
しましまのRecSys2022の参加・聴講記録 http://recsys.acm.org/recsys22/
Fair Recommendation @FAccTRec

We are so excited to announce the program of the FAccTRec 2022 We look forward to see you at the workshop facctrec.github.io/facctrec2022/p…

2022-09-17 06:17:03
しましま @shima__shima

今日からアメリカのシアトルで開催される推薦システムの国際会議 RecSys2022 recsys.acm.org/recsys22/ に向けて出発 国際会議 62回目,RecSys 11回目,USA 16回目,初シアトル

2022-09-17 12:57:13
Sole Pera @DrCh0le

#RecSys2022 is finally here! Cannot wait to spend #SundayFunday w/ #DoctoralSymposium mentors, students, & panelists. We start at 9am Seattle time! @yzrulai thank you for representing the DS chairs in person, @AbdiganiDiriye & I have #TeamRemote covered! @ACMRecSys

2022-09-18 16:42:50
Martijn Willemsen @McWillemsen

Ready for take off to #RecSys2022 soon . What seemed to be the biggest hurdle, security lines at @Schiphol airport, was actually not too bad, only took me 1.5h. hope too see you all soon! pic.twitter.com/4Oo5RNZX9b

2022-09-18 19:49:05
Manel Slokom @ManelSlokom

#RecSys2022 will start in few hours. Today, we have plenty of interesting #Tutorials (link recsys.acm.org/recsys22/tutor…) I wish all the bests to all organizers, a special mention to all #virtual and #inperson #studentvolunteers (cc @SeguraAndres7 @RajAmifa Marcel Hauck 🌷) @ACMRecSys pic.twitter.com/s6YlAqgUGX

2022-09-18 21:06:53
しましま @shima__shima


2022-09-18 22:00:00
ACM RecSys @ACMRecSys

IT'S ALMOST TIME! In case you are wondering about a dresscode, we have recently heard about this thing: a Seattle Tuxedo. It refers to wearing jeans along with a black hoodie or a grunge band shirt from the area. But, here at #RecSys2022, feel free to wear anything you like.

2022-09-18 23:57:46
Andres Segura-Tinoco @SeguraAndres7

RecSys 2022 starts today. My favorite conference of the year on Recommender Systems and many other related topics. I will do my best to share as much as I can from the main sessions, workshops and tutorials I attend. Please, stay tuned! #RecSys2022 @ACMRecSys

2022-09-19 00:12:48
Shoya Yoshida @decisiontree7

Excited for my first ever in-person #RecSys2022! Hoping to meet a lot of people so please freely reach out! :) pic.twitter.com/nldq0Csu4r

2022-09-19 00:18:33
Abhi @Agelesschronicl

Attending tutorial on Psychology inspired #RecSys , a topic always close to me heart. #recsys2022 @m_schedl @ACMRecSys pic.twitter.com/pbQHwLdLEM

2022-09-19 00:43:37
Andres Segura-Tinoco @SeguraAndres7

Started the Training and Deploying Multi-Stage Recommender Systems tutorial (from the @NVIDIAAI team). #RecSys2022 pic.twitter.com/5ujwfRYcnU

2022-09-19 00:44:12
Arun @encodedgeek

#recsys #recsys2022 "Conversational Recommender Systems using Deep Reinforcement Learning " tutorial by Omprakash Sonie from @Flipkart @ACMRecSys is in progress online and in-person, in Seattle pic.twitter.com/uVioKggZXj

2022-09-19 00:48:30
Sole Pera @DrCh0le

Thank you to the #RecSys2022 mentors who are joining the #DoctoralSymposium to offer guidance to the new generation of @ACMRecSys researchers pic.twitter.com/UIrmGO8XqN

2022-09-19 01:12:21
Abhi @Agelesschronicl

@ACMRecSys anyway to know which session(s) are being conducted by presenters at venue and which by remote presenters during #RecSys2022 ?

2022-09-19 01:34:00
Guillaume Salha-Galvan @gsalhagalvan

I am excited to attend #RecSys2022 with a few @Deezer colleagues this week! Feel free to ping us to talk about music, recommender systems, and/or the best coffee places in Seattle (an ongoing investigation). @ACMRecSys @researchdeezer pic.twitter.com/j1W1sLh0D7

2022-09-19 02:09:11
Emilia Gomez @emiliagogu

Happy to virtually attend #RecSys2022 and present our @TismirJ paper "Diversity by design in music recommender systems", with @porcaro_lorenzo and @ChaToX. Honoured to be selected for "Women in RecSys Journal Paper of the Year Awards". Wed 4pm in Seattle (Thu 1am in EU)! pic.twitter.com/uTHSsjCTgS

2022-09-19 02:16:03
Sole Pera @DrCh0le

Joining the #RecSys2022 #DoctoralSymposium from rainy Delft, happy that the hybrid interaction is working out 🙂#RecSysingFromAfrar @ACMRecSys 🌧🧉 pic.twitter.com/34mvNDR5gH

2022-09-19 02:16:21
しましま @shima__shima


2022-09-19 02:51:36
Andres Segura-Tinoco @SeguraAndres7

Started the "Hands-on Reinforcement learning for recommender systems" tutorial at @ACMRecSys 2022. From Bandits to SlateQ to Offline RL with Ray RLlib. #RecSys2022 pic.twitter.com/H6Zpk6fuAh

2022-09-19 03:43:53
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