
ワイン評論家Robert Parkerのつぶやきから,これだけのことをやれば誰でもRobert Parkerになれるという8箇条を紹介。日本語訳アカウントの対応するつぶやきとなればました
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

Recent post on eRP board..."Rock and Rhone"... I'll cut and paste for you...several posts so be ready...

2010-09-10 23:16:02
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP


2010-09-13 08:31:17
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

Want this job?...Just got back from France....while I never have given specific info out(no one ever asked), here is a taste of what I do,

2010-09-10 23:16:51
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP


2010-09-13 08:34:31
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

and have done for over 30 years, keeping in mind some very simple rules:

2010-09-10 23:20:09
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP


2010-09-13 08:36:06
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

1. it is obligatory to taste every possible style from modern to traditional(most are a combination of both)

2010-09-10 23:21:02
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP

1. 現代的なワインから伝統的なものまで、可能な限りのすべてのスタイルをテイストすることが必要。(多くがこの2つのスタイルの融合型)

2010-09-13 08:38:12
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

2. taste as much as possible in a 12 hour day( rarely except any dinners-too tired basically)

2010-09-10 23:21:48
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP

2. 1日12時間、できるだけ多く試飲する。(めったにディナーに参加しない。基本的に疲れすぎるから。)

2010-09-13 08:39:57
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

3. structure a trip that tries to visit most reference point properties supplemented by large peer group tastings with syndicates-...

2010-09-10 23:23:01
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP

3.旅計画をしっかりする。 もっとも標準となるシャトーを訪れ、それ以外は組合によって行われる大きくグループわけされた試飲会によって試飲を行う。

2010-09-13 08:44:31
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

...taste light vintages before richer vintages

2010-09-10 23:23:10
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP


2010-09-13 08:45:26
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

4. pay your own way-stay and pay for a hotel, rent your own car, and have a state-of-the-art blood /alcohol device...

2010-09-10 23:24:54
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP

4. 自分で支払う事。自分でとったホテルに泊まり、自分で車をレンタルし、最先端のアルコール装置をもつ。。。

2010-09-13 08:54:38
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

...as close to you as your notebook-never drive after a big tasting if you are .05 or higher

2010-09-10 23:25:19
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP


2010-09-13 08:58:27
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP

5. 1日に2-4リットルの水を飲む事。

2010-09-13 08:59:31
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

6.get at least 8-9 hours of sleep per night-have no more than a salad or fruit for dinner-...

2010-09-10 23:27:58
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP


2010-09-13 09:01:10
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

...my biggest meal(only meal usually) is a hefty breafast at 6h30 AM-lots of eggs!

2010-09-10 23:28:26
Robert M Parker Jr @RobertMParkerJP


2010-09-13 09:03:47
Robert M Parker, Jr @RobertMParkerJr

7. one rule is fundamental-if you can't focus 100% of your energy on the wines in front of you, ...

2010-09-10 23:29:41