
英日対訳でお届けしまんねん。 7カ国語(+日本語)は(http://togetter.com/li/422053)こちら。 なお、和訳は「ほんやくあっとにふてぃー」さんと「let's関西弁」さんにお願いしました。
Pope Francis @Pontifex

Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart.

2012-12-12 19:28:29

親愛なる友、ツイッターを通してあんはんに連絡を取るんや。 寛大な応答をおおきに。 ウチは心の底からあんはん方ずぅぇえええぇぇええんぶを祝福しまんねん。

Pope Francis @Pontifex

How can we celebrate the Year of Faith better in our daily lives?

2012-12-12 20:12:00


Pope Francis @Pontifex

By speaking with Jesus in prayer, listening to what he tells you in the Gospel and looking for him in those in need

2012-12-12 20:15:00


Pope Francis @Pontifex

How can faith in Jesus be lived in a world without hope?

2012-12-12 23:00:04


Pope Francis @Pontifex

We can be certain that a believer is never alone. God is the solid rock upon which we build our lives and his love is always faithful

2012-12-12 23:01:00

ウチたちは、信者が決して単独でないことを確信しとる場合があるんや。 神はウチたちが人生を造る硬い岩や、ほんで、彼の愛は毎日毎晩壱年中忠実や。

Pope Francis @Pontifex

Any suggestions on how to be more prayerful when we are so busy with the demands of work, families and the world?

2012-12-13 02:00:07


Pope Francis @Pontifex

Offer everything you do to the Lord, ask his help in all the circumstances of daily life and remember that he is always beside you

2012-12-13 02:01:00


Pope Francis @Pontifex

Everyone’s life of faith has times of light, but also times of darkness. If you want to walk in the light, let the word of God be your guide

2012-12-19 20:00:08

皆の信頼の人生は光の倍、せやけど、暗黒の倍も過しまんねん。 光の中を歩きたいなら、聖書がガイドであることをさせておくんなはれ。

Pope Francis @Pontifex

Mary is filled with joy on learning that she is to be the mother of Jesus, God’s Son made man. True joy comes from union with God

2012-12-19 20:12:00

メアリは彼女がイエスの母親であることであることを学ぶときの喜びで満たされて、神の息子は男性になったんや。 ほんまの喜びは神との組合から来まんねん。

Pope Francis @Pontifex

When you deny God, you deny human dignity. Whoever defends God is defending the human person.

2012-12-21 20:12:00

神を否定するとき、あんはんは、人間としての尊厳を否定しまんねん。 神を弁護する人が、人間を弁護していまんねんわ。

Pope Francis @Pontifex

We do not possess the truth, the truth possesses us. Christ, who is the truth, takes us by the hand.

2012-12-21 20:21:00

ウチたちには、真実がなくて、真実はウチたちを所有していまんねんわ。 キリスト(真実である)はウチたちの手を連れて行きまんねん。

Pope Francis @Pontifex

At the end of the year, we pray that the Church, despite her shortcomings, may be increasingly recognizable as Christ’s dwelling place

2012-12-21 20:51:00


Pope Francis @Pontifex

What family Christmas tradition from your childhood do you still remember?

2012-12-25 08:00:10