


Matthew Mohan @MatthewMohanCNA

Correspondent @ChannelNewsAsia, ex @AFP stringer. Reach me at matthew.mohan@mediacorp.com.sg.

Matthew Mohan @MatthewMohanCNA

Away from sports and #Tokyo2020, I discovered the best convenience store ice-cream last night… pic.twitter.com/tkbtoBhnNj

2021-08-02 09:59:53


リンク www.morinaga.co.jp チョコモナカジャンボ | 森永製菓 チョコもモナカもパリパリ!アイスの中に板チョコが入った、森永チョコモナカジャンボ。モナカの香ばしさ、まろやかなバニラアイス、パリッとしたチョコレートの絶妙なバランスが味わえるロングセラーのアイスです。 28


ソザオール SOZA-ALL @sozaall_sozai

@MatthewMohanCNA チョコジャンボモナカさえあれば生きていけます!

2021-08-02 19:23:39
Infinity.909 @909_infinity

@MatthewMohanCNA I love it, too!! チョコモナカジャンボ!in Japan, very popular ice cream 🍦!!

2021-08-02 20:30:14
pontaotoani @pontaotoani0430

@MatthewMohanCNA チョコモナカジャンボうまいですよね!私も大好きです♥

2021-08-02 23:51:43
藤 咲 @FujisakuS

@MatthewMohanCNA You are lucky.Yes that's right. Morinaga was founded in 1899. It is a representative company that Japan is proud of. "Toy Kanzume" (← secret box) is also popular with adults.

2021-08-02 18:28:15
katsuki @uehara_katsuki

@MatthewMohanCNA ✨(・ω・ノノ゙✨(・ω・ノノ゙✨パチパチ✨(・ω・ノノ゙✨(・ω・ノノ゙✨パチパチ✨

2021-08-02 23:58:17
🔔我愛冰淇淋牛乳汽水 佳 麗寶🔔 @noboruyuki2009

@MatthewMohanCNA I recommend ices produced by Kracie.co. Especially, European Sugar Cone is so good.

2021-08-03 12:21:03
ユウスケL @yuusuke171

このツイート以降、日本の美味しいアイスプレゼン祭りになっている模様。英語の達者な方、『牧場しぼり』をお勧めしてあげてくださいな twitter.com/MatthewMohanCN…

2021-08-03 17:00:02
おーれんじ @orangesoul66

@MatthewMohanCNA It’s my favorite too😊 I think YUKIMI DAIFUKU is also worth trying 😉 Vanilla ice cream wrapped in soft mochi😊 pic.twitter.com/FFBZx9u2Si

2021-08-02 21:55:48
えりか(軍人) @81nilrad

@MatthewMohanCNA wow!! you finally found it!! 😳😳✨✨✨ and some people maniac prefer 'vanila monaca jambo' including I✋you also better try it😆✌️ pic.twitter.com/Nv3ec1BCl0

2021-08-03 00:52:02
遠征費 @ss0125_1103

@MatthewMohanCNA The outside is smooth and fragrant with apple mango juice, while the inside is rich and fruity with alphonso mango juice, giving you two flavors in one bite and the satisfaction of eating a fully ripe mango 7-Eleven's mango ice cream is exceptional! Try it! pic.twitter.com/R2XSNLDwcl

2021-08-03 15:21:46
メイズ @roido2050

@MatthewMohanCNA It's ice cream wrapped in rice cakes, and it's one of Japan's most famous products, and it's delicious, so go ahead and try it! pic.twitter.com/o5hFyRH2Qy

2021-08-03 03:06:13
リンク www.imuraya.co.jp たい焼アイス | 商品情報 | 井村屋株式会社 たい焼アイスをご紹介します。 1 user 214