


まとめ ロシア政府系RIAノーボスチ「ナチス政権の支持者もナチ」「国民は善、政府は悪というのは成り立たない」「ナチは全て粛清.. まとめました。RIAノーボスチは「ロシア通信(ロシア新報)」の意味。 例によって、ブロックされた発言はURLのみ引用しています。これは、著作権法に基づく権利です。 ただし、削除依頼があれば応じます。 21999 pv 100 1
РИА Новости @rianru

Официальный аккаунт сайта Ria.ru, медиагруппы "Россия сегодня". Читайте также @riabreakingnews


リンク РИА Новости Что Россия должна сделать с Украиной Еще в апреле прошлого года мы писали о неизбежности денацификации Украины. Нацистская, бандеровская Украина, враг России и инструмент Запада по уничтожению... РИА Новости, 05.04.2022 7 users 14950


リンク english.nv.ua Kremlin’s mouthpiece RIA publishes Russian fascist manifesto NV is republishing its translation of an article recently run by Russian-state propaganda news outlet RIA Novosti. The article is a piece of Russian propaganda aimed at spreading hatred against Ukrainians, labeling the whole nation enemies of Russia that 2 users 1209
リンク note(ノート) (記事翻訳)ロシアがウクライナにすべきこと[RIA Novostiのコラム。ウクライナの非ナチ化、ウクライナ消滅論]|八仙花|note 記事元について。 RIAノーボスチ(露:РИА Новости)は、かつて存在したロシアの国有通信社で、現在は「ロシアの今日」のロシア国内向けブランド。ロシアの今日は西側諸国の報道では国営メディアであり、ロシアの対外イメージを好転させるためのプーチン大統領による広報組織と見られている。(wikiより) РИА Новости - события в Москве, России и мире сегодня: темы дня, фото, видео, инфографика, радио Новост 16


Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of

https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.pdf

OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi


2022-04-08 12:55:50
OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi


2022-04-08 12:56:30
OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi


2022-04-08 12:59:36
OCHI Megumi 越智 萌 @ochimegumi


2022-04-08 13:01:05

記事はジェノサイドの要件を満たす文書、というEugene Finkel氏の指摘

Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

As a genocide scholar I am an empiricist, I usually dismiss rhetoric. I also take genocide claims with a truckload of salt because activists apply it almost everywhere now. Not now. There are actions, there is intent. It's as genocide as it gets. Pure, simple and for all to see

2022-04-04 19:08:54
Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

Got questions about why I think it is genocide. Until this morning I resisted applying the term. War crimes? Sure. Heinous rhetoric? You bet. What changed is the combination of more and more evidence, from different places, and even more importantly, explicit official rhetoric /1

2022-04-04 21:03:13
Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

The official legal definition of genocide is "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such". When I teach genocide I start by saying that this definition has huge problems because it doesn't give us /2

2022-04-04 21:03:14
Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

clear thresholds (what "in part" does even mean?) and because it is almost impossible to prove intent. People who carry out genocide are usually not idiots, if there are orders at all they would be given orally. But, several things are important to realize. First, something /3

2022-04-04 21:03:14
Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

that doesn't start as genocide might evolve into one when conditions change. Russian invasion, in my view, did not start with clear genocidal intent, but evolved into one. Regime change and colonial subjugation are by themselves not enough to constitute genocide. Second, more /4

2022-04-04 21:03:14
Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

evidence that Bucha is not an exception. Each massacre might be local initiative, together they are a campaign. And most importantly, the RIA Novosti (a state outlet) piece is one of the most explicit statements of intent to destroy a national group as such that I've ever seen /5

2022-04-04 21:03:15
Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

I know Russian. I have read a lot of Russian nationalist rhetoric in my life. This is not some wild intellectual fantasy, it is a clear, actionable statement of intent by a state agency. The UN definition is problematic, but in this case it fits like a glove

2022-04-04 21:03:15
Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

Expanded my arguments for the Washington Post. What we know now is not yet enough to prosecute people for genocide, but before we even get there we need to call a spade a spade. That’s what I am trying to do. Accountability next. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/…

2022-04-06 06:07:57
リンク Washington Post Opinion | What’s happening in Ukraine is genocide. Period. When Russian soldiers and leaders discovered, to their astonishment, that Ukrainian citizens had no desire to be liberated from the Western yoke, Russian thinking shifted from colonial to genocidal. 2173
Eugene Finkel @eugene_finkel

As expected, my claim that we see a genocide in Ukraine is being contested by several other scholars. That’s normal, that is what scholars do. What is more important is that even those who disagree with me (at least those views that I saw) and think that my genocide claim goes /1

2022-04-07 06:53:39
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