NieR Replicant / Song of the Ancients Lyrics

shintarow @shintarow87

暇だったのでイニシエノウタの歌詞を耳コピしてた。以下歌詞。あとでトゥギャってみる。- Song of the Ancients (Fate) [HQ]: @youtubeさんから

2012-07-15 16:19:18
shintarow @shintarow87

Quwanta (son ta) tu no wo va laie

2012-07-15 16:20:21
shintarow @shintarow87

Tuo rigie (fa las) vo la ele gaine

2012-07-15 16:20:55
shintarow @shintarow87

Qwande vai (Qwande vai) wo nuf ve to non nuai

2012-07-15 16:22:28
shintarow @shintarow87

Shuftu dier (soddra) chez gi ve la donn

2012-07-15 16:23:44
shintarow @shintarow87

Tu nata (na dlla) i ve lihe vo lei

2012-07-15 16:24:27
shintarow @shintarow87

Le chyoghna (nyah la) so wie in ya nei

2012-07-15 16:25:13
shintarow @shintarow87

Syan dya goi (syad ja goi) ha le mita tanier

2012-07-15 16:25:54
shintarow @shintarow87

Nute visyer (va rie) von for li se le ere

2012-07-15 16:26:45
shintarow @shintarow87

Wu tras jaine Na fori ge cross la

2012-07-15 16:27:33
shintarow @shintarow87

Tuo va yu nartu sei e gartu sei to fu ralie

2012-07-15 16:28:36
shintarow @shintarow87

Wu tra jaine na vo lem ju guross loi

2012-07-15 16:29:19
shintarow @shintarow87

Curo wa yu vatese h vatuse to fla laie e jann

2012-07-15 16:29:59
shintarow @shintarow87

Wu li lier qu zisi jattu kaizier

2012-07-15 16:30:26
shintarow @shintarow87

Nya meke to we kuri a tu me kuri ti garoie

2012-07-15 16:31:21
shintarow @shintarow87

Ani ja vuwata sher la vata sher zigur loye

2012-07-15 16:32:37
shintarow @shintarow87


2012-07-15 16:33:44