
NMT1 U.S.A. v. Karl Brandt et al とか、重要な点だけでも把握したいが全く追いつかない。私も同じ気持ちなので忘備録としておいておきます。 左翼達が731部隊の創作話を作ったのは、なぜなのか?欧米、中韓がやってきた悪さより”日本軍がもっと悪かった”という設定にして、自分たちへの避難を回避する策としか思えない。
TillyB フォロー前にプロフ読んで! @TillyBeeTilly

ニュルンベルグやアウシュビッツ裁判を勉強する時間が欲しい。国際軍事裁判で最初に裁かれたのは医療関係者。独は自国で18年後にアウシュビッツ関係者の裁判。多数は洗脳が解けず国のためと主張。 今はデジタル保存の時代。いつか過去・現行の犯罪加担者全て裁かれ人体実験の永久終止符となれと祈る。

2022-01-10 00:44:52
кибер монгол @cyberburiad2

@TillyBeeTilly Do you mean NMT1 U.S.A. v. Karl Brandt et al.? Experiments C and J are especially relevant.

2022-01-10 03:46:37
TillyB フォロー前にプロフ読んで! @TillyBeeTilly

@cyberburiad2 Yes, Nuremberg started with the Doctors' Trial. I've only watched 20 or so documentaries, and I don't know how each experiment is coded. Germany started its own trial later, and I'm hoping that each country will hold trials to put a real end to human experiments in the future.

2022-01-10 04:10:45
кибер монгол @cyberburiad2

@TillyBeeTilly Before lesser Nuremberg trials (NMT) there was the major Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (IMT) for main Nazi criminals. High-Altitude experiments were already discussed. Experiments C and J are Malaria and Typhus. The former is about drugs, the latter — vaccine tests.

2022-01-10 04:30:54
кибер монгол @cyberburiad2

@TillyBeeTilly Also, there was one German trial of doctors (Landgericht Hamburg, 1949, murder of children). And this happened: pic.twitter.com/41spy5SlSO

2022-01-10 04:53:58
TillyB フォロー前にプロフ読んで! @TillyBeeTilly

@cyberburiad2 Thanks. There seems to be more lesser known trials. Incarnation Children's Center experiment was reported by BBC, I think? So much for the Nuremberg Code. Nobody was tried.

2022-01-10 05:13:55
кибер монгол @cyberburiad2

@TillyBeeTilly There are more. He is not a criminal, obviously, but a respected researcher. His ratio that handicapped children were only "human-in-form" is not different from nazi doctors' who believed that children were "empty husks of humanity" (leerer Menschenhülsen) youtu.be/yevV_slu7Dw

2022-01-10 05:55:17


