槍が降ろうとも737MAXとボーイングの成り行きを見守るまとめ 12

737MAXの件( https://togetter.com/li/1353074 )から続く事故後の経過です。気合さえ続けば随時更新だけどそろそろ終わりたい気もしてきた。 1 https://togetter.com/li/1353882https://togetter.com/li/1369773https://togetter.com/li/1390952https://togetter.com/li/1417710 続きを読む
みゃおぷれ @meowyplaney

絶句… 言葉がありません。 #ボーイング 社、シアトルの製造技術開発センターを閉鎖すると発表。 これでボーイングは、自社での技術開発を諦め、これからは下請けに丸投げするという姿勢を明確にしました。 悲しいです。 #日本語でつぶやく外人パイロット seattletimes.com/business/boein…

2021-01-06 15:26:17
竹内修 @otfsx1228

人づてにボーイングさんが次期戦闘機の技術支援に提案した内容の一部を聞いて、アウトソーシング路線を突き進むんやろなとは思っていたけど、ここまでおやりになるとは、流石に思わなかったな… twitter.com/paisuke01/stat…

2021-01-08 12:34:27

今後内作に傾倒すると思っていたけれど twitter.com/meowyplaney/st…

2021-01-08 12:29:38
サキノハカ @sakino_haka


2021-01-09 09:14:38
サキノハカ @sakino_haka


2021-01-09 09:18:57
サキノハカ @sakino_haka


2021-01-09 09:22:15
Sam Sweeney @SweeneyABC

BREAKING: The U.S. Justice Department charged Boeing with "conspiracy to defraud the United States", forcing Boeing to pay $2.5 billion dollars in penalties and compensation following the investigations of the two 737 MAX crashes. pic.twitter.com/8gsWineUfP

2021-01-08 06:01:33
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

BREAKING: Boeing Charged with 737 Max Fraud Conspiracy and Agrees to Pay over $2.5 Billion bit.ly/3npsAta (via @TheJusticeDept)

2021-01-08 06:09:00
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

@TheJusticeDept "Boeing will pay a total criminal monetary amount of over $2.5b, composed of a criminal monetary penalty of $243.6 million, compensation payments to Boeing’s 737 MAX airline customers of $1.77 billion, and the establishment of a $500 million crash-victim beneficiaries fund."

2021-01-08 06:10:09
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

"As Boeing admitted in court documents, Boeing—through 2 of its 737 MAX Flight Technical Pilots—deceived the FAA AEG about an important aircraft part called the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) that impacted the flight control system of the Boeing 737 MAX."

2021-01-08 06:15:20
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

"Because of their deception, a key document published by the FAA AEG lacked information about MCAS, and in turn, airplane manuals and pilot-training materials for U.S.-based airlines lacked information about MCAS."

2021-01-08 06:15:38
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

The criminal complaint from DOJ relates directly to Boeing chief technical pilot (responsible for aircraft documentation) Mark Forkner’s emails. pic.twitter.com/Y4xLrfm8Xt

2021-01-08 06:19:16
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

Notably, the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee which authored the harshest report on the 737 Max crashes did not make any criminal referrals to DOJ as part of its investigation.

2021-01-08 06:23:51
Robert Wall @R_Wall

Boeing’s agreement with the Justice Department allows it to avoid prosecution wsj.com/articles/boein… via @davidamichaels & @AndrewTangel

2021-01-08 06:28:46
Dominic Gates @dominicgates

Boeing agrees to pay $2.5B+ to settle criminal fraud charges over 737 MAX seattletimes.com/business/boein… via @seattletimes

2021-01-08 06:32:45
Leeham News and Analysis @LeehamNews

The news that @Boeing reached a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with US Dept of Justice over 737 MAX fraud charges, paying $2.5bn in fines, reminds me of the DPA reached by @Airbus for the fraud charges in which it paid $4.2bn in fines. (Airbus wasn't a safety issue.) #AirWars.

2021-01-08 06:32:55
Leeham News and Analysis @LeehamNews

Boeing will: (1) make payments totaling $2.5bn, consisting of $243.6m criminal penalty; $500m in additional pmts to the heirs and/or beneficiaries of those who died in the Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 accidents; [more]

2021-01-08 06:37:16
Leeham News and Analysis @LeehamNews

$1.77bn to the Boeing's airline customers for harm incurred as a result of the grounding of the 737 MAX, offset in part by payments already made. The criminal action will be dismissed after three years, provided that $BA fully complies w/ obligations under DPA.--from a statement

2021-01-08 06:40:01
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

@TheJusticeDept It is not currently clear if the $1.77 billion for customers and $500 million for victim’s families had already been set aside as part of its earlier write-offs, which previously topped $20 billion.

2021-01-08 06:33:15
Jon Ostrower @jonostrower

Boeing publishes 8K with the SEC regarding the deferred prosecution agreement. pic.twitter.com/scM0YWTIGb

2021-01-08 06:35:16
Phil LeBeau @Lebeaucarnews

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun on settling 737 Max criminal case: "I firmly believe that entering into this resolution is the right thing for us to do—a step that appropriately acknowledges how we fell short of our values and expectations." $BA

2021-01-08 06:48:50
サキノハカ @sakino_haka

米法務省より: ボーイングは737MAX事故とそれに至る航空機認証の問題について詐欺罪で起訴され、これを認め、2億3,500万ドルの罰金、17億7,000万ドルのエアライン顧客への賠償金、墜落被害者のための5億ドルの基金からなる、計25億ドルを超える刑事金の支払いで同意した。 justice.gov/opa/pr/boeing-…

2021-01-08 06:50:02
サキノハカ @sakino_haka

twitter.com/Lebeaucarnews/… ボーイングのCEOのデイブ・カルホーン氏は、この737マックス刑事事件の和解について 「この解決に踏み切ることは、私たちにとって正しいことであり、私たちの価値観と期待をいかに裏切ったかを適切に認める一歩であると確信しています」

2021-01-08 06:59:34
サキノハカ @sakino_haka

米司法省、ボーイングに和解金2600億円 737MAX事故: 日本経済新聞 nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…

2021-01-08 08:01:28
NHK科学文化部 @nhk_kabun


2021-01-08 12:15:22
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