[まとめ]#Gamification Geeks 1107 #ゲーミフィケーション ギークス

最新のゲーミフィケーション関連Tweet(10選)をまとめました。日本語サイト・海外サイト混在です。/ All the best Gamification articles and news from the web.
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check it out. >> RT via @gamificationjp メディア系サイトにも使える!記事閲覧サイトにゲーミフィケーションを導入した事例3... http://t.co/aKtOXvCWNV #gamification

2013-11-07 08:32:24
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check it out. >> RT Gamification and E-learning: A match made in heaven? - Traineasy: http://t.co/pIktkJnBbX

2013-11-07 09:04:36
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check it out. >> RT Study: Playing video games can increase brain size by @SamitSarkar http://t.co/D1SPBsbZyH via @Polygon

2013-11-07 09:02:11
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check it out. >> RT Gamification to increase participant AND client engagement by @Sebastienvl http://t.co/PMduBU0wNa via @insites

2013-11-07 08:58:14
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check it out. >> RT Yammer Gamification: 5 Levels to Stimulate User Engagement http://t.co/Lg5a7Zd79b via @MrPetrovic

2013-11-07 09:00:33
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check it out. >> RT "Gamification: a chat with Professor Kevin Werbach( @kwerb ) in Brazil" http://t.co/BfdOYdTaov via @eventbrite

2013-11-07 08:48:21
George Cohta 🍋🤍 @GeorgeCohta

Check it out. >> RT Unboxing education through gaming, playing, and making: @LucienVattel http://t.co/v64USbmPrW via @youtube @tedtalks

2013-11-07 08:38:10