@amesamie6_9 's anti-Japanese Hate Speech that Japanese education doesn't teach us the Rape of Nanking and so on.


発端 / Start

Amie @amesamie6_9

I need help! i'm done being independent, smart woman. The humiliation and overwork with low pay ain't worth it.


Amie @amesamie6_9

@NBCNews meanwhile the Japanese education don't teach the "rape of nanking" and the massacre of all the southeast asian people caused by the japanese army during those times. bruh!

2022-07-02 17:06:30

MAOさんの出動要請とおおまかな状況 / MAO's Introduction and Brief Situation.

MAO女史⛩64天安 @oLHRRzgP53plafv

なぜ小説を教えなくてはいけないのですか?😅 twitter.com/amesamie6_9/st…

2022-07-02 18:29:44

Translation: Why do we have to teach the novel?

Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@oLHRRzgP53plafv 私が証拠をつきつけて謝れと言った部分には言及しないで、非難ツイートを続けています。韓国人の生徒に日本からの被害を聞いたとも。自分が間違えた歴史を覆い隠すレベルだから日本をそう非難しているのですね。 twitter.com/amesamie6_9/st… CC @systemG9 @beru_ha_neko2 @patriotismforJP @AGlobalism

2022-07-03 16:50:54
Amie @amesamie6_9

The fact that this guys literally stalked me to prove his point is appalling. What i said is right in terms of history. I didn't say Japanese people are bad nor did I say they are horrible. I just mentioned that they deny the worst part of their history. pic.twitter.com/7PVhfSn1aJ

2022-07-02 22:51:59

Translation: By not mentioning my demand to apology with the counter-evidences, she continues acusing us, Japan. She says also that she heard Japanese atrocities in Korea from her Korean students. Her mentality is to hide her undesired history. So she accuses us of such a thing.

Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@oLHRRzgP53plafv @systemG9 @beru_ha_neko2 @patriotismforJP @AGlobalism 相手は、新スレ乱発して反論する日本人に自分が何を言っているのか分かりにくくする戦法に出ているみたいです。最低です。

2022-07-03 18:13:14

Translation: She creates new threads to hide her words against us.

Translation: She showed this famous anti-Japanese propaganda video.

🌸🇯🇵ゆきりん🇺🇦🌻 @l7F9SvJxjdBfb1u

@oLHRRzgP53plafv @Emmanuel_Chanel @systemG9 @beru_ha_neko2 @patriotismforJP @AGlobalism youtubeに評価は👎 ツイートにはさちさんの南京動画を引用RT。 それくらいしかできなくて…ごめんなさい🙇

2022-07-03 18:34:54

To put Dislike to the YouTube video.
To quote Sachi's video about Nanking on Twitter.
Sorry that I can do only those.

Translation: Thank you very much!

Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@oLHRRzgP53plafv @l7F9SvJxjdBfb1u @systemG9 @beru_ha_neko2 @patriotismforJP @AGlobalism テメエが無知と偏見で完全に間違った事を言って怒られているのを、炎上させられた、酷いとか言っています。自分が軽率に日本人へのヘイトスピーチを鵜呑みにしてしまった反省はないようです。 twitter.com/amesamie6_9/st…

2022-07-04 06:21:56
Amie @amesamie6_9

No wonder #HanaKimura committed suicide cuz of cyber bullying. the entire Japanese community is out there to make me commit suicide just because I said something they didn't like. What's worse is they found my partner's ID and now bullying him too. They are the worst.

2022-07-04 01:01:13

Translation: She doesn't understand the situation that she is accusing of telling wrong thing by ignorance and prejudice but she says that she is trolled and that she is a victim. Looks that she doesn't reflect that she is gulled by an anti-Japanese hate speech.

Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@oLHRRzgP53plafv 学校で自国の戦争犯罪を教えない日本という話自体が、日本人へのヘイトスピーチですね。

2022-07-02 18:55:52

Translation: The word that our schools don't teach our war crimes; itself is a hate speech.

Translation: History educations in ANY COUNTRIES are propagandas.

Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@oLHRRzgP53plafv こちらは、馬鹿な外国人に知的に翻弄されがちですからねえ。外国人の日本人への悪意を教え込むためには、ザ・コーヴやレイプ・オヴ・ナンキンを教材にして反論出来るように訓練するくらいでないといけないのでしょうね。

2022-07-02 20:36:31

Translation: We tend to be intellectually confused by ignorant foreigners. For teaching foreigners' malicious mentalitty against Japan, we should train pupils to refute them with the Cove and the Rape of Nanking.

Emmanuel Chanel @Emmanuel_Chanel

@oLHRRzgP53plafv 色が黒い感じなので、白人ではなく黒人か知らん?と思ったりしたのですけど、フィリピン系か知らん?という。リベラル白人のクリティカル・ポイントを叩ければ効果が大きいのかもと思ったりしたのですが、違うのか知らん?実際に要となる点がどこにあるのか私には読めないなあとか。

2022-07-02 20:49:48
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