
ツイッター上で英日ゲーム翻訳の問題を出し合い、回答し合うというシリーズ企画です。参加者常時募集中。ゲーム翻訳のミニ教材になれば幸いです。 問題文のみ(ネタバレなし)バージョンを先に読んで、自分で訳案を作ってみたい方は各回の問題だけをまとめたこちらを先にどうぞ: ゲーム翻訳勉強会 ネタバレなし問題のみ http://togetter.com/li/323126 前回: 第22回(販促系の表現集、ゾンビもの文芸+UI、2012年11月14日~11月18日実施) 続きを読む


Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

ゲー翻勉強会第23回、前回の第22回から間が開いてしまいましたが仕切り直していざ。今回もいつもどおり中問2問+実績1問です。回答の積極募集は長めの12月4日(火)一杯予定です。(各問題は次ツイートから) #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:52:58
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1a:お馴染み、@Tumugune_TES4(紡音)さん原作のゾンビサバイバルものです。(ナレーション的モノローグ、リップシンクなし、ゾンビサバイバルもの、話者の性別未定、Q23-1b~Q23-1fまで全5行、5行目はルール処理関連) #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:53:14
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1b: "I'm getting careless, likely distracted by yesterday's event." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:53:21
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1c: "I was attacked by zombies while away from my main stash of food." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:53:28
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1d: "I reacted immediately and was able to minimize my losses, fortunately, but I really need to get a grip on myself." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:53:42
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1e: "Next time might not be this easy." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:54:01
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1f: "(You lose 10% (fractions rounded up) of your current Food, and take 2 points of damage from minor scratches.)" #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:54:26
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-2a: Q23-2は歴史/ファンタジー系ストラテジーゲーム(リアルタイム/ターンベース問わず)を想定した出題です。Q23-2bからQ23-2fまで全5行、実機画面では5行まとめて表示される想定です。 #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:56:21
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-2b: "The Ballista is a slow-moving, slow-firing artillery unit suited for ranged attacks against buildings and heavy infantry." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:56:59
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-2c: "Ballistas have better range if fired from elevated ground, raining death on unsuspecting enemy units." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:57:09
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-2d: "Ballistas are expensive, costing 200 Wood + 100 Stone each to train, so make sure you protect them from enemy Skirmishers." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:57:37
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-2e: "Possible upgrades include attack range, rate of fire, splash damage, splash radius and incendiary projectiles." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:58:22
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-2f: "Ballistas can be upgraded to Trebuchets once you research the Mathematics technology." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:58:35
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-3:(実績) "Abandon Sim-Ship - Realized first-hand that simultaneous releases are publisher-centric, not developer-centric." #gtrj

2012-11-29 09:00:42
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

ゲー翻勉強会の訳案は僕宛ての@返信でも、ハッシュタグ #gtrj つきでも、空気レスでのステルス参加(検索等で見つかる範囲で拾わせていただきます)でも大歓迎です。今回の第23回は12月4日(火)まで開催予定。※今からネタバレなし問題のみスレッドを更新して告知します。 #gtrj

2012-11-29 09:01:43


I'm getting careless, likely distracted by yesterday's event. I was attacked by zombies while away from my main stash of food. I reacted immediately and was able to minimize my losses, fortunately, but I really need to get a grip on myself. Next time might not be this easy.

(You lose 10% (fractions rounded up) of your current Food, and take 2 points of damage from minor scratches.)


The Ballista is a slow-moving, slow-firing artillery unit suited for ranged attacks against buildings and heavy infantry. Ballistas have better range if fired from elevated ground, raining death on unsuspecting enemy units. Ballistas are expensive, costing 200 Wood + 100 Stone each to train, so make sure you protect them from enemy Skirmishers. Possible upgrades include attack range, rate of fire, splash damage, splash radius and incendiary projectiles. Ballistas can be upgraded to Trebuchets once you research the Mathematics technology.


Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1b: "I'm getting careless, likely distracted by yesterday's event." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:53:21
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1c: "I was attacked by zombies while away from my main stash of food." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:53:28
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1d: "I reacted immediately and was able to minimize my losses, fortunately, but I really need to get a grip on myself." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:53:42
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1e: "Next time might not be this easy." #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:54:01
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Q23-1f: "(You lose 10% (fractions rounded up) of your current Food, and take 2 points of damage from minor scratches.)" #gtrj

2012-11-29 08:54:26
evening @eveningcl

23-1b: 「昨日のことに気を取られているせいか、注意散漫になってきている。」 23-1c: 「主要な食料置き場を留守にしている間に、ゾンビに襲われたのだ。」 #gtrj

2012-11-29 10:02:17
1 ・・ 5 次へ