A summary of the press conference by Dr. Wakayama on Jun 16

This is a summary of my live-tweeting.
弁護士ドットコムニュース @bengo4topics

《STAP》論文の共著者の一人である山梨大学の若山照彦教授が本日午後2時から、「STAP細胞」をもとにつくったとされる細胞の遺伝子解析結果を発表します。場所は、山梨大学です。 pic.twitter.com/TU8PWBEAIn

2014-06-16 13:03:13
TJO @TJO_datasci

Breaking: Teru Wakayama will have his press conf on genetic test on STAP at 2 pm JST today @pknoepfler @cells_nnm @ProfessorKenLee #STAPgate

2014-06-16 13:06:34
弁護士ドットコムニュース @bengo4topics

《STAP》論文の共著者の一人、若山照彦教授が本日14時から記者会見を開くのは、山梨大学甲府キャンパスの一角です。外で昼ご飯を食べている学生も多くいました。 pic.twitter.com/B3w42bjvVW

2014-06-16 13:12:24
弁護士ドットコムニュース @bengo4topics

《STAP論文》共著者の一人である若山照彦教授の記者会見が開かれる山梨大学の教室です。60〜70人の報道関係者が準備をしています。 pic.twitter.com/UYpTRof2hQ

2014-06-16 13:27:37
弁護士ドットコムニュース @bengo4topics

《STAP論文》STAP細胞はES細胞だったのでは、という疑いが強まっているとの報道もあります。共著者の若山教授は記者会見で、どんな解析結果を発表するのでしょうか。会見は14時からです。 pic.twitter.com/DcwKOIa4ND

2014-06-16 13:33:23
弁護士ドットコムニュース @bengo4topics

《STAP論文》共著者で山梨大学の若山照彦教授の説明がおこなわれています。 pic.twitter.com/0BbcvqdAca

2014-06-16 14:18:27
TJO @TJO_datasci

Breaking: Wakayama says genetic test reveals STAP SCs, supposed to be constructed from mice in his lab, were not from the mice #STAPgate

2014-06-16 14:44:20
TJO @TJO_datasci

Breaking: Wakayama did ACTH + LIF and didn't try 2i + LIF for STAP, in which ES grows. Only Obokata conducted 2i + LIF for STAP #STAPgate

2014-06-16 15:03:13
TJO @TJO_datasci

Breaking: Wakayama constructed FI-SC. Only Obokata conducted culture of Jaki, Meki & LIF with FI-SC #STAPgate

2014-06-16 15:04:43
TJO @TJO_datasci

Breaking: Wakayama finished the exp because his goal was constructing STAP-SCs and he found successful STAP-SCs with ACTH + LIF #STAPgate

2014-06-16 15:05:58
TJO @TJO_datasci

(Note: Wakayama's evidence implies Obokata grasped the bottleneck of STAP SCs exp. He only constructed STAP SCs subsequently #STAPgate)

2014-06-16 15:10:18
TJO @TJO_datasci

Breaking: Wakayama says students in his lab gave ES cells to Obokata in those days. It means she could use it with no retstcirtion #STAPgate

2014-06-16 16:16:59
TJO @TJO_datasci

Breaking: Wakayama says he couldn't tell cell aggregation of STAP from ones of ES because he had never seen ones of ES those days #STAPgate

2014-06-16 16:19:07
TJO @TJO_datasci

(Note: In my opinion, Obokata seemed to check whether Wakayama could detect any fabrication at each step of STAP exps #STAPgate)

2014-06-16 16:22:05
TJO @TJO_datasci

(Note: In short, she has always tried to deceive Wakayama in order to fabricate STAP cells & SCs. It looks strongly intentional #STAPgate)

2014-06-16 16:24:12
TJO @TJO_datasci

(Note: But if it's true, she can be a highly intellectual criminal. It's less likely I feel... who trained her??? #STAPgate)

2014-06-16 16:25:43
Paul Knoepfler @pknoepfler

@TJO_datasci @cells_nnm @ProfessorKenLee TJO, can you plz sum up the press conference in one or two tweets here in English? Key points?

2014-06-17 00:30:43
Jun Seita, MD, PhD @jseita

@pknoepfler @TJO_datasci @cells_nnm @ProfessorKenLee Wakayama gave mice with GFP on Chr18, but received STAP cell with GFP on Chr15.

2014-06-17 00:34:03
Jun Seita, MD, PhD @jseita

@pknoepfler @TJO_datasci @cells_nnm @ProfessorKenLee RIKEN found frozen ES cells in Obokata lab which has GFP on Chr15.

2014-06-17 00:35:24
Jun Seita, MD, PhD @jseita

@pknoepfler @TJO_datasci @cells_nnm @ProfessorKenLee Wakayama said now there was no evidence to support existence of STAP.

2014-06-17 00:39:15
Jun Seita, MD, PhD @jseita

@pknoepfler @TJO_datasci @cells_nnm @ProfessorKenLee Don't blame Obokata alone. Many big names at CDB endorsed and used STAP for themselves

2014-06-17 01:28:20
TJO @TJO_datasci

@pknoepfler @cells_nnm @ProfessorKenLee How about one more interview with Teru on your blog? It must help many researchers outside Japan

2014-06-17 01:47:23