
IAEA (2006) Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1230_web.pdf チェルノブイリの土壌についての覚え書き:http://togetter.com/li/474705
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin" http://t.co/P2R7aBDaf4

2013-03-20 07:39:41
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

IAEA (2006) "Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin" TABLE 8.4 チェルノブイリでの平均外部被ばく http://t.co/07NvO8DnRX

2013-03-20 08:15:56
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin" TABLE 8.6 チェルノブイリでの平均内部被ばく http://t.co/dtNOGnLEIH

2013-03-20 08:20:26
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin" TABLE 8.12 チェルノブイリでの土壌と被ばく量 http://t.co/I5hCrZVJ3T

2013-03-20 08:19:03
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin" TABLE 8.13 チェルノブイリでの土壌と被ばく量(2001) http://t.co/hkxOnvUhKL

2013-03-20 08:21:15

Gomel-Mogilev 地域では外部被ばくが主となる。
一方、Brest 地域では総被ばく量の70%を内部被ばくが占める。

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "For the Gomel–Mogilev region, external exposure dominates, ..."

2013-03-20 08:06:33
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "whereas in the Brest region internal exposure contributes about 70% of the total dose ..."

2013-03-20 08:07:13
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "... because of the high 137Cs soil to plant transfer factor."

2013-03-20 08:07:43

Gomel-Mogilev 地域:土壌は podzol soil が主で、農業の汚染軽減処置を行った地域

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "the Gomel–Mogilev caesium spot (predominantly with podzol soils and agricultural countermeasures applied)

2013-03-20 08:04:05
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin" FIG.8.6 Gomel-Mogilevでの内部被ばくと外部被ばくの経時変化 http://t.co/opBqSffj50

2013-03-20 07:56:32

Brest 地域:土壌が podzol と泥炭のため、植物へのCs137の移行が高い

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "the Belarusian section of the Brest region (with podzol and peaty soils and a high 137Cs soil to plant transfer factor)"

2013-03-20 08:05:04
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

IAEA (2006) "Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin" FIG 8.7 Brest地区での内部被ばくと外部被ばくの経時変化 http://t.co/Bgc4t7Tvhq

2013-03-20 07:57:50

(注) ここでいう”ポドゾル”は、おそらく"ジョールンポドゾル"

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "Radiological Conditions in the Dnieper River Basin" FIG 8.8 1998-1999にかけてのGomelでの被ばく経路の内訳 http://t.co/6CkVqTHPrG

2013-03-20 08:01:03
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) "From Table 8.6 ... people living in areas with a higher clay content (e.g. black soil) obtained a lower internal dose .."

2013-03-20 08:24:47
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen IAEA (2006) ".. because of slower radionuclide transfer from soil to plants."

2013-03-20 08:25:12
