東日本大震災で被災した反イルカ漁活動家ととある日本人の対話。 #taiji #thecove #tweet4dolphins

事の発端は、シーシェパードなどの反イルカ漁活動家が集まる太地町で、彼らがイルカ漁や捕殺の光景を撮影するために利用していた高台の一つが封鎖されたこと。センセーショナルな映像を撮ることで大衆の関心を引こうとする彼らにとって、これは活動の根幹に関わる問題で、早速この高台が津波緊急避難場所であることを口実に太地町が「人命よりもイルカ漁を隠すことを優先している」と根拠のない非難を始めました。 実際には、太地町は津波避難経路を改善する工事のためにこの高台を封鎖しています。高台に登る道は非常に急勾配で、高齢者を多く抱える太地町にとってアクセスの改善は急務でした。また近隣には津波避難所として建設された多目的センターもあります。 こうした事情を知ろうともせず非難を続ける活動家と、とある日本人の間で対話が始まりました。一つのサンプルケースとしてまとめておきます。 続きを読む
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

Taiji closed Tsunami evacuation route to prevent Cove Monitors from documenting dolphin slaughter. #Tweet4Dolphins http://t.co/ahde5T0D

2012-09-05 07:02:49
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

#Taiji Mayor: You should be arrested for human endangerment! Never close #tsunami evacuation zone! #Tweet4Taiji #Tweet4Dolphins #Japan

2012-09-05 07:24:22
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

I'm only alive because of a "Tsunami Hill" in Otsuchi Japan. To say that I'm angry over the Mayor of Taiji's decision is an understatement.

2012-09-05 07:27:48
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@SeaShepherd Scott, Tarah, Marley, MIke, Carisa and myself would be dead without a "Tsunami Hill". Taiji Mayor can't be allowed to do this!

2012-09-05 07:35:22
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

#Tokyo - did you know Mayor of Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture has barricaded a #tsunami evacuation route? Public Safety should be first! #Japan

2012-09-05 07:56:13
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@JPN_PMO Im a tsunami survivor. "Tsunami Hill" in Otsuchi saved my life on 311. Taiji Mayor barricaded hill in Taiji. Public Safety 1st!

2012-09-05 08:10:05
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

Public Endangerment. Look at this photo! "Evacuation Site" and it's blocked by a barricade! RT @SeaShepherd: http://t.co/e6dCMTtr

2012-09-05 09:25:33
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase Many tsunami evacuation areas exist in a neighborhood. You want to only save a peep place.

2012-09-06 11:40:46
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@konoumaru Every tsunami vertical shelter should be open! Closing any is irresponsible and criminal.

2012-09-06 11:42:16
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase When tsunami occurs, escaping to the sea side is a mistake.

2012-09-06 11:48:15
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@konoumaru I survived on a seaside hill on 311 in Otsuchi. You should know who you talk to before comment. Its a tsuanmi shelter 4 a reason.

2012-09-06 11:49:28
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase Supposing you looked at annihilation of Ohthuchi town. You should notice the senselessness of dolphin activity.

2012-09-06 11:51:35
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase Supposing you looked at annihilation of the town. You should notice the hypocrisy nature of dolphin activity.

2012-09-06 12:01:00
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase Those who look at annihilation of a town and do not change their view of life cannot save a dolphin.

2012-09-06 12:04:00
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@konoumaru I've seen a lot of towns destroyed. tsunami. tornado. earthquake. hurricane. Ive saved a lot of people, saved lots of dolphins to

2012-09-06 12:05:23
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase Are you disappointed at human society and does it obtain healing by saving a dolphin? It is egoism.

2012-09-06 12:18:43
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@konoumaru Im not disappointed at human society. Im disappointed by some humans in our society.

2012-09-06 12:19:34
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase I can regard the respect to an activist's dolphin as morbid.

2012-09-06 12:23:50
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@konoumaru Japanese-English translation is tough. I wish you and I could have a face-to-face discussion. Would be easier.

2012-09-06 12:25:13
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase Communication in conversation is still more difficult.

2012-09-06 12:29:00
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@konoumaru I have many friends in Japan who could translate.

2012-09-06 12:29:53
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase 専門の通訳でなければ難しいと思います。

2012-09-06 12:33:03
Capt. Brian Barnes @BrianBarnesWX

@konoumaru No, friends. I'm sure its hard for you to believe. Most Japanese people don't want to kill dolphins. I have great friends there.

2012-09-06 12:35:24
大庭 掃部 @konoumaru

@wxchase 日本人はあなたを傷つけない為に本心を言っていないだけです。

2012-09-06 12:38:34