What exactly happened when Twitter Space got shut down on 16th December 2022

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Judd Legum @JuddLegum

I write Popular Information, an independent newsletter dedicated to accountability journalism. | judd@popular.info | Signal/Text: 202-599-7124 | DMs open


Judd Legum @JuddLegum

FACT: None of the journalists who were suspended did this. He's lying. pic.twitter.com/O49AUMEcL4

2022-12-16 12:11:09


Judd Legum @JuddLegum

Imagine fucking up and then thinking the solution is brazenly lying to 100 million people

2022-12-16 12:34:34


Judd Legum @JuddLegum

My vote is for Musk to stop lying since none of the suspended journalists tweeted his “exact location in real-time.” pic.twitter.com/8MyBt6JuPO

2022-12-16 13:20:53


Twitter Spaceでジャーナリストたちがその話をしていたところに、マスクが登場。そしてSpaceは突然サービス停止。

Katie Notopoulos @katienotopoulos

Correspondent @BusinessInsider. Extremely kind and amazing person, just like, so super nice and caring. Open DMs.

Katie Notopoulos @katienotopoulos

Sorry it appears the Space cut out, screen went suddenly blank on my end and everyone got booted. pic.twitter.com/I7cpddVKx0

2022-12-16 14:14:16



▲▲翻訳▲▲(問題のSpace参加者のひとりから)主催者が終わらせたって表示になってましたけど……えっ? て。

Judd Legum @JuddLegum

Wow. I was in this space, discussing Musk until a few minutes ago. It included a number of prominent journalists discussing the suspensions. At one point, Musk dropped by. twitter.com/katienotopoulo…

2022-12-16 14:18:37


Katie Notopoulos @katienotopoulos

Huh, appears the recording of this Space is strangely not available, funny that! Thanks to everyone who tuned in! Let’s do it again sometime

2022-12-16 14:34:00
Heidi Helen Pilypas @heidi_helen

@katienotopoulos It seems it cutting out was no coincidence. Spaces seem to be offline now for everyone. Maybe to fix the bug where suspended accounts could access it? twitter.com/nima_owji/stat…

2022-12-16 16:31:11
Nima Owji @nima_owji

Twitter Spaces has stopped working for me!

2022-12-16 15:35:35
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