
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その58 22年4月前半」 togetter.com/li/1867050

2022-04-09 08:22:23
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「22年春のレベリオンウィーク4月9日〜17日」 togetter.com/li/1870732

2022-04-19 03:04:14
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「IPCC第六次、ワーキンググループ3報告書の公表」 togetter.com/li/1867073

2022-04-13 04:59:50


Stop Fossil Filth!化石の汚物を止めろ!




  目  次

Extinction Rebellion Scotland @ScotlandXr

Ever felt lied to? Ever felt frustrated? Ever felt alone in the crowd? Join the Rebellion against #ClimateCrisis! pic.twitter.com/aHm3psv8Gi

2022-04-15 19:50:23
Rachel Climate @climate_rachel

Our #UncleOnHungerStrike has written this letter to @GregHands, it’s been politely received but a positive reply is still awaited. Do please write a letter to Mr Hands yourself to show your support for @Angus_Climate 🙏 pic.twitter.com/qa00poPIyO

2022-04-15 02:32:45
Matthew Todd 🌏🔥 @MrMatthewTodd

We could really have an effect on the climate crisis if thousands of people tweeted at @GregHands @BorisJohnson and @Keir_Starmer to demand MPs get a briefing on climate science. Insane they haven’t @bbcnews @Channel4News @skynews @itvnews #BriefMPsOnClimate #UncleOnHungerStrike twitter.com/MrMatthewTodd/…

2022-04-15 02:30:32
Matthew Todd 🌏🔥 @MrMatthewTodd

Angus is getting weaker. Has totally reasonable demand that MPs receive a briefing on climate science, something the public would expect they already have @GregHands @CommonsSpeaker @HouseofCommons @10DowningStreet @Keir_Starmer will have blood on their hands cc @carrielbjohnson twitter.com/Angus_Climate/…

2022-04-15 00:21:12
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRケンブリッジ ”2015年のパリ以前の気温の軌跡。4℃ 2022年の気温軌跡:2℃ この7年間に中止された化石燃料プロジェクト:2件 2022年に承認された化石燃料プロジェクト: 118,500件 公約とモデル化万歳!” twitter.com/xr_cambridge/s…

2022-04-15 05:15:33
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Temperature trajectory before Paris in 2015: 4C Temperature trajectory in 2022: 2C Fossil fuel projects cancelled in those seven years: 2 Fossil fuel projects approved for 2022: 118,500 All hail pledges and modelling!

2022-04-14 23:29:00
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Temperature trajectory before Paris in 2015: 4C Temperature trajectory in 2022: 2C Fossil fuel projects cancelled in those seven years: 2 Fossil fuel projects approved for 2022: 118,500 All hail pledges and modelling!

2022-04-14 23:29:00
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRケンブリッジ ”送電網に自然エネルギーを追加するだけで、排出量が奇跡的に減少することはありえないのです。需要サイドの政策がない気候政策は失敗する運命にある。” twitter.com/xr_cambridge/s…

2022-04-15 05:11:34
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

You can't just add more renewables to the grid and expect emissions to miraculously fall. WITHOUT DEMAND SIDE POLICIES CLIMATE POLICY IS DESTINED TO FAIL

2022-04-14 22:11:25
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

You can't just add more renewables to the grid and expect emissions to miraculously fall. WITHOUT DEMAND SIDE POLICIES CLIMATE POLICY IS DESTINED TO FAIL

2022-04-14 22:11:25
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRケンブリッジ ”気候変動に関する公約は 石油採掘の上限 ガス抽出の上限 消費財生産の上限 貿易の流れの上限 自動車生産台数の上限 農業投入物の上限 化石燃料の融資と保険の上限 がなければ無価値である。 どうやってわかるのか?排出量が増え続けていることで。” twitter.com/xr_cambridge/s…

2022-04-15 05:13:35
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Climate pledges without caps on oil extraction caps on gas extraction caps on consumer goods production caps on trade flows caps on car production caps on agricultural inputs caps on fossil financing and insuring are worthless. How do we know? Emissions keep rising

2022-04-14 22:08:54
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

Climate pledges without caps on oil extraction caps on gas extraction caps on consumer goods production caps on trade flows caps on car production caps on agricultural inputs caps on fossil financing and insuring are worthless. How do we know? Emissions keep rising

2022-04-14 22:08:54
エコ活bot - おうちでCO2削減 @eco_katsu_bot

IPCC 第5次報告書特設ページ「3.気候変動の緩和」 - JICCA jccca.org/ipcc/ar5/wg3.h…

2022-04-14 20:08:29
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative @fossiltreaty

There are countless reports at this point saying we need to end the fossil fuel era for a livable planet. Folks who say it's too late are wrong though. Instead we must fight for every fraction of a degree. Let's go 🏃🏃🏃 Learn more: fossilfueltreaty.org/ipcc-wg3 #climatereport pic.twitter.com/jjybnQhsK5

2022-04-13 23:42:58
Emma Smart @smartyfish

A shift IS coming… stay strong if you’re already part of this wave of civil resistance 🌊 ✊ … and if you’re not, where the hell are you? 🌍🔥 @speers_tim @ClimateHuman @InsulateLove @XRebellionUK @JustStop_Oil @GhostPanther @GeorgeMonbiot #ActNow bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan…

2022-04-13 16:00:40
リンク BBC News Insulate Britain: Judge 'inspired' by activists after M25 protest Judge Stephen Leake fines a group of M25 activists but says their "voices are certainly heard". 3458
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

石炭の運搬を阻止したり、化石燃料に投融資している銀行の玄関に鎖で自身をつないで抗議するなどの「市民的不服従」や「直接行動」は、ただデモを行うよりもメディアや市民の注意を引きやすいという専門家のスレッド。逮捕されたりすると反感を買うという指摘もあるけど、プラスの効果の方が大きいと。 twitter.com/berglund_oscar…

2022-04-13 09:22:46
Oscar Berglund @berglund_oscar

🧵Thread of stuff I’ve learnt from studying civil disobedience/direct action/disruptive protest for the last decade. Not least climate activism. (Academic references & examples can be provided on request). 1/11

2022-04-12 06:13:09
Dr Charlie Gardner @CharlieJGardner

Last week the #IPCC published their WG3 report, but it had little press coverage and the language is really hard to understand So @XRebellionUK made this little explainer video with @ClareTotty and me for @ScientistsX youtube.com/watch?v=--fHgm…

2022-04-13 00:55:00
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ビル・マクグワイヤ ”この質問がまだ必要だとは信じがたいが......。 もちろんOKです。それ以上に、そのことが不可欠です。”  ガーディアン紙への市民不服従がOKかどうか?擁護する記事を受けて。 twitter.com/ProfBillMcGuir…

2022-04-13 04:40:59
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