捕鯨問題に関する Geoffrey Keezer とのやりとり

シー・シェパードの暴力を容認してまで反捕鯨を訴える @geoffreykeezer とのやりとりです。 わたし( @obarin ) は捕鯨に対し支持も反対もしませんが、シー・シェパードの暴力には断固反対します。

@georgenagata Please translate: I love Japan, but WHALING MUST STOP. I call on all my Japanese fans to take action! http://bit.ly/bbxSso

2010-02-09 16:43:20
おばりん @obarin

@geoffreykeezer Why do you think that WHALING MUST STOP?

2010-02-09 16:49:17
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

世界的ピアニスト @geoffreykeezer からのtweet訳依頼 「僕は日本が好きですが、捕鯨活動は停止して欲しい。日本の僕のファンの皆さんも是非支援を!」 Here it is, geoffrey. 彼は日本に住んでいたし、沖縄音楽とのコラボもしてて親日は事実なのだ。

2010-02-09 17:51:33
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

@geoffreykeezer While I love your piano & against whaling, I can not support the way SS handles the matter - talk yes, fight no.

2010-02-09 17:56:52

@georgenagata "talk" has accomplished nothing, meanwhile 1000's of endangered whales r being killed in Antarctic Whale Sanctuary.

2010-02-09 22:43:38

@obarin Japan is illegally hunting 1000's of endangered whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary :( . whales r very intelligent

2010-02-09 22:46:14

@georgenagata some things are worth fighting for.

2010-02-09 22:48:26
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

Japan abides by IWC scientific whaling numbers; catch 850+220 non-endangered antarctic/minke whales out of 467,000 approx. @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 01:07:09
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

Even when assuming whaling illegal, still can't accept Sea Shepherd's dangerous sabotage tactics. 2 wrongs don't make right @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 01:07:27
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

Whales are very intelligent. Cows and pigs are a bit dumber, as are Kangaroos. What's the intel threshold to justify kills? @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 01:07:55
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

To Indians cows are God. Are Indians sabotaging slaughterhouses? Japanese adore kangaroos, so should we bully Ausie hunters? @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 01:09:03
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

For whatever reason, some people in Japan live on whaling. I don't have the audacity to deprive the right of those people. @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 01:10:04
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

For those reasons, I don't support whaling, but can not support the anti-whaling activities carried out by Sea Shepherd. @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 01:12:31

@georgenagata Japan sets its own catch limits. Most of the whale meat rots on shelves or goes to pet food. A terrible waste of life.

2010-02-10 01:51:18

@georgenagata Japan is also hunting endangered humpback whales, in an internationally recognized whale sanctuary.

2010-02-10 01:51:58
おばりん @obarin

@geoffreykeezer Isn't it illegal that Sea Shepherd attacks whaler?

2010-02-10 01:52:58

@georgenagata once you've looked a humpback in the eye and listened to their songs underwater with ur own ears, you're forever changed.

2010-02-10 01:56:38
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

@geoffreykeezer I've surfed tons of sessions with dolphins, but when a whale swam by La Jolla I was intimidated by its size.

2010-02-10 02:09:31
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

As stated already, I'm against whaling and wouldn't eat whales or dolphins unless there's absolutely nothing else to eat, @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 02:11:19
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

I also think whaling is a huge waste of our taxpayer yen - $120M to build new ship to catch & sell (or rot) unpopular meat @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 02:14:28

@obarin Sea Shepherd is currently blocking the factory ship Nisshin Maru, preventing them from loading whales on board.

2010-02-10 02:15:13

@obarin By contrast, Nisshin Maru and Shonan Maru have rammed SS's boats, sunk 1, and left them to die.

2010-02-10 02:16:33
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

But still against Sea Shepherd tactics. Prefer Greenpeace. Their info is more objective & in Japanese. http://bit.ly/cKYy8r @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 02:16:38
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

Education and communication - yes. Violence, terrorism and misinformation - no. @geoffreykeezer

2010-02-10 02:18:32
永田ジョージ / 旅するピアノ @georgenagata

My fave quote - "You think we're fighting, I think we're finally talking!" - Rod Tidwell from "Jerry Maguire" @geoffreykeezer good night!

2010-02-10 02:18:51