
Lost in history @lostinhist0ry

A young woman who survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki , August 1945 . pic.twitter.com/c0uqp1lPTK

2022-06-24 10:19:31
Indigo @indigo_lyons

@lostinhist0ry Is it possible that she could have survived the remnant radiation?

2022-06-24 10:31:44
Rob @AceRob81

@lostinhist0ry After 48-72hrs its safe enough to come out of a bunker.

2022-06-24 10:40:56
Nameco @nameko20001

@lostinhist0ry She survived from nuclear bomb fallen at Nagasaki. She was 18 when the photo was taken. But later, She had battled with leukemia from 1960. Finally , She got divorce and died alone when she was 51 years old.

2022-06-24 10:43:46
Tim Oliver @idaho_tim

@lostinhist0ry Who hasn't had the nightmare where you realize that you're the only one still alive & wondering who's going to keep things running?

2022-06-24 11:00:50
Jrdn @anticlaus

@lostinhist0ry The photo title is "The last smile"

2022-06-24 11:12:16
Julie April Fan🦋 (FOLMM FB Group) @JulieAprilFan1

@lostinhist0ry 1 - she’s absolutely beautiful. 2 - this is absolutely depressing.

2022-06-24 14:23:13
Syn Cyanide @synapticcyanide

@lostinhist0ry @ayn_rose Yōsuke Yamahata (山端 庸介, 1917 – 1966) was a Japanese photographer best known for extensively photographing Nagasaki the day after it was bombed.(Warning: photos difficult to look at.): atomicphotographers.com/photographers/…

2022-06-24 11:38:35