NFT Novel "A Novel in 10 Years" by Kozy Watanabe

This is an introduction to the full-length novel "A Novel in 10 Years" by Japanese SF writer Kozy Watanabe (@kozysan). This novel is a project using Twitter and NFT. (2021/05/12 update)

This project is currently underway!

To explain this project in a few words, it is a novel that will be continued every time the owner of NFT Tweets changes.

This article has been translated using the DeepL translation and has been written with the permission of the author.

At the end of the 3rd auction

Total bid amount: $2350
Total number of successful bids: 3


Author of this novel is Kozy Watanabe (渡辺浩弐) @kozysan
A science fiction writer active in Japan for over 30 years.
Works available in English-speaking countries include "H Peole" (included in Faust 1 and Faust 2), "Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth" series (original drafts for some subquests).

渡辺浩弐 @kozysan

小説家。中野ブロードウェイ「開かずのカフェ」店主。 新刊『2030年のゲーム・キッズ』→ 『中野ブロードウェイ怪談』→ ※過去作→ ※note→ ※Mond→

渡辺浩弐 @kozysan

#NFT これは小説だ。この冒頭部は十年前に書かれ競売にかけられた。落札者が決まるとその人物が小説の続きに登場し、話は先に進んだ。そしてまた売りに出されると次の落札者が登場し、さらにそのまた次の落札者が登場し…そうやって小説は成長し、今遂に完結に至った。話を戻そう。最初の落札者の名は

2021-04-17 00:25:37

#NFT This is a novel. The first part was written ten years ago and was auctioned off. When the winning bidder was chosen, that person appeared in the rest of the novel, and the story moved on. And when it was put up for sale again, the next bidder appeared, and the next, and the next, and so on... The novel grew, and now it is finally complete. Let's go back to the story. The first bidder's name was


渡辺浩弐 @kozysan


2021-04-24 00:20:21

@CryptoKoala555. And the snowball started rolling. But the people of the "parallel world" had an idea. Would this first bidder be willing to auction off his tweet again soon? That decision was up to one person, @CryptoKoala555. So, depending on this person, the project was doomed,


渡辺浩弐 @kozysan


2021-05-01 21:37:44

but the tweet was safely handed over to @w_cat and the story went on. As the story progressed, the hidden mechanism behind the project was revealed. Yes, this is a "book" in which every purchaser becomes a character. Naturally, all of the characters are real people... but at the same time, they exist in another world as well.


渡辺浩弐 @kozysan


2021-05-12 13:02:36

The alter egos existed in a parallel world other than this one. For example, @ENN, the same @ENN who exists on this side existed on the other side. Their goal was to use quantum communication to access our side. There was only one way to do that. It's an interference with the ever-mutating "novel" on electronic media.


Tweet Sales Page

This is an auction style sale. However, since the bids have become high, it is rarely auctioned off by more than one person. It has simply become a situation where the owner decides whether to accept or not based on the bid amount.

Valuables By Cent

The current tweet owner is @ENN (EXCALIBUR). @ENN is also a creator of NFT art.


Japanese contemporary artists #urbanart #cryptoart #pixelart / MOCA Busan / Phillips / ASIA NOW / SuperRare / Urban Art Fair / KnownOrigin


Explanation of the project

渡辺浩弐 @kozysan

#NFT ツイッターとNFTを使って長編小説を作り上げようという試みです。このツイートは2031年4月17日に完成「した」小説の冒頭部分です。これをオークションに出します。もし誰か落札してくれたら実験はスタート。小説は当該ツイートへのリプライの形で伸長していきます。……

2021-04-17 00:35:33

#NFT This is an attempt to create a full-length novel using Twitter and NFT. This tweet is the first part of a novel that will be "finished" on April 17, 2031. I'm putting it up for auction. If someone wins the auction, the experiment will start. The novel will grow in the form of replies to the tweet.


渡辺浩弐 @kozysan

#NFT 購入者=読者の全員が登場人物になる「本」。ブロックチェーン技術で、そんなことが可能になったわけです。

2021-04-17 00:36:29

#NFT A "book" in which every purchaser = reader becomes a character. With blockchain technology, such a thing is now possible.


渡辺浩弐 @kozysan

#NFT そろそろ小説のタイトルが必要でしたね。今後変わるかもしれませんが、『10年後の小説』でいきましょう。

2021-04-24 01:42:22

#NFT It's about time I had a title for my novel. It may change in the future, but let's go with "A Novel in 10 Years".


渡辺浩弐 @kozysan

I think the NFT resale trail itself is very literary. I realize there I can create a whole new style of STORY. #NFT #NFTnovel…

2021-05-04 09:20:42
kobo @w_cat

An introduction to the NFT novel "A Novel in 10 Years" by Japanese SF writer Kozy Watanabe. #NFT #NFTnovel #NFTbooks #LiteraryNFT

2021-05-04 08:34:36


A more detailed explanation

1. a novel linking NFT and Twitter

There was a news story once about a tweet being sold for a high price.
The first-ever tweet sold as an NFT for $2.9 million

In the same way, using the NFT system, the first tweet of the "Body text" summarized at the beginning was sold.

The person who wins the bid for this tweet can resell this tweet through the regular function of the selling website. To be precise, the author, Kozy Watanabe, says he wants you to resell it.

The text of the novel will be added by the reply function of Twitter each time this tweet is resold. Imagine a book where the pages are turned one by one each time it is resold.

You can check the resale history on the sales page. Since blockchain technology is used, these cannot be forged or tampered with.


2. the novel will be completed in 10 years

Another major point is that the completion date of the story is fixed.

As mentioned in the tweet above, to borrow the author's words, this novel will be "finished" on April 17, 2031. The author, Kozy Watanabe, has declared that he will continue this project for 10 years as long as resale is confirmed.

How many additions (resale of tweets) will be made in 10 years?

If the first bidder stops there, there will be three complete tweets: "the first tweet," "the first successful sale tweet," and "the concluding tweet (which will be written regardless of the transfer, right?) The first tweet, the second tweet, and the concluding tweet (isn't this what you write regardless of the transfer?) will be the complete novel.

If there are 1,000 tweets, it will be a full-length novel with a maximum of 140 characters per tweet x 1,000 tweets = 14,000 characters.

Let's see where this novel is going with everyone's help!