #Indigenous people are particularly vulnerable because of their deep connections to their homelands and their practical daily knowledge of the local area. bit.ly/374KcGu

2020-10-19 09:30:06
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

We need to be vibrant, heterodox, welcoming, broad and challenging. We pull together by embracing our differences, not purging them.

2020-10-05 17:05:29
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

There are two kinds of disagreement: disagreement motivated by an open-minded search for where the truth might lie, and disagreement motivated by the shrill demand that you fall into line. The first kind is a pleasure, the second kind is horrible.

2020-10-05 17:04:21
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

One of the biggest mistakes on the left is the confusion between solidarity and conformity. Solidarity does not mean a ticklist of prescribed beliefs. The demand for conformity destroys solidarity.

2020-10-05 17:02:31
Prof. Rupert Read @RupertRead

“It’s too late to prevent disasters, they are here and worse ones will be coming…” I explain more about transformative adaptation and why I think it's the way forward in this video. Thanks to @VladVexler for the interview. #ClimateEmergency #TrAd youtube.com/watch?time_con…

2020-09-22 03:00:00
Schoolboy @honorable305


2020-09-21 23:07:09