
2010年10月10日、北朝鮮の首都平壌で、労働党創建65周年を記念する大規模な式典(軍事パレード、マスゲームなど)がおこなわれました。 「三代目」が「次の指導者」の位置で登場するなど世界的に大きな話題となったこの行事では、予想外なことに米国や日本を含む「西側」メディアの記者に取材ビザが出され、さらに予想外なことに記者にはネット接続が許可されたとのことで、式典の前日から英語圏メディアの記者さんたちが「平壌なう」的にツイートを……。 彼ら現地入りした英語圏のジャーナリストでTwitterユーザーの方々 (普段は北京を拠点としているアルジャジーラ英語放送の @melissakchan 記者、英ガーディアン @taniabranigan 記者と @chungmedia カメラマン、米NPR @limlouisa 記者) と、日本の記者さんで @micungengyi さんのtweetsを1ページで閲覧できる形にまとめておきます。 続きを読む
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Off to Pyongyang. No Twitter, no web access, no cell phone. Be back in a few.

2010-10-09 11:20:35
yonemura koichi @micungengyi


2010-10-09 14:08:46
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

is in Pyongyang -- and the authorities have set up web access for journalists here!

2010-10-09 19:32:39
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

At Hotel Koryo, just next to Kim Il Sung Square -- tomorrow's the 65th anniversary of the Worker's Party.

2010-10-09 19:33:19
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

There will be a military parade of the Korean People's Army.

2010-10-09 19:33:33
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

So this is a first. Twitter is blocked in China -- but not North Korea.

2010-10-09 19:34:39
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

the North Korean IT guys at the press room really know their stuff -- we're logged on!

2010-10-09 20:14:14
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Everyone here (North Koreans) incredibly nice, and acting like a press room in North Korea happens every day.

2010-10-09 20:16:37
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Is this the first time foreign journalists have tweeted from Pyongyang?

2010-10-09 20:17:14
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Al Jazeera English will also be Skyping us live out of Pyongyang at the top of the hour.

2010-10-09 20:29:17
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Let's see what the Skype quality is out of North Korea...

2010-10-09 20:35:24
Dan Chung @chungmedia

Just arrived in Pyongyang, North Korea with the rest of the world's media. Amazingly our minders have provided internet access!

2010-10-09 20:38:44
yonemura koichi @micungengyi


2010-10-09 20:39:16
yonemura koichi @micungengyi

先を越されていた。RT@melissakchan Is this the first time foreign journalists have tweeted from Pyongyang?

2010-10-09 20:40:38
yonemura koichi @micungengyi


2010-10-09 20:41:30
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Just Skyped live on air -- usually I would complain about Skype live crosses -- but not out of Pyongyang!

2010-10-09 20:52:57
Louisa Lim @limlouisa

Tweeting from Pyongyang! Internet access spotty, authorities apparently unprepared for this influx of dozens of foreign correspondents.

2010-10-09 23:29:11
Louisa Lim @limlouisa

"Your visit here is unprecedented" the minder told us at Pyongyang airport, after being deluged by dozens of foreign journos.

2010-10-09 23:40:25
Louisa Lim @limlouisa

@johnmill79 @bobshiu we didn't know they'd let foreign press in either! only picked up our visas this morning.

2010-10-09 23:53:05
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Everyone here very helpful at the hotel. But still no word on what the schedule will be like tomorrow.

2010-10-09 20:53:36
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Internet went down for about 45 minutes here in Pyongyang.

2010-10-09 22:06:18
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

"If you don't have access to the Internet, how will you file your stories?" one of our North Korean minders asked.

2010-10-09 22:07:39
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

They have complete control to unplug us at any time.

2010-10-09 22:07:57
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

Al Jazeera English is doing another Skype live out of Pyongyang in the next 10 minutes.

2010-10-09 22:30:28
Melissa Chan @melissakchan

But other than Skyping and tweeting out of North Korea, journalists have not had much chance to actually... do journalism.

2010-10-09 22:46:11
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