ヽ(*゚д゚)ノ スカラー JSON

joda timeの人の煽り(?)エントリ => odersky先生がplayを例に出してScalaを説明 => 突っ込まれたので Lift Json を => そこで「いやでもLift Jsonって(ry」という流れでJSONの話しが盛り上がるという流れ!
Josh Suereth @jsuereth

@djspiewak @JorgeO JNothing, because Nothing isn't J enough for us.

2011-11-23 02:57:36
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@jonifreeman @jorgeo AST transformations are tough, and LINQ style queries are nearly as difficult.

2011-11-23 03:01:04
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@jonifreeman @jorgeo Lift JSON's recent changes are heading towards a better design. I think the future is bright here. :-)

2011-11-23 03:01:37
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@jonifreeman @jorgeo Let's put it this way: I don't feel a pressing need to build an Anti-JSON any time soon. ;-)

2011-11-23 03:01:55
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

"Programming is hard; let's use Java!" Wait…what?!

2011-11-23 03:03:00
Ismael Juma @ijuma

@djspiewak I couldn't find any commits in GitHub that show this. Do you have a reference? /cc @jonifreeman

2011-11-23 04:06:19
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@ijuma @jonifreeman Are you talking about the progress towards a better Lift JSON? IIRC, the commits were screwy and don't show up in log.

2011-11-23 04:10:45
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@ijuma @jonifreeman Basically, look at the current state, and compare it to the JSON support in BlueEyes (which was forked a while ago).

2011-11-23 04:11:07
Joni Freeman @jonifreeman

@djspiewak @jorgeo Figured out how to remove JField from AST while keeping current functionality... http://t.co/p5LLRk5u

2011-11-25 02:54:04
Joni Freeman @jonifreeman

@djspiewak @jorgeo ... planning to release this change after Scala 2.10 is out.

2011-11-25 02:54:51
Joni Freeman @jonifreeman

@ijuma @djspiewak @jorgeo Nothing, but as it is an API change I like to release it with other small API changes (new reflection impl, ...)

2011-11-25 04:05:47
Ismael Juma @ijuma

@jonifreeman I see. The reflection implementation is exposed in the API? /cc @djspiewak @jorgeo

2011-11-25 04:07:40
Joni Freeman @jonifreeman

@ijuma @djspiewak @jorgeo Not much, but a little bit in how type hints and custom serializers are configured.

2011-11-25 04:09:13
Ismael Juma @ijuma

@jonifreeman I see, thanks. I'd be very happy to see a binary milestone/beta with the changes before 2.10 is out. :) /cc @djspiewak @jorgeo

2011-11-25 04:27:07
Joni Freeman @jonifreeman

@ijuma @djspiewak @jorgeo Definitely. Meanwhile: "./liftsh" and then "project lift-json" and then "package" :)

2011-11-25 04:47:32
Channing Walton @channingwalton

@dibblego @jsuereth @puffnfresh @djspiewak I was responding to the idea there is a debate about what it means...

2011-11-25 04:59:38