

街を点検していたパトロール隊員は、壊れた車の中に一匹の犬を発見しました。 その犬は疲れ切っていて、割れたガラスの上でそのまま眠っていました。


Oriannalyla 🇺🇦 @Lyla_lilas

A story from #Bucha with a happy ending While inspecting the city, patrolmen saw a dog in one of the broken cars. The dog was so exhausted that she slept right on the broken glass. Patrolmen took the dog to the vet, and then one of them decided to keep the dog. pic.twitter.com/R6MsTpKOXp

2022-04-05 17:44:02


Oriannalyla 🇺🇦 @Lyla_lilas

In an abandoned car with traces of machine gun shots Oleksandr Sydorenko, a patrol officer, found this dog. The poor dog was taken to a vet. The doctor said that it is a healthy pooch - just scared and exhausted. The officer and her wife give this dog a new home. They adopted it pic.twitter.com/7Evkr28wkJ

2022-04-07 07:17:17
Oriannalyla 🇺🇦 @Lyla_lilas

The officer and his* wife gave to the dog a new home. They adopted it. (Sorry for the mistake, I wish a button for edit the tweet 😐)

2022-04-07 07:24:24

飼い主を失った ブチャ の犬を覚えていますか?良いニュースです!彼の飼い主を発見しました この犬、人間の声してる!?