
アニメが海外で人気、莫大な利益 ↓ その配信元がソニーに買収されてポリコレ化 ↓ 「海外利益を手放したくないなら日本はポリコレを受け入れろ(圧」 続きを読む
リンク BBC News Anime: How Japanese animation has taken the West by storm Animated film Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is a surprise box office hit, as anime enjoys a new global popularity. 36 users 607
兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu

英BBC:「いかにして日本アニメが西側世界を席捲したか」 やや御幣のある解説や陳腐な比較があるけど、欧米アニメに比べる日本アニメの方がより幅広い世代向けコンテンツであると欧米人に受け取られている点について言及。2020年以降、海外視聴者も爆発的に増えているらしい。 bbc.com/news/entertain…

2022-03-28 04:35:21


兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu

@Stfyx1 Anime does enjoy a lot of freedoms that are hard to come by for other Western counterparts. If people in both Japan and overseas continues to demand and support edgy stuff, I think having a wider platform might contribute to enriching global culture over all.

2022-03-30 15:44:25



Aesccc'x((z @s_strg

@dankanemitsu In my opinion this presents more bad things than good. now sony through online streaming companies like funimation and crunchyroll control 70% of anime licenses and are famous for applying censorship and political correctness to many of their products.

2022-03-28 05:29:39


Matt Stoller @matthewstoller

6. AT&T broke its pledges. It fired workers, raised prices, canceled services, and even created an anime streaming monopoly by selling Crunchyroll to Sony! It also screwed shareholders, who have lost significantly over the past five years. theinformation.com/articles/sonys… pic.twitter.com/Wpdbs9qNIc

2022-02-05 05:20:47


Jeff Saiyan @deludeddragon

@ronan68977484 Sony/funi gobbling up competition around the world & monopolizing Anime in the west. Japan will have no competition to license shows & forced to deal with funi. Putting them in a very bad position, no doubt funi. Will start using that power to demand Political correctness

2021-06-13 08:39:40

これはアニメにとって最悪だ。彼らはすでに日本に 政治的正しさ を押し付けているし、ソニー/フニが大きくなればなるほど、翻訳や検閲はますますひどくなっている

Jeff Saiyan @deludeddragon

I don't see how anyone can be happy about this, this is terrible for anime,they are already pushing japan for political correctness & the bigger Sony/Funi gets,the worse the translations/censorship is getting. google.com/amp/s/comicboo…

2021-06-12 03:52:33


Jeff Saiyan @deludeddragon

@ronan68977484 They will start censoring shows & not license shows that doesn't meet their woke narrative,Japanese creators will be influenced out of fear of not be picked up

2021-06-13 08:41:49


LuigiTheMetal64 @Luigithemetal64

@nichegamer @rayforcegame What they can do, like what Inti Games did, is to never release their games for Sony because Sony will hypocritically censor Japanese 2D animated games and not the 3D motion-capture games. pic.twitter.com/erlydoGl5l

2020-10-07 14:03:42


PS360HD2 (Anime Games News) @PS360HD2

So it turns out Sony is the reason we didn't get 1 arm / no arm Minato in Naruto Storm 4, they made CC2 censor it lol, they about to butcher Demon Slayer lol pic.twitter.com/b9xz65QNB6

2021-02-23 06:36:55


A man with no name (Pissed off beyond measure) @MaleMultimuse

@ronan68977484 @deludeddragon The fall of anime. More dubs having identity politics and Japan bending the knee is already ludicrous enough. I should’ve destroyed this world long ago

2021-06-12 13:50:49



Edgarmash7️⃣9️⃣ (Gobble/Snarf/Snap) @edgarmash791

@deludeddragon If this keeps up Japan might as well pull all licensing of their anime and no longer distribute outside the country.

2021-06-12 04:25:14