
谷津川鼎@4/27秋葉原おもしろ同人誌バザール @yatsukawa_meiki

@elonmusk Hey Elon. Twitter said “We will not be removing any inactive accounts until we create a new way for people to memorialize accounts” in 2019. (It had said similar saying to now) Do you have any prospects for memorialize accounts? twitter.com/twittersupport…

2022-12-09 18:17:39
Twitter Support @TwitterSupport

We’ve heard you on the impact that this would have on the accounts of the deceased. This was a miss on our part. We will not be removing any inactive accounts until we create a new way for people to memorialize accounts.

2019-11-28 04:49:36
Eva Amsen @easternblot

@yatsukawa_meiki @elonmusk This was what I immediately thought of as well. A friend who died in 2019 was very active on Twitter until then, and her account is still a useful resource as well as a memorial for friends, family and followers. Nobody would want to see it disappear.

2022-12-09 20:07:02
Mojo Susan @mojosusan

@elonmusk Will you have an option for loved ones to ask to keep an account up in memory of people who have passed away?

2022-12-09 17:03:00
Jameson Lopp @lopp

@elonmusk Please keep in mind that some abandoned accounts have historical value, such as those owned by folks who have passed away. We should preserve their words.

2022-12-09 21:35:32
Northern Lass @northerness

@elonmusk Can't remember whether it was Twitter or Facebook who tried this last time, but people got *really* upset when dead people's accounts vanished. They had to backtrack.

2022-12-09 17:29:25