[まとめ]#Gamification Geeks 0709 #ゲーミフィケーション ギークス

最新のゲーミフィケーション関連Tweet(10選)をまとめました。日本語サイト・海外サイト混在です。/ All the best Gamification articles and news from the web.
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check this out. >> RT 最終回 “カスタマージャーニー”別効果的なゲーミフィケーション要素の使い方 http://t.co/AYwHlbsrFK via @nikkeibpITpro

2013-07-09 08:50:26
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

ゲームが人を引きつける魅力とはなにか? わかりやすく解説しています。ゲーミフィケーションのプレゼン用Preziです。タイトル: what's gamification? #Gamification #Prezi http://t.co/VNDvxSQf5B

2013-07-09 07:46:38
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

RT Fixing Broken Social Media Channels with Agile Leadership and Gamification: Interview w Fanzy http://t.co/DORiIIipLZ via @SocialMktgFella

2013-07-09 08:43:23
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

RT Answer by @manuellemos to Is there a gamification website for contributing to open-source projects? http://t.co/McPWMBBa4Q

2013-07-09 08:17:15
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check this out. >> RT UC Davis Gives Grant for Gamification Research | GamePolitics: http://t.co/cIQrxvswNd via @GamePolitics

2013-07-09 07:10:38
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

RT Loyalty 3.0 - Big Data and Gamification unite: An Interview with Rajat Paharia http://t.co/pGVKIi7NdC via @examinercom @HR4Change

2013-07-09 07:05:41
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check this out. >> RT [movie] Gamification: Leveraging Game Strategies & Big Data: http://t.co/gpgHYFCKCJ via @youtube

2013-07-09 08:45:44
Carter Lusher @carterlusher

"Top 40 #Gamification Gurus" list for July 2013 from Gamification at Work now up http://t.co/rV2t5708ol -CL>@Leaderboarded example use

2013-07-09 05:54:34