
WGIP(War Guilt Information Program)のせいで自虐史観で溢れかえっている昨今、近年学んだ支那事変の発端から盧溝橋事件までを反論として書いてみました。 少しことなる部分もありますが、日本語訳も載せておきます。
Joe Bishop-Henchman 🗽💸⚖️🚆 @jbhenchman

On December 7, 1941, the New York Central railroad unveiled sleek new streamlined equipment for its Empire State Express between New York City and Buffalo. Railroad executives picked a Sunday for the launch in hopes of grabbing that day's headlines. They were scooped... 1/ pic.twitter.com/0EG1Aj0fUi

2021-12-08 01:03:09
Joe Bishop-Henchman 🗽💸⚖️🚆 @jbhenchman

By 1941, Japan was four years into its "China Incident" in which Japanese troops seized most of eastern China. (Japan never referred to its invasion of China as a war; war now violated international law after Japan and most nations signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact in 1928-29.) 2/ pic.twitter.com/stzhdVIws1

2021-12-08 01:07:45
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman Japan invaded? Don't lie! It was the British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and Americans who invaded Asia in the first place, right? Have you ever looked at a map of Asia from 1914? pic.twitter.com/fosAAieXxG

2021-12-08 15:01:59
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman #AsiaWasAColonyOfTheWest Since the 18th century, Europeans have colonized countries in Asia and Africa one after another. The last stop in Asia was Japan in the far east.

2021-12-08 15:03:32
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman By manipulating the Meiji Restoration behind the scenes, the British succeeded in "de facto" colonizing Japan. Even in the annexation of Japan and Korea, Japan went to Britain for acquiescence. twitter.com/r9DTzOFLQH53Xt…

2021-12-08 15:25:38
サラサ @r9DTzOFLQH53XtV

@ToranomonTribe 朝鮮半島併合が武力では無く合意によって行われた事(米、英などの関与有り)李氏朝鮮時代と比べ物にならない程生活水準が劇的に変化した事などを資料を出して淡々と広めて行くしか無いのでしょうかね😩 次は1905年に日英間での合意文書です。字が潰れて見にくいですが… pic.twitter.com/TwrGdtcLuf

2019-05-25 21:15:08
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman This is a document sent by Foreign Minister Kato to the British Foreign Secretary in 1910 to the effect that "After five years of earnest efforts, but with no improvement in the existing political situation, twitter.com/r9DTzOFLQH53Xt…

2021-12-08 15:29:43
サラサ @r9DTzOFLQH53XtV

@ToranomonTribe こちらは1910年加藤外務大臣が英国外務大臣に当てて送った「五年間真剣に努力したけど既存政治が全然良くならないので日韓で熟考した結果併合する事を両方同意しました」と言う旨の文書です。 pic.twitter.com/EyH5XgsKS4

2019-05-25 21:27:38
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman Japan and South Korea have both agreed to annex as a result of careful consideration. Even before the signing of the Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty in 1905, Japan heavily subsidized Korea's national budget, developed its infrastructure, and drove the Korean economy.

2021-12-08 15:35:37
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman twitter.com/lulu_happy4/st…

2021-12-08 15:35:49
lulu_happy4@🟠緊急事態条項反対❗️岸田政権を操っているのは誰だ? @lulu_happy4

@simo134 @ChrisWapdy0305 @DerekJGrossman ROK is about to break the 1965 Japan-ROK's Basic Treaty. If it does, it should repay all the assets left by Japan (60 trillion yen), unpaid wages and compensation to wartime workers and various other economic cooperation costs paid by the Japanese government to the ROK government pic.twitter.com/X5HxuXdfAA

2020-10-13 15:05:14
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman Japan-Korea annexation and Mongol invasion  In 1910, Japan annexed Korea. The reason for this was to protect Japan from invasion via the Korean peninsula. During the Yuan Dynasty, Korea became a part of the Yuan State, and in 1274 and 1281,

2021-12-08 15:39:04
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman the Koreans invaded Japan twice as soldiers. Prior to the annexation of Japan and Korea, the Joseon dynasty was in a state of disorder not only in its diplomacy but also in its internal affairs due to the internal conflicts between Empress Myeongseong and Heungseon Daewongun.

2021-12-08 15:39:20
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman Russia was targeting Joseon, and sensing the danger, Japan annexed Joseon with the permission of Britain. # Opium Wars 1840-1842 The Qing Dynasty was a conquering dynasty established by the Manchus in 1644.

2021-12-08 15:53:30
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman For the next 200 years, a small number of Manchus ruled over a large number of Han Chinese. The Qing dynasty reigned with great military power, but was defeated by the British in the Opium War, which lasted for two years from 1840.

2021-12-08 15:53:55
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman As a result, heavy taxes were imposed on the people, and people became dissatisfied. Movements to overthrow the conquering Qing dynasty and restore the Han nation began to take place throughout China.

2021-12-08 15:54:28
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman #TaipingRebellion 20 million people died. Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was Christian and its leader was Hong Xiuquan. In 1853, they took over Nanking and renamed it "Tianjing". The "Western Affairs Movement" began.

2021-12-08 15:57:01
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman By attacking Shanghai, which had been neutral, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom made enemies of the Western powers. After that, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was attacked one important base after another, and soon Tianjing was isolated.

2021-12-08 15:57:34
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman #Japan-Sino War Caused by a dispute over the confirmation of the status of Yi Dynasty Korea and its interests in the Korean Peninsula, it ended with the signing of the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty (Shimonoseki Treaty).

2021-12-08 15:58:50
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman With this treaty, Korea gained independence from the long-lasting Chinese rule. It was ceded Taiwan, the Penghu Islands, and the Liaodong Peninsula by the Qing Dynasty, and also obtained a huge amount of reparations.

2021-12-08 15:59:20
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman However, due to the Tripartite Interference by France, Germany, and Russia immediately after the peace, the Liaodong Peninsula was returned to the Qing. Thereafter, Russia increased its forces on the Liaodong Peninsula, leading to the Russo-Japanese War.

2021-12-08 15:59:57
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman #BoxerUprising In 1900, the "Boxer Rebellion", a secret society in China at the end of the Qing dynasty, was campaigning for exclusion.

2021-12-08 16:05:17
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman On June 21, Empress Dowager Cixi declared war on Japan, Russia, and Western countries in support of their rebellion, leading to a war between nations.

2021-12-08 16:05:49
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman Qingdao had more than 200,000 soldiers against the strength of the eight-country coalition forces (Japan, Russia, Britain, France, the United States, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary), but only a few since the beginning of the war. Dominate Beijing in two months

2021-12-08 16:06:06
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman #TheJapaneseRussoWar In 1903, an incident in which Russia was stationed in Ryongampo in the territory of Northern Korea, started fortress construction, and tried to set up a military base. It was a violation of the Nishi-Rosen Agreement of Russia 1898

2021-12-08 16:14:43
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman Manchuria was occupied by Russia for four years. Guizhou's prefectural governor, Lee Kyung-yi, told the emperor of the Qing dynasty, "If Russia wins, it must be annexed. However, if Japan wins, it will only be rewarded. Should be. "

2021-12-08 16:15:20
lulu_happy4@緊急事態条項反対・日本を売っているのは「対日直接投資推進会議」 @lulu_happy4

@jbhenchman The private sector also had a loud voice toward Japan. Ministers such as Liuyoshi and Prince Qing, who are in the same positions as Deputy Foreign Minister, consulted with Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Komura Jutaro

2021-12-08 16:15:55