
この1月、並外れた大雪に見舞われたUK。Twitterユーザーのポールさんは直接の知り合いに、「空港が閉鎖されるんだよ」という愚痴を、怒りに任せて下手なジョークに仕立て、[取り消し→]相手に@でmentionして[←取り消し]送信した。(※これをまとめたときに見ていた情報が間違っていたことが判明したので修正。13日夜) そのジョークが「物騒な予告」と解釈されたからたまらない。ポールさんは逮捕・起訴されてしまった。誰もがこんなことで有罪にはならないだろうと思っていたかもしれないが、なぜか逮捕時とは違う法律を根拠に起訴されて迎えた一審はまさかの有罪。ポールさんは控訴し、その二審の判決が11月11日に出たのだが……。 続きを読む
martin wainwright @mswainwright

Morning Tweeties Am off shortly to resumed appeal by Paul Chambers, the airport bomb Tweet-joker, at Doncaster Crown court. It all seems..

2010-11-11 16:49:13
martin wainwright @mswainwright

..trivial but there are potentially serious legal issues behind such questions as why the CPS chose to use not the specific anti-bomb hoax..

2010-11-11 16:50:28
martin wainwright @mswainwright

..of us at the late great Clem Attlee's suggestion). It requires much less proof of serious intent. Anyway, I'm Twittering early to give...

2010-11-11 16:51:49
martin wainwright @mswainwright

..law but one originally designed in the 30s to protect 'female telephonists at the Post Office' from nuisance callers (and extended to all

2010-11-11 16:51:02
martin wainwright @mswainwright

..those interested a short reading list. For story so far, see my colleague Robert Booth's piece:

2010-11-11 16:53:05
martin wainwright @mswainwright

For fascinating legal background, check out anything by David Allen Green, especially these two links from his blog and The Lawyer:

2010-11-11 16:56:10
martin wainwright @mswainwright

And The Lawyer one: www.thelawyer.com/the-twitter-“bomb-hoax”-case-worse-than-we-thought?/1003651.article There's also a good comment on

2010-11-11 16:58:01
martin wainwright @mswainwright

www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/libertycentral/2010/oct/04/paul-chambers-terror-tweet-free-speech by Jacob Rowbottom of Cambridge Uni

2010-11-11 16:58:41
martin wainwright @mswainwright

Tweet trial due to start 10.30 and could be over quickly if hammer/nut argument accepted

2010-11-11 17:42:43
Paul @pauljchambers

Eyes are crusted over, need to shake that off before the start of proceedings.

2010-11-11 17:47:46
Paul @pauljchambers

Also, won't be tweeting much until later. Haven't paid my phone bill, which apparently is a problem when you want a service provided.

2010-11-11 17:49:54
martin wainwright @mswainwright

The man himself is Tweeting cheerily btw - http://twitter.com/pauljchambers - probs with a phone bill he warns his own Tweetifollowers

2010-11-11 18:11:21
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial no start til 11 what a surprise. Fantastic rainbow over Donny

2010-11-11 19:55:14
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#Twitterjoketrial Is great interest in the case in Tweetand as well as the law veritably a Tweet Treat Going in soon

2010-11-11 20:08:16
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#Twitterjoketrial. OK in court now so radio silence will follow for awhile. More thereafter

2010-11-11 20:19:36
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#Twitterjoketrial. Judge has rejected defence attempt to throw out case straight away

2010-11-11 20:54:31
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial. She finds at this stage that Chambers' Tweet was menacing, that he must have known it might..

2010-11-11 20:56:23
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial. ..be taken that way, and that Twitter is a public network. Those were grounds for appeal

2010-11-11 20:57:50
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#Twitterjoketrial. Defence case now trying to persuade her otherwise, starting with PC evidence

2010-11-11 20:59:02
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#Twitterjoketrial. Chambers' evidence was repeated denials that he maent menace or had the slightest notion that..

2010-11-11 21:51:03
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#Twitterjoketrial ..anyone might feel threatened. Cross examination went for the latter Defence..

2010-11-11 21:52:46
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