
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

German Health Minister Jens Spahn backed a second term for WHO Director-General Tedros and called on other countries to support him ahead of a deadline this week. The support is significant as Germany is a major financial backer of the WHO. reuters.com/world/whos-ted…

2021-09-23 09:59:21
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo


2021-09-23 10:00:41
リンク www.afpbb.com WHO次期事務局長選、ドイツが現職テドロス氏を推薦 【9月22日 AFP】ドイツ保健省は22日、世界保健機関(WHO)の次期事務局長に、現職のテドロス・アダノム・ゲブレイェスス(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)氏(56)を推薦すると発表した。 4 users 56
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

WHO member states can only propose candidates until Sept. 23, but so far, any alternative to Tedros has not been recommended. wsj.com/articles/statu…

2021-09-23 10:02:21
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

A Wall Street Journal editorial argues against Tedros’s second term, as saying ‘The White House is committing diplomatic malpractice by not working with allies and partners to back a credible alternative’.

2021-09-23 10:03:15
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo


2021-09-23 10:04:18
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

グローバル・ヘルス・ガバナンスの転換期に際して、そのリーダー候補者(複数)の間で、活発なpolicy debateが持たれるべきだったが、それを経ずして既存の路線が延長されることは大変残念。

2021-09-23 10:05:02
リンク WSJ Opinion | Status Quo at the WHO? China’s man Tedros may sail to a second term. Where’s Biden? 345

詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

Since last year, Germany has increased its commitment to the WHO. Germany, now the largest donor to the WHO, pledged $100 million to launch a new WHO hub for detecting and responding to new disease outbreaks. The hub was formally inaugurated on this week. science.org/content/articl…

2021-09-03 11:58:07
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

Exactly how the new hub will operate is ‘still under discussion’. Its inauguration is also seen as a nod to Merkel, whose time as chancellor will soon end. Similar hubs have been launched recently, including a WHO academy in France, which could lead to a ‘hubization’ of the WHO.

2021-09-03 12:00:35
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

昨年の米WHO脱退騒動以来、独のWHO関与拡大が目覚ましい。WHO最大のドナーとなり、WHO改革にもEU議長国として主導的に関与。昨秋、グローバル・サーベイランスセンターとしてWHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligenceの設立と1億ドルの拠出表明、当センターは9/1ベルリンにオープンした。

2021-09-03 12:02:02
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo


2021-09-03 12:03:04

詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

The divide among related actors as to pandemic proposal has become clear. One major issue is whether to establish a new ‘pandemic treaty’ along the lines of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control or just to amend the existing IHR(2005). healthpolicy-watch.news/pandemic-treat…

2021-09-11 10:04:09
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

Another key debate has centered around how to make the rules more binding on member states. Germany’s Health Minister Jens Spahn has proposed recently that sanctions should also be imposed against countries that hide information about future outbreaks.

2021-09-11 10:04:40
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo


2021-09-11 10:06:20
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo


2021-09-11 10:07:40

詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

Germany’s Health Minister Jens Spahn said yesterday that the companies that had developed mRNA vaccine technologies should not be compelled to give up their IP, and that encouraging them to voluntarily share their know-how would yield more vaccines. healthpolicy-watch.news/88732-2/

2021-07-16 11:46:51
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo

Germany’s approach is, however, being sharply challenged on various fronts. Demonstrators were set to protest outside of the White House as Merkel and Biden met, and Dr Tedros of the WHO said a “limited” waiver on vaccine IP is needed.

2021-07-16 11:47:37
詫摩佳代 Kayo TAKUMA @Takuma_Kayo


2021-07-16 11:49:19