ロシア政府系RIAノーボスチ「ナチス政権の支持者もナチ」「国民は善、政府は悪というのは成り立たない」「ナチは全て粛清しなければならない」「ウクライナの存在を認めない。ウクライナはナチズムでしか成り立たない」「今の政権上層部の再教育は不可能」「西欧は無私の奉仕をしたロシアの恩に仇で返した」 震える人々

まとめました。RIAノーボスチは「ロシア通信(ロシア新報)」の意味。 例によって、ブロックされた発言はURLのみ引用しています。これは、著作権法に基づく権利です。 ただし、削除依頼があれば応じます。
РИА Новости @rianru

Официальный аккаунт сайта Ria.ru, медиагруппы "Россия сегодня". Читайте также @riabreakingnews


リンク РИА Новости Что Россия должна сделать с Украиной Еще в апреле прошлого года мы писали о неизбежности денацификации Украины. Нацистская, бандеровская Украина, враг России и инструмент Запада по уничтожению... РИА Новости, 05.04.2022 7 users 14950


リンク english.nv.ua Kremlin’s mouthpiece RIA publishes Russian fascist manifesto NV is republishing its translation of an article recently run by Russian-state propaganda news outlet RIA Novosti. The article is a piece of Russian propaganda aimed at spreading hatred against Ukrainians, labeling the whole nation enemies of Russia that 2 users 1209
リンク note(ノート) (記事翻訳)ロシアがウクライナにすべきこと[RIA Novostiのコラム。ウクライナの非ナチ化、ウクライナ消滅論]|八仙花|note 記事元について。 RIAノーボスチ(露:РИА Новости)は、かつて存在したロシアの国有通信社で、現在は「ロシアの今日」のロシア国内向けブランド。ロシアの今日は西側諸国の報道では国営メディアであり、ロシアの対外イメージを好転させるためのプーチン大統領による広報組織と見られている。(wikiより) РИА Новости - события в Москве, России и мире сегодня: темы дня, фото, видео, инфографика, радио Новост 16




Francis Scarr @francis_scarr

An op-ed for state news agency RIA Novosti titled "What Russia should do with Ukraine" by pundit Timofei Sergeitsev has created quite a stir today The rhetoric is truly horrific, even by the standards of what I'm used to seeing from pro-Kremlin media Below are a few quotes:

2022-04-04 17:32:41
Francis Scarr @francis_scarr

"Denazification is a set of measures aimed at the nazified mass of the population, which technically cannot be subjected to direct punishment as war criminals"

2022-04-04 17:33:02
Francis Scarr @francis_scarr

"However, besides the elite, a significant part of the masses of the people, who are passive nazis, are accomplices to Nazism. They have supported the Nazi authorities and indulged them..."

2022-04-04 17:34:06
Francis Scarr @francis_scarr

"...The just punishment for this part of the population is possible only as the bearing of the inevitable hardships of a just war against the Nazi system"

2022-04-04 17:34:25
Francis Scarr @francis_scarr

"The name Ukraine can seemingly not be retained as the title of any fully denazified state formation on the territory liberated from the Nazi regime"

2022-04-04 17:35:01
Francis Scarr @francis_scarr

"Denazification is inevitably also deukrainisation – a rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic element of self-identification of the population of the territories of the historical Malorossiya and Novorossiya begun by the Soviet authorities"

2022-04-04 17:35:41
Francis Scarr @francis_scarr

"Unlike, let’s say, Georgia or the Baltics, Ukraine, as history has shown, is unviable as a national state, and attempts to 'build' one logically lead to Nazism"

2022-04-04 17:36:08
Francis Scarr @francis_scarr

"The Banderite elite must be liquidated, its reeducation is impossible. The social 'swamp' which actively and passively supports it must undergo the hardships of war and digest the experience as a historical lesson and atonement" END

2022-04-04 17:36:39
Tadeusz Giczan @TadeuszGiczan

Yesterday, RIA Novosti published a lengthy piece titled "What Russia should do with Ukraine", which explains in detail what Russia understands by denazification. It's truly horrific: 1/6 pic.twitter.com/tqvEHco7nl

2022-04-04 18:12:47
Tadeusz Giczan @TadeuszGiczan

The special operation revealed that not only the political leadership in Ukraine is Nazi, but also the majority of the population. All Ukrainians who have taken up arms must be eliminated - because they are responsible for the genocide of the Russian people. 2/6 pic.twitter.com/MUHjY8cFNJ

2022-04-04 18:12:48
Tadeusz Giczan @TadeuszGiczan

Ukrainians disguise their Nazism by calling it a "desire for independence" and a "European way of development". Ukraine doesn't have a Nazi party, a Führer or racial laws, but because of its flexibility, Ukrainian Nazism is far more dangerous to the world than Hitler's Nazism 3/6 pic.twitter.com/kfIutoGnmY

2022-04-04 18:12:49
Tadeusz Giczan @TadeuszGiczan

Denazification means de-Ukrainianisation. Ukrainians are an artificial anti-Russian construct. They should no longer have a national identity. Denazification of Ukraine also means its inevitable de-Europeanisation. 4/6 pic.twitter.com/owkKqxWlti

2022-04-04 18:12:50
Tadeusz Giczan @TadeuszGiczan

Ukraine's political elite must be eliminated as it cannot be re-educated. Ordinary Ukrainians must experience all the horrors of war and absorb the experience as a historical lesson and atonement for their guilt. 5/6 pic.twitter.com/l1cxCoERpg

2022-04-04 18:12:50
Tadeusz Giczan @TadeuszGiczan

The liberated and denazified territory of the Ukrainian state should no longer be called Ukraine. Denazification should last at least one generation - 25 years. Then the author goes on to detail exactly what needs to be done: ria.ru/20220403/ukrai… 6/6 pic.twitter.com/lKvCasHbM6

2022-04-04 18:12:51
Sergej Sumlenny, LL.M @sumlenny

THREAD: Russian state-owned propaganda outlet RIA published the new programmatic article with the title "What Russia must do with Ukraine". The article reveals a detailed plan for a genocide, starting from full elimination of Ukrainian state. Details below. pic.twitter.com/Nf0cR59cBa

2022-04-04 18:22:46
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