
☆村田真(むらたまこと / Murata Makoto)さんプロフィール  W3CのXMLワーキンググループに参加し、XML 1.0 勧告を生み出すプロセスに貢献した唯一の日本人。また、日本のXML界の思想的先導役であると共に、世界のXML界においても名前が知られ、評価も高い。また、理論と現場の実状の双方に精通しており、セクショナリズムに陥り視野が狭くなりがちな日本の組織においても、希有の人材である。 ※http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~eb2m-mrt/index.html
村田 真 @muratamakoto


2008-05-17 20:37:31
村田 真 @muratamakoto


2008-05-19 10:59:04
村田 真 @muratamakoto

Thanks! Do we want to have another in Okinawa? I miss it a lot, but my wife (an addict of okinawa) would kill me!

2009-09-15 11:38:30
村田 真 @muratamakoto

I slept for 2(?) hours after the reception. Now, I am going to prepare for my talk in AHG3!

2009-09-16 18:09:42
村田 真 @muratamakoto

#SC34 Having finished the presentation and seen great draft resolutions, I am much happier.

2009-09-17 07:49:53
村田 真 @muratamakoto

RT @orcmid: Yes, MCE in ODF would be very interesting.

2009-09-19 03:56:28
村田 真 @muratamakoto

Start to read Rex's V2 plan for OOXML d efect report log #sc34

2009-09-27 11:04:34
村田 真 @muratamakoto

I am wondering if I should write a program for generating Word documents from new schemas. #sc34

2009-09-27 11:19:15
村田 真 @muratamakoto

Rex called me, but my microphone was not working. #sc34

2009-10-01 06:58:34
村田 真 @muratamakoto

#ooxml Successfully constructed two branches of wml.xsd and then merged them and the trunk. Svn is indeed useful for #wg4.

2009-10-04 22:52:32
村田 真 @muratamakoto

I'm preparing Japanese comments on 29500 Parts 1 and 4 DCORs. I have identified four issues. I have not reported them to WG4. #ooxml #sc34

2009-10-10 09:11:22
村田 真 @muratamakoto

#ooxml #sc34 While constructing schema branches, I find errors. I guessi I'll find more.

2009-10-10 11:31:46
村田 真 @muratamakoto

My elder kid is going to sing Panis Angelicus by Frank tomorrow in a boy choir group. But he has a sore throat. I'll try to make him better.

2009-10-11 08:05:14
村田 真 @muratamakoto

I have just finished creating two branches for the XSD transitional schemas. Only 25% ;-( #ooxml #sc34

2009-10-11 22:19:38
村田 真 @muratamakoto

@jlundstocholm The next stage will be different but equally tough.. Your kid will toss around in bed, and kick you.

2009-10-12 05:56:33
村田 真 @muratamakoto

The consort of a boy choir goup will start soon. Will my kid behave? ;-(

2009-10-12 14:22:10
村田 真 @muratamakoto

I have created 8 branches: strict/transitional RNC/XSD patched by DCOR1/FDPAM1. But I might have made mistakes. Reviewing volunteers?

2009-10-13 23:26:29
村田 真 @muratamakoto

#ooxml RELAX NG schemas in Part 1 specify namespace URIs specific to Part 4. Why? Because they disallow elements in such namespaces.

2009-10-14 12:12:54
村田 真 @muratamakoto

WG4 cannot discuss about DCORs. But experts can. Should I finish the WG4 meeting 30 minutes earlier so that experts can discuss.

2009-10-15 20:57:26
村田 真 @muratamakoto

I wrote a Japanese article about OOXML maintenance. Does machine translation work? http://bit.ly/9hA7J

2009-10-16 12:06:20
村田 真 @muratamakoto

Ouch! A bug in my XSLT template for the XSD conversion to RNG caused some bugs in some OOXML FPDAMs. #sc34 #ooxml

2009-10-17 20:04:40
村田 真 @muratamakoto

One RNG schema in the FPDAMs contain more than one "pattern" param per datatype. Not really a bug but should be avoided. #ooxml #sc34

2009-10-17 22:48:43
村田 真 @muratamakoto

I find several schema errors. Are yours editoral? :-) RT @al3xbrown: #sc34

2009-10-18 18:47:22
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