鈴木智彦氏(ジャーナリスト・元東電福島第一原発作業員) 外国特派員協会主催記者会見 12/ 15

切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄----------- 12/15(木) -----------✄

2011-12-15 00:00:02
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ AM 12:00 -----------✄

2011-12-15 12:00:13
Nictos @Nictos

Suzuki's book, ヤクザと原発 #fccj http://t.co/imLaGPyU

2011-12-15 12:16:46
Nictos @Nictos

About 60 people here for #tomosuzu - not the biggest crowd; i count 5 vidcams. No media scrum. Usual suspects. #FCCJ

2011-12-15 12:24:38
Nictos @Nictos

Japan's best interpreter is supporting #tomosuzu - interesting. She's usually reserved for politicians. #FCCJ

2011-12-15 12:28:57
mataro @cucucuriosity

Watching #fccj Press conference - Tomohiko Suzuki who wrote "Yakuza and Nuclear Power Plants" http://t.co/tnkFyogy http://t.co/pBXAtU9R

2011-12-15 12:34:06
Nictos @Nictos

#tomosuzu is freelancer who specializes in yakuza. Hired by toshiba contractor to work at FDNPP. Handled contaminated water.

2011-12-15 12:35:05
Nictos @Nictos

#tomosuzu was fired by TEPCO after his cover was blown. Worked at FDNPP from early July thru August 22.

2011-12-15 12:36:45
Nictos @Nictos

#tomosuzu my book has 2 topics - yaks and the nuclear power biz, and the road ahead for nuclear power in Japan. #FCCJ

2011-12-15 12:38:12
ニコニコニュース @nico_nico_news

会見始まりました ■ジャーナリスト・元福島第一原発作業員 鈴木智彦氏 記者会見 主催:日本外国特派員協会 - ニコニコ生放送 http://t.co/Ysir1GGP #fccj (石津)

2011-12-15 12:39:37
文鳥さん ぶんちょうさん ( ⁰⊖⁰) @komatsunotsuma


2011-12-15 12:38:51
Nictos @Nictos

#tomosuzu says response to FDNPP is every man for himself, not the "isshouni gambarou nippon!" crap we're being fed. #FCCJ

2011-12-15 12:40:02
越智弘二 Koji Ochi @minipara

80km圏内はアウト。本来は住んではいけない場所に住んでる。 http://t.co/lyjAzpd4 #fccj

2011-12-15 12:41:14
Nictos @Nictos

#tomosuzu example: hitachi, toshiba not cooperating; each focused on promoting its own tech, solutions. #FCCJ

2011-12-15 12:41:16
文鳥さん ぶんちょうさん ( ⁰⊖⁰) @komatsunotsuma


2011-12-15 12:41:26
文鳥さん ぶんちょうさん ( ⁰⊖⁰) @komatsunotsuma


2011-12-15 12:43:42
Nictos @Nictos

#tomosuzu sez govt evac limit (20km) was set to avoid impacting larger cities (fukushima, kooriyama) despite dangerous rad levels

2011-12-15 12:43:58
越智弘二 Koji Ochi @minipara

汚染水の配管はプラスチック。凍結の恐れがある。 http://t.co/Ec8T3NlZ #fccj

2011-12-15 12:44:07
文鳥さん ぶんちょうさん ( ⁰⊖⁰) @komatsunotsuma


2011-12-15 12:44:46
Nictos @Nictos

#tomosuzu sez rush to achieve cold shutdown has led to shoddy work, substandard materials. #FCCJ

2011-12-15 12:45:53
1 ・・ 7 次へ