
3月11日の東日本大震災から一年が経ちました。 去年、世界中の人からtwitter上で送られた日本へのたくさんのメッセージ。  1年経って、日本の今、世界への感謝の気持ちを英語でつぶやいてみましょう。 日本のことを伝えるのは、日本人である私たちにしかできません。 良かったら私たちと一緒に思いをつぶやいてみませんか? 続きを読む
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Suzuki no Kei 旅人🌏 @kskGUESTHOUSE


2012-03-18 23:00:50
タウンビギナー a.k.a 文豪タウン @town_b

#311fromjapan のキャンペーンは今日が最終日です。これが終わったからといって発信が無くなるわけではありませんが、言い足りないことがあったらできるだけつぶやきましょう。僕もこれからつぶやいてlang-8に投稿します。

2012-03-18 22:54:41
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan The most important thing is that I go to Tohoku.

2012-03-18 22:09:48
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan I don't have the answer for it.To find the answer,I decided to meet many different people and experience a lot

2012-03-18 22:03:24
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan I might feel it is sort of someone else's problem.

2012-03-18 20:42:15
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan All I know is indirect information through mass media.So I don't know what to write about the disaster.

2012-03-18 20:39:24
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan I haven't been to the affected area,I haven't seen the situation there wiht my own eyes yet.

2012-03-18 20:34:48

I'd like to ask you one question. Do you still find "ganbarou Nippon"or 「節電中」 signs in your current residence or workplace? #311fromjapan

2012-03-18 19:03:16

My daughter and I went to a shopping mall in Noda city too, but we didn't see "ganbarou"signs there either. #311fromjapan

2012-03-18 18:58:08

And there were no messages like "ganbarou Nippon" anywhere, which I see everywhere in Mito and other cities in Ibaraki. #311fromjapan

2012-03-18 18:55:28

There were only a few people in the city center even on Sunday. Pinball lounges in the suburb were crowded instead. #311fromjapan

2012-03-18 18:52:37

I heard that Kashiwa was hit by the quake too, but less houses and roads were destroyed. #311fromjapan

2012-03-18 18:39:49

I'm in Kashiwa with my older daughter. I was surprised to see no 「節電中」(we are using less electricity) signs on shop windows. #311fromjapan

2012-03-18 18:37:05
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan Japan recieved a lot of help from all over the world.Thank you for #prayforjapan help.

2012-03-18 15:08:48
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan This area is a long way away from my city Nagoya. I couldn't understand what was happning at that moment.

2012-03-18 15:03:32
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan I realized that Tohoku was hit by a strong earthquake when I wached TV.

2012-03-18 15:00:03
てしがわら @leki00484944

#311fromjapan Mar.11.2011 It was when I started thinking how I should live.

2012-03-18 14:57:12
菅野俊一郎 @kannos1955

2011.3.11の大陸間Twitterのアニメーションを見てください。(ボクは胸が熱くなった) #311fromjapan 復興支援のきっかけは140文字のtwitterから http://t.co/oDkpEH9S

2012-03-17 10:08:13
hisa @hisashi_ta

11 Mar 2012 / a fishing port, Minamisanriku #311fromjapan http://t.co/hRx91Zns

2012-03-17 04:04:53
hisa @hisashi_ta

11 Mar 2012 / Utatsu, Minamisanriku (南三陸町 歌津地区) #311fromjapan http://t.co/WoM3rXgw

2012-03-17 03:54:30
hisa @hisashi_ta

11 Mar 2012 / Utatsu, Minamisanriku (南三陸町 歌津地区) #311fromjapan http://t.co/5ieiWKCf

2012-03-17 03:34:37
hisa @hisashi_ta

10 Mar 2012 / Banbanakayama, Minamisanriku (南三陸町 馬場中山地区) #311fromjapan http://t.co/wSFSY7Do

2012-03-17 03:25:11
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