on Luhmann with cyb44 (Part II)

Nico @cyb44

@contractio Sorry for the delay in answering, I haven’t been much in Twitter recently. But here it goes.

2010-01-23 22:59:01
Nico @cyb44

@contractio 1. Löwith: Thanks for mentioning him to me.

2010-01-23 22:59:45
Nico @cyb44

@contractio 2. #Heidegger: I can well understand why you read him, since the only reason i would read him would be as a historical text ;-)

2010-01-23 23:00:30
Nico @cyb44

If you’re interested in his concept of nationalism you might also like 2 read Herder, since he is at the core of this historical development

2010-01-23 23:01:06
Nico @cyb44

It was Herder who came up with the word “culture” as a way to describe the differences between ppl in the world

2010-01-23 23:01:20
Nico @cyb44

With his insistence on the influence of climate and history on the development of different communities he paved way fr romantic nationalism

2010-01-23 23:02:16
Nico @cyb44

Herder himself regarded “culture” as a kind of education or state of enlightenment accessible for everyone

2010-01-23 23:02:41
Nico @cyb44

So he didn’t speak of “German culture" or "French culture”, but from gradual stages of culture around the world

2010-01-23 23:03:10
Nico @cyb44

“Kultur” only later became a defining part of “Nation”, at least in German nationalism

2010-01-23 23:03:26
Nico @cyb44

By the way: Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744-1803) was also the first to use “Volk” as a synonym for “Nation”

2010-01-23 23:03:40
Nico @cyb44

3. Luhmann:The more I became aware of the historical context of words like culture, nation or nature the less I felt comfortable using them

2010-01-23 23:04:03
Nico @cyb44

Working with Luhmann’s Systemtheorie solved this problem for me.

2010-01-23 23:04:16
Nico @cyb44

I can observe the form “national/not national” in a certain communication (eg. saved in an object of art) and tag this use of the form >

2010-01-23 23:05:24
Nico @cyb44

<with markers for time and space.

2010-01-23 23:05:50
Nico @cyb44

I don’t have to carry on the whole possible meaning acquired through time and space in this single operation.

2010-01-23 23:06:06
Nico @cyb44

I don’t have to carry on the whole possible meaning acquired through time and space in this single operation.

2010-01-23 23:06:06
Nico @cyb44

It simply enabled me to break and size down complexity which is just pretty much the way science works

2010-01-23 23:06:21
Nico @cyb44

RT@contractio 「ルー マンに言及しているなら、その人は駄本である」という推論も<< Holy shit! This bad?! LOL! What’s your personal opinion on Luhmann?

2010-01-23 23:07:05
縮限 @contractio

@cyb44 その質問は難しいですね....。<What’s your personal opinion on Luhmann?

2010-01-23 23:43:34
縮限 @contractio

@cyb44 ルーマンに対する私自身の見解については、たいへん手短にですが、本のあとがきに書いたことがあります。よかったら読んでみてください。 http://socio-logic.jp/ethnomethodology2_register.php

2010-01-23 23:44:00
縮限 @contractio

@cyb44 ともかくも、私はルーマン・フォーラムの管理人であり [http://socio-logic.jp/]、またルーマンについて論文を書いたこともあります[http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~slogos/article.html#vol31]。

2010-01-23 23:44:26
Nico @cyb44

@contractio RT @contractio cyb44 その質問は難しいですね....。<What’s your personal opinion on Luhmann?<< wouldn't like to bore you ;-)

2010-01-23 23:48:22
縮限 @contractio

いやいや、そんなことはないですよ。長いことルーマンを読んできましたが、つき合い方がほんとに難しい人だ、と思っているのです。ただそれだけ。 RT @cyb44: *** wouldn't like to bore you ;-)

2010-01-23 23:52:38
Nico @cyb44

@contractio RT ルーマン・フォーラムの管理人であり < Did i get you right: you are thinking he is too much of a technician of science?

2010-01-24 00:08:14
縮限 @contractio

@cyb44 いいえ。まったくそうは思いません。むしろ、ちゃんと scientific ではなかったところが問題だと思っています。 <you are thinking he is too much of a technician of science?

2010-01-24 00:18:24