Minecraftの作者 @notch 神が突如降臨してサイトが一時パニック状態に

あのMinecraftの作者、フォロワー98万人を抱える@notch 氏がjsdo.itにコードを投稿、一時騒然となりjsdo.itが一時接続困難になるという事件に!海外の反応から、日本へとじわじわ伝わってくる反応まとめ。感動のラストが待ってます..! @notch 氏の投稿コード:http://jsdo.it/notch/dB1E 現在jsdo.itではHTML5のコーディングコンテスト開催中! 続きを読む

突然の@notch 降臨

notch @notch

Spent most of today learning new stuff. Ported Minecraft4k. Code is awful due to the nature of the project, but here: http://t.co/ZQQ8lsRj

2012-12-03 05:05:30


rate limited @jamileh

@notch I misread that as "portal minecraft" and got super stoked for a minute...

2012-12-03 05:06:02
Danny Roth @SFF_DannyRoth

@notch LOL think you crashed whatever you were hosting that Minecraft4k code on, it's not loading :)

2012-12-03 05:07:26


notch @notch

.. and tweeting that killed jsdo.it. It was a javascript/html5 raycaster with procedural minecraft-like textures.

2012-12-03 05:07:46
danielle 🏳️‍🌈 @endocrimes

@notch I think you may have just broken jsdo.it's servers.

2012-12-03 05:08:36
The Holy Moose @TorElgen

@notch you have power over any website on the Internet! Just tweet it, and its like its DDOS'ed!

2012-12-03 05:08:42
Rabbitfang @rabbitfang

@notch You need something that works as a load balancer for links you tweet...

2012-12-03 05:08:56

@Notch you should really warn a site before you tweet links to it lol

2012-12-03 05:09:18
Brandon Langmeier @Bobo7121

@notch Lol, you murder websites with your tweets. You have so much power over the internets. More than the UN will ever have.

2012-12-03 05:10:56
@greweb @greweb

Cool! welcome to WebGL :-) RT @notch: Spent most of today learning new stuff. Ported Minecraft4k. http://t.co/DqscJNNq

2012-12-03 06:51:20

徐々に日本にも伝わる@notch 事件

まとり @ub_pnr

うおお / (1) Minecraft4kJS - jsdo.it http://t.co/OboQUpFS

2012-12-03 18:05:16
Robin Hawkes @robhawkes

Neat little Minecraft JavaScript demo from @notch – so wish there was a full MC port to JS! http://t.co/OfLAf6le

2012-12-03 18:17:31