
スロベニアで開かれているIWC(国際捕鯨委員会)総会を取り上げた、9/17のNHK「ニュースウォッチ9」の特集の中で、度肝を抜く解説が。 視聴者の目に飛び込んできたのは、画面いっぱいにデカデカと書かれた「ニュージーランド真のねらい 日本の国際的イメージ悪化」のキャプション──。 いつも噛み付かれてる近隣諸国の人たちも、「ああ、自分たちだけじゃないんだなあ・・」と思ったかも。 さて、同じ太平洋の島国として、報道の自由度をはじめ民主主義の指標で高く評価され、非核の道を貫き、地震の痛みをともに分かち合う、かけがえのない友好国であるはずのNZと同国市民に、思いっきり拳を振り上げてケンカをふっかけたNHKの真意は?? ツイッター上での反応を拾ってみる。 続きを読む
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秋ゑびす @yamashita99

ニュージーランドって、反捕鯨団体に魂(国家の総意)を売り渡した国なの? #NHK

2014-09-17 21:22:33
マート @maato_maato

ガボン調査捕鯨反対→北京の横車 #nhk

2014-09-17 21:24:31
本田 桜🌸あざと腹黒セレブ🇯🇵✨ @sakura_HONDA613

日本の調査捕鯨、あやしい雲行き #nhk のナレーションが怖いです・・・ このような世界の掌返しを見せつけられると ますます集団的自衛権の必要性を感じずにいられない。

2014-09-17 21:31:19

Corey Wallaceさんと玄瓶充さんのやりとり──NHKの報道と対極にある、NZと日本の市民同士の対話

Corey Wallace 🇳🇿 @CoreyJWallace

NHK: "NZ's real purpose: to hurt Japan's international image" truly childish and intentionally dishonest. Sad.

2014-09-19 07:23:48
玄瓶充@大西そう、7/10参院選高知徳島 @KrKaMe

@CoreyJWallace And Spin doctor advertised, whaling is jp's culture and Important. After ww2, Jp was poor, and beef like taste whale was need

2014-09-19 10:59:58
玄瓶充@大西そう、7/10参院選高知徳島 @KrKaMe

@CoreyJWallace Of course, there are some trad jp whale dishes, and many of us want to save it. But the consumption of whale is decreasing.

2014-09-19 11:04:03
Corey Wallace 🇳🇿 @CoreyJWallace

@KrKaMe I have heard that many times. our countries can agree to disagree on this issue, but this tv presenter is over the top and rude.

2014-09-19 11:06:08
玄瓶充@大西そう、7/10参院選高知徳島 @KrKaMe

@CoreyJWallace So many Japanese are annoying why cultural whale meat consumption is claimed by other country. And they say strange stories.

2014-09-19 11:07:26
Corey Wallace 🇳🇿 @CoreyJWallace

@KrKaMe frankly NZers really really like Japan and Japanese people. So it's sad to see this immaturity.NZers feelings about Japan not

2014-09-19 11:08:18
Corey Wallace 🇳🇿 @CoreyJWallace

@KrKaMe not teally affected by Whaling issue. We dont see it as a barrier to good relationship.

2014-09-19 11:09:39
玄瓶充@大西そう、7/10参院選高知徳島 @KrKaMe

@CoreyJWallace Yes, that point is serious problem. This shows a point of low level of my country's bradcasing. So sad.

2014-09-19 11:10:40
玄瓶充@大西そう、7/10参院選高知徳島 @KrKaMe

@CoreyJWallace I have a Kiwi Friend, So i'm afraid this nhk's presentation make bad to both countries rerations.

2014-09-19 11:16:06
Corey Wallace 🇳🇿 @CoreyJWallace

@KrKaMe I hope the Japanese public will ignore such slander as just the work of a troublemaker :-)

2014-09-19 11:22:22
玄瓶充@大西そう、7/10参院選高知徳島 @KrKaMe

@CoreyJWallace Thank you. I'll contact with a nhkGrovalnews account and tell this.

2014-09-19 11:25:19
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