
イングランド×ドイツ戦を観戦中の女王陛下のツイートです。 試合開始早々に2点を奪われ、1点を返すも「世紀の誤審」。 試合終了後、メルケル首相の出席するサミット会場へ直行。 もちろんニセモノ。
Elizabeth Windsor (parody) @Queen_UK

Right, heads up, boys. One is expecting great things this afternoon. Queen and country. One doesn't want Merkel on the phone gloating. #eng

2010-06-27 21:04:47
Elizabeth Windsor (parody) @Queen_UK

Come on, come on people, you know what one likes. #eng #worldcup

2010-06-27 22:54:49
Elizabeth Windsor (parody) @Queen_UK

Get them on the phone. Time for some unconstitutional language. #eng #worldcup

2010-06-27 23:53:48
Elizabeth Windsor (parody) @Queen_UK

Find out where that referee is from. And get MI6 on the phone. #eng

2010-06-28 00:14:03
Elizabeth Windsor (parody) @Queen_UK

You're an embarrassment to your Queen and to your country. One is minded to show you a proper ball-kicking #eng

2010-06-28 00:48:36
Elizabeth Windsor (parody) @Queen_UK

Tell Mrs Merkel that one has left for Canada. #eng

2010-06-28 00:53:48
Elizabeth Windsor (parody) @Queen_UK

God does not love you, Mr Rooney, and neither does your Queen. #eng

2010-06-28 01:12:23
Elizabeth Windsor (parody) @Queen_UK

Ok Canada, stand by your beds. Your Queen is coming.

2010-06-28 03:03:34