
ざんねん @100poisha

Twitterのコア開発者が辞めたのでTwitter終了←まちがい Twitterのコア開発者が辞めたので代わりの開発者を雇わないと数年で終了←せいかい ソフトウェアは腐りますけど、だからといってメンテナンスしないと1日で腐り果てるほど脆くないんですよ。そのせいでメンテナンスせずに数年経って腐り文字数

2022-11-18 14:47:09
いーさん / Ethan🇺🇸ゲームライターとYouTuber @asacre45

Twitterが死ぬかもしれない現状まとめ イーロンがオフィス出勤週最低40時間か退職か選択を迫る 締切が過ぎる 多くのエンジニアが退職を選ぶ どんどん退職報告が上がる 退職組の中にはこのチーム抜きではタイムラインが動かないというほど超重要なチームもいる←今ココ これがここ数時間の出来事…

2022-11-18 09:51:47
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely resigned. “You cannot run Twitter without this team,” one current engineer tells me of one such group. Also, Twitter has shut off badge access to its offices.

2022-11-18 09:24:23
リンク GIGAZINE Twitterが数百人退職のため本社を一時閉鎖へ 2022年11月1日にCEOに就任したイーロン・マスク氏によって、大規模な人員整理が行われているTwitterで、従業員に対して本社オフィスが21日まで一時的に閉鎖され、バッジへのアクセスが停止されると告知が行われていることがわかりました。 82 users 38
リンク GIGAZINE イーロン・マスクの「ハードコアなTwitter」についていけないと退職する社員が急増したため方針転換で一部社員を慰留&リモートワークもOKの流れに 2022年10月27日にTwitterを買収したイーロン・マスク氏は、社員の半数を解雇したり4400人もの契約社員を解雇したりマスク氏の発言が間違っていると指摘したTwitter従業員を解雇したり、社内Slackでマスク氏を批判した社員約20人を解雇したりと、人員整理を進めています。マスク氏は従業員向けに長時間かつ猛烈に働くことに同意しない従業員は退職するようにという苛烈なメッセージを送ったことが明らかになっていますが、これを受けて何百人もの従業員がTwitterを退職することに決めたことが明らかになりま 336 users 236
Zoë Schiffer @ZoeSchiffer

NEW: Twitter just alerted employees that effective immediately, all office buildings are temporarily closed and badge access is suspended. No details given as to why.

2022-11-18 08:52:17
Zoë Schiffer @ZoeSchiffer

We're hearing this is because Elon Musk and his team are terrified employees are going to sabotage the company. Also, they're still trying to figure out which Twitter workers they need to cut access for.

2022-11-18 08:53:40
Zoë Schiffer @ZoeSchiffer

Offices will reopen on November 21st. In the meantime: "Please continue to comply with company policy by refraining from discussing confidential company information on social media, with the press or elsewhere."

2022-11-18 08:55:03
いーさん / Ethan🇺🇸ゲームライターとYouTuber @asacre45

締め切り前に残っていた社員は3,000人 未満だったのがどんどん減っていく 社内Slackには退職/リストラを意味する🫡の絵文字が並ぶ イーロンと関係者が社員によるサボタージュを危惧して全社員を21日までオフィスから締め出す…

2022-11-18 09:56:53
Zoë Schiffer @ZoeSchiffer

So far no Twitter employees have been deactivated — even those who’ve publicly resigned. Musk and his team only collected the list of “yes’s” — employees who said they want to be part of Twitter 2.0. They’re still trying to track who is out.

2022-11-18 11:43:28
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Word inside Twitter is that A LOT of employees are not saying “yes” to staying at Musk’s “extremely hardcore Twitter 2.0.” He has been meeting today with engineers to convince them to stay. His deadline to decide to stay or leave expired 6 min ago.…

2022-11-18 07:06:58
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Twitter’s Slack currently has hundreds of employees giving the 🫡 emoji, meaning they decided to not stay for Musk’s “Twitter 2.0” cultural reset. The company had just under 3,000 employees remaining before the deadline to say “yes” or not hit 20 min ago.

2022-11-18 07:20:46
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Hearing from multiple employees that the odds of Twitter breaking in the near future are very high.

2022-11-18 07:58:23
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Story to be updated soon with more: Am hearing that several “critical” infra engineering teams at Twitter have completely resigned. “You cannot run Twitter without this team,” one current engineer tells me of one such group. Also, Twitter has shut off badge access to its offices.

2022-11-18 09:24:23
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Am hearing the number of Twitter resignations today is likely over 1,000, though unclear as not all are posting their decision. Some teams, such as the engineering team that manages Twitter’s core system libraries, are completely gone now.…

2022-11-18 10:23:18
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Hundreds upon hundreds of Twitter employees have technically resigned but still have access to Twitter’s internal systems, with some speculating it is because the employees tasked with managing that access also resigned.

2022-11-18 11:30:29
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Thread here is collecting resignation tweets from Twitter engineers, many of whom are senior / have been at the company for a long time…

2022-11-18 11:48:27
Alex Heath @alexeheath

Several members of Twitter’s “Command Center” org, which I’m told Musk’s transition team identified as the lynchpin that keeps Twitter operating day-to-day, resigned today. Also entire key infra teams gone. Not good!…

2022-11-18 14:23:25
nilay patel @reckless

Updates from @alexeheath on the Twitter staff that's all quit: multiple teams that run core services are all gone…

2022-11-18 14:20:11
いーさん / Ethan🇺🇸ゲームライターとYouTuber @asacre45


2022-11-18 12:40:27


Jordan Terry @JordNullable

My time at Twitter is one of the best times of my life. Despite the ending I will cherish it for the rest of my life. I’ve met so many incredible people and learned more than I could imagine. Peace out everyone 🫡 #lovewhereyouworked

2022-11-18 06:49:55
Pavan Yalamanchili @pavan_ky

🫡 My watch ends today with Twitter 1.0. It was an honor working with a great set of people over the last 6 years.…

2022-11-18 07:08:11
Brian McNabb @brian_mcnabb

After almost 9.5 years at Twitter it feels strange that it's all over

2022-11-18 07:10:12
Catia @catia3045

🫡, last tweet from this laptop 💙

2022-11-18 07:25:42