
Yusuf Abramjee @Abramjee

Video 1: Escort vehicle attacked. The driver rammed the two cars of the attackers. #CrimeWatch pic.twitter.com/mX8EWpZ70Q

2021-05-01 03:10:50
きょーすけ @sukekyosuke

ドライバー冷静過ぎワロタ。相方のリアクションもめちゃめちゃ緊張が伝わってきてリアル。 twitter.com/Abramjee/statu…

2021-05-07 16:42:34
大田区議会議員_おぎの稔 議員系vtuber・メタバース大田区議 @ogino_otaku

凄いな。1:07あたりから狙撃されて、対応してるんだけど、ベテランっぽい運転手のおじさんの冷静さと、横に座った方の緊張っぷりが出てて緊迫感が twitter.com/Abramjee/statu…

2021-05-07 12:51:25
Rita Makaoane @Rita_bat2010211

@Mongi501 @Abramjee Am not understanding why he is busy with the phone instead of using the gun. I guess I don't have a clue if what is going on

2021-05-03 02:30:36
willie hughey @pdxcoffeedad

@Ritabat2010211 @Mongi501 @Abramjee The article says he was told to check on the other 2 armored cars to want them/see if they were being attacked also.

2021-05-07 15:13:54
Thabi @MwanaWachihera

@Abramjee The calmness in the black guy though 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️looks like he was in on all of it

2021-05-01 03:13:30
SHABIR @ShabirMahar13

@MwanaWachihera @Abramjee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

2021-05-01 03:14:47
wez @wesleyf17134866

@Abramjee He just didn't know what to do. Don't make accusations

2021-05-01 03:15:25
Jack @stan_thuso

@Abramjee Video 2 m sure this driver is shooting to kill

2021-05-01 03:16:04
phila @philas_Man

@Abramjee Someone seem to be expecting the attack Korea sit Hulu siyabukq pic.twitter.com/Epr2CQ6oDg

2021-05-01 15:09:54
Moshe🇿🇦🇦🇷 @_Moshe06

@Abramjee But the passenger guy knows something...that face no no no pic.twitter.com/W2nK1KJjTa

2021-05-01 03:16:26
🖤Thobile🖤 @Mis_Thobile

@Abramjee Aphi ama mask wabo??? This is a very scary situation to be in yoooooh

2021-05-01 03:16:29
Sgatsotso @Sgatsotso2

@Abramjee The guy with glasses ,is greeeeeaaat....

2021-05-01 03:16:44
Skhumba @Skhumba16454348

@Abramjee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my black brother

2021-05-01 03:17:14
Jack @stan_thuso

@KingMntungwa @Abramjee Lol it's every time he wipes his nose shorts are fired

2021-05-01 03:17:23
1 ・・ 7 次へ